History Practical Work 27

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History practical work

Teacher: Lorena laplaca

Students: Victoria pellettieri, sol
casal, francisco crespi, catalina
The end of the Republic

After the victory against Carthage the Roman republic faced serious problems. Many rich people became
governors of the new provinces and earned even more.

Tiberius Gracchus and Gaius Gracchus, tried to get the senate to grant more land to the poor farmers.
The senate stirred up riots against the tribunes wich ended in their murder.

In 91BC the italian cities demanded that they should have Roman citizenship and a share of the taxes that
Rome have from the Empire. This make a three-year war that finished in the cities getting their way.

In 87bc there was a civil war.

Caesar´s rise and fall
That was an act of
disfiance becaese is
no legal right take
an army out of a
In 60 bc Julius province.
Caesar, Crassus and Pompey did not like
Pompey formed the Caesar´s growimg
Triumvirate to get popularity and
control of the senate. power.

In 58 bc Caesar was Instead, Caesar

made governor of crossed the River
Gaul. Rubicon.
Caesar beat Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus
in 48bc. Pompey escaped to egypt , where he
was murdered. 48 and 45bc caesar conquered
much more territory arround the
mediterranean sea.

Caesar increased the number of men in the

senate. He told them to vote for new laws. He
was then made dictator for life of rome and
the empire. Rich men did not like this, they
thought that caesar was going to make himself
King. 44bc caesar was murderer by a grup of
rich senators led by Brutus and Cassius.
The first Emperor

The empire became

divided between Mark
Antony and Octavian.
Octavian beat Antony and
Cleopatra in a sea battle at
Actium in 31bc. In 27bc he
took the name Augustus
Caesar and was declared
Emperor. The Republic was
at an end.

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