AC Characteristics of Op-Amp

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AC Characteristics of

1. Frequency Response
 Infinite bandwidth.
 Same open loop gain for DC and all AC signals.
 Gain rolls-off at higher frequencies – break frequency/ cut off
frequency/ corner frequency/ roll-off frequency.
 Capacitive components in the equivalent circuit of op-amp.
 Devices like BJT and FET
 High frequency model

 One corner frequency and the roll-off rate is -20dB/decade

 S domain representation,
2. Stability of op-amp

 Negative feedback, closed loop  Inverting terminal produces 180

transfer function is, deg and corner frequency 90
deg and high freq again 90 deg.
 Instability and then
3. Frequency Compensation
 To have Large bandwidth and lower closed loop gain – compensation
techniques were used.
 External compensation
 Dominant-pole compensation
 Introducing dominant pole by adding R-C network.
 Compensated transfer function,
 Capacitance C is chosen to have 0dB at f1
 Bandwidth is reduced.
 Noise immunity is improved.
 Pole-zero compensation
 Additon of poles and zeros

 Transfer function,
 Internal compensation
 Application where large bandwidth is not needed – internally compensated
op-amp termed as “compensated op-amps”
 Op-amp contains 30pF capacitance
 741 op-amp has 1MHz gain-bandwidth product
4. Slew rate
 Rise time – time required by the output to change from 10 to 90 % of the final
value for a step input and is given by 0.35/BW.
 Slew rate is defined as the maximum rate of change of output voltage caused
by a step input voltage and is specified in V/𝞵s.
 Ideal slew rate is infinite , practical values are from 0.1V/ 𝞵s to 1000 V/ 𝞵s.
 Function of temperature and decrease with the increase in temperature.
 Capacitor prevents the output voltage from responding immediately to fast
changing output, rate at which the voltage vary,
 I is limited to 15𝞵A and C is 30 pF. Hence SR = |max = = 0.5 V/𝞵s

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