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Reading and Critical Thinking

Instructor: Wenfang Fan

Tel. & WeChat: 13910711710
Good morning folks!
Week 7-Mon.

Greet each other, please!

Plan for today:
1. An idiom/phrase;
2. Spoken English: Linking and the song;
3. Class discussion: The Clip
4. Group discussion
An idiom/phrase
Ace in the hole
1. Consonant + vowel : shift (移位连读)
Triple A
more than a dozen injured
2. Vowel + vowel : Addition /y/ or /w/ (增音连
/ā/ 、 /ē/ 、 /ī/ 、 /oi/
/ō/ 、 /ū/ 、 /ü 、 /ou/


the quality and quantity of the evidence

3. Consonant + consonant

6 plosives: /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/ and /g/ + a consonant


Good day everyone!

He was still able to get guns.
My Heart Will Go ON

Every night in my dreams, I see you; I feel you.

That is how I know you go on.
Far across the distance and spaces between us,
you have come to show you go on.

E. very nigh tin/ my dreams - . I/see you – I/ fee –l you –/

Tha. dis how wi/ know you – go/ won - - - /.
Fa. ra cro ssthe/dis tance – and/spa ce- sbe/twee - nus -/
You. have come to/show you – go/won - - -/
My Heart Will Go ON

Near , far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart do es go on.
Once more, you open the door and you’re here in my heart and
my heart will go on and on.

Near - - - /far - - wher/re – ver you / ware – I be/ lieve – that the/
hear(t) do esgo / won - - - / - - - -/
on - - ce /more - - you / wo – pen the/ door- and you’re/ here – rin
my /hear tan –d my / hear twill – go / won – nan- /don - - -
Class Discussion
Group debate:

Statement: So much of people's positions is motivated just by

what's good for them, rather than thinking about others.


Your position: Share your positions. Share stories of yourself or

those you’ve heard of to support your position.

our time
this semester!

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