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UB Freight Limited

REGULATED AGENT – UB Freight Limited


Atish Kumar
ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organisation
• The specialist agency of the United Nations which was constituted
under the Chicago Convention to promote the safe and orderly
development of civil aviation.
• Establish Standards and Recommended Practices
• ICAO Conventions
• Annex 17
• Security Manual (DOC 8973)
• National Civil Aviation Security Programme: the document which sets
out the Governments security policy in respect of civil aviation within Fiji
and the security of Fiji civil aircraft overseas. It is under continuous review
and is revised as dictated by changes in the threat and other conditions.

• Legally required pursuant to the Civil Aviation (Security) Act1994

• Civil Aviation (Security) (Amendment) Regulations 2006

• Is designated as the appropriate authority for aviation security in
respect of all matters pertaining to ICAO Annex 17 on Security.
• Establish AVSEC standards in Fiji
• Conduct oversight of implementation
• Airport Security Programme: a written document, maintained by the aerodrome
manager, of the measures adopted at the aerodrome to safeguard civil aviation against
acts of unlawful interference, together with a map identifying the Security Restricted
Area(s) at the aerodrome.

• Airline Security Programme: a written document maintained by an aircraft operator

of the measures adopted by his airline to safeguard civil aviation against acts of
unlawful interference.

• Regulated Agent Security Programme: a written document which details all security
measures which are required to be implemented by the regulated agent in fulfilling his
responsibilities under the National Civil Aviation Security Programme.
• Acts of unlawful interference. These are acts or attempted acts such as to jeopardize the safety
of civil aviation and air transport, i.e.

a) unlawful seizure of aircraft in flight,

b) unlawful seizure of aircraft on the ground,

c) hostage-taking on board aircraft or on aerodromes,

d) forcible intrusion on board an aircraft, at an airport or on the premises of an aeronautical facility,

e) introduction on board an aircraft or at an airport of a weapon or hazardous device or material

intended for criminal purposes,

f) communication of false information such as to jeopardize the safety of an aircraft in flight or on

the ground, of passengers, crew, ground personnel or the general public, at an airport or on the
premises of a civil aviation facility.
• Air Waybill (AWB) means a document, issued by the aircraft operator,
freight forwarder or other party which normally constitutes a contract
between the aircraft operator and the customer.
• Cargo. Any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores and
accompanied or mishandled baggage.

• Cargo area. All the ground space and facilities provided for cargo
handling. It includes aprons, cargo buildings and warehouses, vehicle
parks and roads associated herewith.

• Cargo building. A building through which cargo passes between air and
ground transport and in which processing facilities are located, or in
which cargo is stored pending transfer to air or ground transport.
• Consignment means cargo, express freight, courier material and mail.

• Consignment security certificate means a document signed by a person nominated by a

“known customer” certifying that the consignment to which the document refers is known
cargo which:
has been secured in accordance with the Authority’s criteria; or
was received in a secure condition and has been protected from unauthorized access since
being taken into the company’s custody.
A Consignment Security Certificate may refer to one or more items and may be
incorporated into other documentation relation to the handling and movement of the
relevant consignment.

• Consignor means a customer, air cargo agent, courier company or other organisation who
delivers cargo, express freight, courier material or mail to an aircraft operator or cargo
handling company for carriage by air.

• Consolidated consignment means a consignment from several different customers,

consolidated and sent to the aircraft operator by a forwarder or any other party.
• Known cargo means:
a consignment from a “unknown customer” or listed air cargo agent to which appropriate security
controls have been applied; or
a consignment of “unknown cargo’ which has subsequently been subjected to appropriate security

Known consignor.
• A consignor who originates cargo or mail for its own account and whose procedures meet
common security rules and standards sufficient to allow the carriage of cargo or mail on any

• Known customer
• A “ known customer” is a customer:
who has a written agreement with the regulated agent signed at management level by both parties.
Whose arrangements for meeting the cargo security requirements :are detailed in that written
agreement; and have been verified by the regulated agent, or, as the case may be, by any other
security approved regulated agent or aircraft operator or by an agent acting on their behalf
within twelve calendar months prior to the date on which the cargo is received.
• Regulated agent. An agent, freight forwarder or any other entity who
conducts business with an operator and provides security controls that are
accepted or required by the appropriate authority in respect of cargo, courier
and express parcels or mail.

• Suspect consignment means any consignment containing any suspicious signs

that cannot be resolved.

• Suspicious signs means indications suggesting that a consignment may

contain a prohibited article.

• Tamper-evident means affixing a cover, seal or other means to a consignment

of cargo or aircraft such as should indicate that the consignment or aircraft has
been interfered with since the affixing of such.
Why Cargo is Vulnerable
• Volume carried increasing
• Cargo system well known
• Able to target specific flights
• Difficult to screen
• Low risk to terrorist
Constraints on Security

• All cargo cannot be screened

• Diversity in size, density and nature
• Urgent nature of air cargo

• ICAO Annex 17 Standard 4.6.3

stipulates that “Each Contracting
State shall establish a process for
approval of regulated agents, if such
agents are involved in implementing
security controls”.

• Certified by CAAF under the

Regulations 19B of the Civil
Aviation Security Regulations
1994 as amended.


Regulated agents receiving cargo, parcels or other items for

shipping by air on air transport passenger aircraft, is for the
verification of such items to ensure that any risk to aircraft is
Regulated agents are responsible for the following specific security procedures:

• Where the shipper is unknown, positive identification must be established

and the cargo or other items are to be inspected before acceptance;

• Where, under any circumstances, any consignment gives cause for

suspicion, it shall be examined, preferably in the presence of the regulated
agent, to ensure that it does not contain any thing or device which may pose
a threat to the safety of the flight on which it is being dispatched; and

• Maintain security of shipments from time of receipt until delivered to the air
cargo operator, to ensure that the unauthorised introduction of anything
whatsoever into the shipment or container is prevented.

• Must be written as required by the States

• Requirements of Regulations 19B of the Civil Aviation Security
Regulations 1994 as amended
• Review every 12 months
• Restricted document on the need to know basis

• Need to be an account customer

• Sign the security agreement (Annex A) with the regulated agent
• Validated by the regulated agent every year
• Staff preparing goods for carriage by air will be supervised to ensure that they have not inserted in the
consignment any prohibited article. Where possible, each consignment of cargo will be checked and made
tamper evident.

• Premises used for the preparation of cargo will be secured and access controlled.

• Prepared consignments of cargo will be held within a secure environment until ready for transportation to
the cargo agent or airline.

• Staff engaged in preparing consignments for carriage by air will be provided with training sufficient to
enable them to understand and carry out their security responsibilities.

• Staff employed in preparing cargo for carriage by air will be recruited in accordance with criteria agreed
with the validating cargo agent or aircraft operator. (Police Clearance)

• The cargo compartment of any vehicle used to transport "known cargo" will be secured. The driver
delivering "known cargo” will identify himself to the listed agent or airline with a valid security pass.
• 100 % physical hand search
• Positive identification

• Transshipment cargo
• Human Remains
• Live Animals
• Diplomatic Mail
• High Value Good
• Any person shall make a report direct to
the Authority of any security breaches,
incidents or occurrences of
which such person has knowledge of by
the quickest possible means, either
verbally or electronically
within 96 hours of the occurrence.
• Air cargo is still the most attractive
target for terrorists and the known
shipper and regulated agents
perform an important
aviation security
function in ensuring security of air
cargo on board passenger aircraft.

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