CEDYNA20 - Topic 01 - Introduction

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School of Architecture,

Computing and Engineering

Introduction TOPIC 01



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School of Architecture,
Computing and Engineering

Sir Isaac Newton is credited with laying However, the laws of motion as we use them today
foundation of classical mechanics the with were developed by Leonhard
publication of Principia in 1687 the Euler and his contemporaries more than sixty years
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School of Architecture,
Computing and Engineering

Particle Rigid Body

 A mass point.  A body is said to be rigid if the distance between
 It possesses a mass but has no size. any two material points of the body remains
 The particle is an approximate model of a body
 The body does not deform.
whose dimensions are negligible in
 A truly rigid body does not exist.
with all other dimensions that appear in the
formulation of the problem.
 Ex: Earth movement to the sun

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School of Architecture,
Computing and Engineering

 Kinematics is the study of the geometry of motion.  The force-mass-acceleration (FMA) method is a
It is not concerned with the causes of motion. straightforward application of the Newton-Euler
 Absolute motion is used when the motion laws of motion, which relate the forces acting on
is with respect to a fixed reference frame the body to its mass and acceleration.
(coordinate system).
 The work-energy and impulse-momentum
 Relative motion, on the other hand, describes the methods are integral forms of Newton-Euler laws
motion with respect to a moving coordinate
of motion (the equations of motion are integrated
with respect to position or time).
 Kinetics, on the other hand, deals with the
relationships between the forces acting on the
body and the resulting motion.
 Kinematics is not only an important topic in its own right
but is also a prerequisite to kinetics.

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School of Architecture,
Computing and Engineering

 The velocity of the particle at time t is defined as
v 𝑡 = lim =
Δ𝑡→ Δ𝑡 𝑟ሶ(𝑡)
 The magnitude of the velocity, also known as
the speed of the particle
POSITION 𝑣 𝑡 = lim =
Δ𝑡→ Δ𝑡
 The corresponding change in the position vector of 𝑠ሶ(𝑡)
the particle:
Δ𝑟 = 𝑟 𝑡 + Δt − r t The change in the velocity during the time interval
Dt is:
 This is called the displacement vector of
Δv = v 𝑡 + Δ𝑡 − 𝑡(𝑡)
 The change in path length during the time interval The acceleration of the particle at time t is defined as
Dt is: 𝑎 𝑡 = lim = vሶ 𝑡=
Δ𝑠 = 𝑠 𝑡 + Δ𝑡 − 𝑠(𝑡) Δ𝑡→ Δ𝑡 𝑟ሷ(𝑡)

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School of Architecture,
Computing and Engineering

Newtonian Mechanics
 In 1687, Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) published his celebrated laws
of motion in Principia (Mathematical Principles of Natural
 Another two hundred or so years elapsed before rigid-body
dynamics, fluid mechanics, and the mechanics of deformable bodies
were developed.
 Nevertheless, Newton’s work is the foundation of classical,
or mechanics.
 His efforts have even influenced two other branches of mechanics
born at the beginning of the twentieth century:
 Relativistic mechanics addresses phenomena that occur on a cosmic
scale (velocities approaching the speed of light, strong gravitational
fields, etc.).
 Quantum mechanics is concerned with particles on the atomic or
subatomic scale.

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School of Architecture,
Computing and Engineering

Newton’s laws for particle motion

 Using modern terminology, Newton’s laws of particle motion may be stated as
1. If a particle is at rest (or moving with constant velocity), it will
remain at rest (or continue to move with constant velocity)
unless acted on by a force.
2. A particle acted on by a force will accelerate in the direction
of the force. The magnitude of the acceleration is
proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely
proportional to the mass of the particle.
3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; that
is, the forces of interaction between two particles are equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction.

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School of Architecture,
Computing and Engineering

Inertial Reference Frames

 An inertial reference frame (also known as a
Newtonian or Galilean reference frame) is defined
to be any rigid coordinate system in which
Newton’s laws of particle motion relative to that
frame are valid with an acceptable degree of
 On earth – attach the coordinate system on
 Earth satellites - coordinate system attached
to the sun
 Interplanetary travel, it is necessary to use
coordinate systems attached to the so-called
fixed stars.

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School of Architecture,
Computing and Engineering

Applications of Principles of dynamics

 Typically the structural design of any vehicle, such as
an automobile or airplane, requires consideration of
the motion to which it is subjected.
 Mechanical devices, such as motors, pumps,
movable tools, industrial manipulators, and
 Predictions of the motions of artificial satellites,
projectiles, and spacecraft are based on the theory
of dynamics.

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School of Architecture,
Computing and Engineering

End of presentation

Thank you!

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methods, without the prior written permission of the owner, except for personal academic use and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics

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