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06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 1
MCPA not building up pressure in PR (Pantograph
(CPA is not building up pressure at the rate of 1
kg/cm²per minute)
• MCPA not working
• RAL CUT OUT COCK not opened Drain cut out
cocks not closed properly.
• R1 CUT OUT COCK not closed (when NRV is
• Air leakage in pantograph and DJ pipe lines.
• PR gauge defective.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 2
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 3

• Operate ZCPA 2 or 3 times and try

• Check CCBA fuse. If melted check LTBA for any smoke.
If smoke observed remove LTBA wire connections and
Keep HOBA in OFF and renew CCBA
• If CCBA intact check the MCPA terminals and tap
MCPA and try
• If unsuccessful contact TLC.
• If MCPA is working, ensure RAL cut out cock open and
ZPT in 0
• Ensure CPA, RS, pantograph drain cut out cock’s in
closed condition.
• If drain cock are closed, close R1 cock and try.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 4

• If PR pressure is built up open R1 cut out cock.

• Close R1 and RAL cut out cock also and try to
build up pressure till SS1 blows.
• Energize the loco and build up MR pressure
above 8kg/cm2 & open R1 and RAL cut out
• If unsuccessful, operate HOM and try to build
up PR pressure
• If successful, normalize HOM and energize the
loco and keep MCPA working till MR pressure is
above 8kg/cm2
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 5
MR Pressure not building up.

1. MCPs not working.
2. MCPs working but MR pressure not building

06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 6

• Ensure HCP in required position,

• Switch on BLCP and check the closing of contactors.
• If the contactors are not closing, switch on BLCPD and if CP
contactors are closed,
• Switch off BLCPD at 9.5 kg/cm² and switch on at 8.0 kg/cm² of MR
pressure to avoid blowing of SS2.
• If CP contactors are not closing switch ON BLVMT
• If blower contactors also not closing troubleshoot for all EM
contactors not closing.
• If blower contactors are closing but CP contactors are not closing,
change HCP position and try.
• If unsuccessful, wedge any two CP contactors according to HCP
• Keep BLCP on for auto drain vale to function

06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 7

MCPs working but MR pressure not building up

• Close VEUL cut out cock
• Ensure all drain cut out cocks are closed. (After cooler, MR,CDC,CR)
• Isolate air dryer, by closing inlet and outlet CUT OUT COCK and open
bypass cut out cock
• Check for any leakage in the pneumatic system try to arrest it
• If any leakage in horn, wiper, sander, and auto drain close its cut-out
• Close VEAD and RGCP CUT OUT COCK and try.
• For coaching trains, isolate FP and work with single pipe.
• Ensure MR 4 CUT OUT COCK in open condition (can be identified by
FP/AR gauge alone indicates)
• If dead loco is attached, close both inlet and outlet cut out cock of
C2N 6.0 kg/cm2 feed valve of dead loco and IP cut out cock.
• If unsuccessful, contact TLC.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 8
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 9
BP pressure not charging
• Ensure MR pressure above 8.0 Kg/cm 2.
• Ensure A9 inlet and outlet cut out cock open in working cab and closed
in non- working cab
• Ensure A9 in release position and ALP emergency brake valve is closed in
both cab
• Ensure MU2B in lead and operate 2 or 3 times
• Ensure L/T (A8 or 3/4th) cut out cock is open
• Close IP cut out cock and try.
• Ensure BP angle cut out cock closed in loco front side.
• Gently tap the C2 relay valve (BP charging) and try.
• If BP gauge shows 0 in working cab but shows 5kg/cm 2in other cab check
both end additional BP cut out cocks are open.
• If unsuccessful try from rear cab,
• Otherwise contact TLC and act as per his instructions.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 10
BP pressure not charging
• If BP pressure not charging after attaching the formation,
try to charge BP by all compressors working.
• If not charging close BP and FP angle cut out cocks
between loco and formation and check the BP pressure.
• If BP pressure is normal on the loco, check the formation
for any leakage.
• In case of dead loco attached ensure the following in dead
– IP cut out cock closed.
– MU2B trial.
– L&T closed.
– C2N 6 kg/cm2valve inlet and outlet cut out cock closed
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 11
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 12
Sudden drop of BP on run

