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Subject: English

Topic: Notice Writing


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You are a part of the organising committee for your school’s
Annual Award Function. It is a grand ceremony and you have
been asked to draft a formal invitation in the form of a notice to
invite the faculty, students and their parents. You are very worried
since you do not know the appropriate way to draft a notice. So,
how would you do it?

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A notice is a short and concise piece of writing, displayed in order to
convey factual details like news and information.

It is mostly advertised by being posted on notice or display boards,

and in a few cases, are published in newspapers or magazines.

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What details should a notice include?

Since a notice is most often used to provide factual details in a

formal concise manner, it should include:
 The issuing date of the notice.
 The title of the information or announcement.
 The name of the person or organisation issuing the notice.
 The date, time and venue, in case of an event or invitation.
 A short paragraph of information.

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Language or diction for a notice

The notice, often being an official announcement of some

factual news or information, must use formal diction and a
neutral and objective tone of announcement.

Moreover, being limited to approximately 50 words, the

words used must be precise and specific, and there should
be no use of elaborate or descriptive language.

So, now you know how to write a notice!

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 The sentences must be short and grammatically correct.

 Any other relevant information which is not included in

the question can be added.

 The word ‘Notice’ in the header, catchy headlines, bold

letters etc. should be used to attract the attention of the

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Sample Format
 The title ‘NOTICE’ must always be at the top, in the centre.
 It must be followed by the name of the organisation and place of issue
in block letters, again aligned at the centre.
 The date of issue must be mentioned below the place of issue, but it
must be aligned to the left-hand margin.
 After the date, the title/subject of the content of the notice must be
written, aligned centre.
 The content of the notice should follow immediately after the title and
must be brief and specific, aligned to the left-hand margin.
 To end the notice, the name of the issuing person or authority must be
placed aligned with the left-hand margin followed by the designation of
the respective person.
 Lastly, the notice must always be written inside a box.
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Sample Format

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You are Parth Mishra, the Head Boy of St John’s High School,
Dalhousie. You have been asked to write a notice regarding a sports
kit found on the school playground. Write the notice in not more
than 50 words. Add all necessary details.

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St John’s High School, Dalhousie
Found – A Sports Kit Bag
10 April 2007
A sports kit bag was found on the playground on 9 April 2021 during the
recess period. Anyone who has misplaced a grey sports bag with huge
pockets can collect it from the undersigned within two days, that is, by 12
April 2021

Parth Mishra
(Head Boy)

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You are the President of the Students’ Council of St Francis Secondary
School, Agra. You have invited a visiting Russian Ballet Troupe to give a
performance in your school on the occasion of its Golden Jubilee
celebrations. Write a notice, informing the students about this event. Sign
yourself as Raman Arora/Ria Arora.

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Name of the organisation/institution issuing the notice


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