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•Viswakavi (World Poet)
Rabindranath was born on May 9,
1861 in Bengal.
•His father Maharshi Devendranath
Tagore was a rich man and an
aristocrat and his mother was Sarada
•Rabindranath Tagore was not sent to
any school. He was educated at
home by a tutor. Rabindranath was
not happy, getting educated within
the four walls.
•He was a curious and creative child.
• Rabindranath started writing poetry. “Gitanjali”
is a well-known collection of his poems.
• Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel
Prize for literature in 1913.
• Rabindranath Tagore was the first Indian to get a
Nobel Prize and the British Government
conferred on him knighthood and gave the title
of “Sir”.
• Rabindranath started a school at
Bolpur, a village 112km. north of
Kolkata. This school developed
into Shantiniketan.
• He established
University near
Santiniketan in 1921.
•Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru had
the greatest respect for Rabindranath Tagore.
• He was a great philosopher and a teacher.
He was called “Gurudev” by all.
•He breathed his last on August 7, 1941,
leaving his thoughts and ideas for all to

Tagore said nature is the great teacher
which is not hostile to man. Nature is kind,
generous and benevolent like mother.
In his view, "Education diverted from
nature has brought untold harm to young
children." Man should develop his relation
with the nature as his fellowmen.
Tagore believes that man should realize
the "ultimate truth" which will liberate
him from the worldly bondage.
Experience according to him is within the
world of illusion (Maya). He thoughts the
world is the place of both truth and
illusion (Maya).
As an idealist he was an ardent supporter
of truth, virtues and values. According to
Tagore, "By art man can experience the
wholeness of life. The fine arts were
nothing but intellectual and spiritual
discipline. He said Bhakti can spiritualize
Tagore said nature and man are created by
supreme power. There is a strong link
between man and nature. So man should act
naturally to feel the presence of superpower
within him. Love fellowmen in a natural
way. Realization of self is the essence to
realize the Godhood.
Rabindranath Tagore was in favour of one
world creation of unit amidst cultural, colour
and religious diversities is the need of the time
for peaceful co-existence in the globe.
Forgetting selfishness one we should work to
establish world culture based on love, affection
fellow feeling and mutual understanding.
Rabindranath Tagore put emphasis on
'naturalism' for framing educational model. In
education, freedom is the basic guiding force
for inculcating interest within a student who
will derive inspiration from nature to pursue
any branch of knowledge he likes. The
establishment of Shantiniketan fulfilled the
desired goal of Tagore in the educational front.
Some of the
Ideas anchored
on Tagore’s
1. Unity of West and East
Tagore's education marked a novel blending of
the ideas of the East and West. The spiritualism
of Indian philosophy and progressive outlook
of the western people were blended together to
give rise to an educational philosophy which
marked its distinction in comparison to other
educationists of India.
2. Natural growth in natural
Tagore believed that nature is the best
teacher to the pupil. Nature will
provide the student with necessary
situation to earn knowledge. No
pressure should be exerted upon the
student to learn anything.
3. Goodbye to book-centered
For the first time in the arena of education, Tagore
established a new mile-stone. With boldness and
firmness, he rejected a book-centered education for
students. This is because books can kill the
creativity of the students. Students should be freed
from the-book-centered education and should be
given a broader avenue for learning.
4. Freedom to Learner
Tagore had championed the cause of freedom.
To him, education should be after the heart of
a man. He explained freedom in three-
categorized ways i.e. freedom of heart,
freedom of intellect and freedom of will.
Education imparted in a natural way will lead
to the fulfillment of these three freedoms.
5. Teaching - practical and
According to Tagore, teaching should be
practical and real but not artificial and
theoretical. As a naturalist, Tagore laid
emphasis on the practicality of education. That
creativity will bring perfection in the learning
process and the student will be a master in his
own field but not a slave to mere theoretical
knowledge which one delves deep.
6. Palace of fine arts (dance,
drama, music, poetry etc.):
Tagore attached great importance to the fine
arts in his educational curriculum. To him,
game, dance, music, drama, painting etc.
should form a part of educational process.
Students should take active part in these finer
aspects of human life for these are very
essential to enrich soul.
6. Palace of fine arts (dance,
drama, music, poetry etc.):
“. . .speaking creates nearness
between man and man, while music
helps us to identify ourselves with
7. Education for rural
Tagore was aware about the rural poverty of
our country. Students can remove the
poverty of the rural bulk by applying their
education helping thereby in the process of
rural reconstruction.
Aims Of Education
(1) Self Realization (6) Freedom
(2) Intellectual (7) Co-relation of Objects
Development (8) Mother tongue as the
(3) Physical Development medium of Instruction
(4) Love for humanity (9) Moral and Spiritual
(5) Establishment of Development
relationship between man (10) Social Development
& God
Teaching through Tours and Trips
Tagore believed that the subjects like history,
geography, economics and other social sciences
can be effectively taught through excursions
and tours to important spots. By this students
will get an opportunity to observe numerous
facts and gain first-hand knowledge through
direct experience.
Learning by activities
Rabindranath Tagore said that for the
development of child's body and mind,
learning through activity is essential.
Therefore he included activities like climbing
tree, drama, jumping, plucking fruits, dancing
etc. in his educational programs.
Narration-cum-discussion and
debate method
Narration-cum-discussion and debating
activities were organized Tagore's education
center to develop oratory abilities of the
students. Students were encouraged to solve
problems of various areas through rational
debate and thorough discussion.
Heuristic Method
Rabindranath Tagore introduced heuristic method as
an important method of teaching in his educational
institution. In this method, the students are asked
questions to clarify their doubts on topics and teachers
try to satisfy them by their correct answers. Then the
teacher asks the questions to students to evaluate how
far the students are able to comprehend the topic
discussed in the class.

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