1. Train Parting
2. IP valve de-energise
3. Cattle run over
4. Alarm Chain Pulling
5. Air leaking through A9 exhaust port
6. Air leaking from C2Relay valve (BP charging)

06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 13

• Switch ON flasher light immediately and check the
formation for any derailment or infringing with
adjacent line,
• If derailment follow as per GR and SR.

• If there is no derailment or infringements, stop the
train, check for VCD action and close IP cut out cock
• If BP pressure not charging check the formation for
any leakage.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 14


• Stop the train and do not open DJ.
• Check leading BP and FP angle cut out cocks in
front side.
• If BP angle cut out cock is damaged then
– Close the additional angle cut out cock on front
side of the loco and try.
– If additional angle cut out cock not provided
contact TLC and ask relief loco on trailing side.
• In case FP angle cut out cock is damaged close
FP valve cut out cock and work with single pipe.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 15


• If BP and FP pressures are normal check the
following for any damage
– 1) Rail and cattle guard
– 2) Front CBC operating handle and lock pin and
open and close the coupling
– 3) Battery box and SL cover
– 4) Under truck safety fittings
– 5) Check all drain cut out cocks including after
cooler drain cut out cock.
– 6) Transformer tank and drain plug
– 7) Traction motors and
its inspection covers


• Ensure the coupling between loco and formation and BP and FP
pipes are intact
• Check for any damage in the formation
• Any infringement is noticed, inform TLC and do not start the train
• If everything normal, conduct BP continuity test when BP
pressure is dropped and recharged and restart the train.
• After clearing section, stop the train,
• Open DJ to ensure battery voltage and reclose DJ
• Inform TLC, make an entry in logbook.
• Do not leave the train with only loco brake (SA-9).
• After stopping, both loco and train brake should be applied by
automatic brake valve (A9).
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 17
• Stop the train and inspect the train to identify the
coach from which alarm chain is pulled
• Reset the ACP apparatus in the presence of
• Ensure BP and FP angle cut out cock are in open
• After resetting of ACP apparatus ensure the brakes
are released.
• Do not leave the train with only loco brake (SA-9).
After stopping both loco and train brake should be
applied by automatic brake valve (A9).
• Do not isolate passenger Emergency alarm system.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 18
• Apply A9 to emergency 2 or 3 times and try.
• If unsuccessful, clear the section from trailing cab.
• After clearing the section, try from leading cab.
• If unsuccessful contact TLC and act as per his
• Apply A9 to emergency and try.
• If unsuccessful, gently tap the C2 relay valve (BP) and
• If unsuccessful contact TLC and act as per his
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 19
Air flow indicator overshoots on run
1. Excess leakage in BP pipe line.
2. Defective AFI.

• If AFI overshoots, switch on flasher light

immediately and ensure for any abnormality
such as derailment

06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 20
• Stop the train and check any leakage in the locomotive and in
the formation BP pipeline.
• If any leakage arrest the same and try.
• Before attaching ensure AFI indicates 0
• If there is no leakage in Brake pipe pressure, any AR drain cut
out cock of coach is open condition
• Ensure no brake binding in the formation
• If there is no brake biding, ignore the AFI and work the train,
duly watching the BP gauges.
• After Brake application ensure, BP pressure recharged fully
• Resume traction after 3 minutes to release the brakes in case
of single pipe and 1 ½ minute in case of twin pipe working.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 21
FP pressure (6 kg/cm²) not charging

• FP feed valve (6 Kg/cm²) CUT OUT COCK is
not opened.
• FP angle Cut out cocks on both ends of the
loco are not closed properly.
• Air leakage in FP line.

06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 22
FP pressure (6 kg/cm²) not charging
• Ensure MR pressure is above 8 Kg/cm².
• Ensure feed valve COC is opened.
• If feed valve COC is closed, open the same and
charge FP pressure.
• In C2N 6.0kg/cm2feed valve provided locos
ensure both inlet and outlet COC are open.
• If FP COC is open, check the angle COC of FP
line on either side of the loco.

06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 23
FP pressure (6 kg/cm²) not charging
• If anyone is opened, close it and charge FP
• If both end angle COC are closed, check for
any air leakage.
• If there is any leakage arrest the same.
• If no air leakage is traced in FP line, close the
FP feed valve COC
• Work onwards with single pipe air brake
system, if it is twin pipe brake system.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 24
FP pressure (6 kg/cm²) not charging
• When working with single pipe in air suspension
bogie restrict the speed to 60kmph.
• If FP pressure does not charge after attaching on
to the formation, check for any leakage on the FP
line on the formation and arrest the same.
• If FP charges work with twin brake, otherwise
close FP angle COC of loco
• Work onwards with single pipe air brake system.

06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 25
Loco brake is not applying through SA9
• In case of LE stop immediately by applying A9 to
emergency or apply hand brakes.
• Ensure SA9 inlet and outlet CUT OUT COCK are opened in
working cab and closed in non-working cab.
• OperateMU2B one or two times and try.
• Ensure BC equalizing CUT OUT COCK are normal.
• Tap C2 relay valve (loco brake) gently and try.
• Ensure BIC-1 and BIC-2 is in open condition.
• If it is open, apply A9 and check whether loco brakes are
getting applied or not.
• If successful, resume traction duly applying loco brakes
with the help of A9 and try with SA9 of trailing cab.
• Inform TLC.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 26
Loco brake is not applying through A9
• Operate PVEF 1 or 2 time and try.
(Ensure PVEF should not be in pressed
• If loco brake is not applied by A9 check C3WD
valve isolating CUT OUT COCK
• If it is isolated, normalize the same and wait
for 2 minutes and check
• If unsuccessful, contact TLC for further

06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 27
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 28
Loco brakes not releasing
• Ensure the A9/SA9 handles are release position
operate SA9 2 or 3 times.
• Ensure BP pressure, If it is less than 5 Kg/cm², troubles
shoot for the same.
• If BP pressure is 5 Kg/cm², press PVEF and observe the
loco brakes are released. If released resume traction.
• If brakes are releasing on pressing PVEF and gets
applied after releasing PVEF, release through QRV of
• If unsuccessful, isolate C3WDV, now conjunction
brakes will not apply.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 29
Loco brakes not releasing

• If unsuccessful close leading cab SA9 inlet /
outlet cut out cocks and open trailing cab SA9
inlet / outlet cut out cocks & try.
• Operate MU2B 2 or 3 times and try.
• If not releasing close both BIC and try, if brake is
released open BIC.
• If still not releasing de-energize the loco and
drain out the air completely to ‘0’ and ensure
the loco brakes are released.
• If unsuccessful, contact TLC.
06/03/2024 STC/SBC/SWR 30
B.P pressure rises beyond 5 kg/cm2 after A9 operation
1. A9 valve not seated properly
2. Defective A9
3. C2RV struck up

• Stop the train
• Apply A9 to emergency and release
• Drain out the moisture and try
• Gently tap C2 relay valve BP and try
• If unsuccessful clear the section from trailing cab.
• After clearing the section try from leading cab.
If unsuccessful contact TLC.
BP not dropping through A9 operation

• Stop the train by bringing A9 to emergency/ALP
emergency brake valve.
• Check trailing cab A9 inlet/outlet cut out cock are
open, if it is open close the same and try.
• In Banker loco ensure L & T cut out cock is closed.
• If everything is normal, but BP is not dropping,
• Clear the section with trailing cab operation.
• After clearing the section drain out complete MR
and try.
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