Transient Response of Separately Excited

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Transient Response of a

DC Motor
• Introduction
• Methodology
• Results
• Result analysis
• Conclusion
• A separately excited dc motor is one in which the armature and field
windings are separate from each other powered by different
sources.The field winding is powered by a dc supply.
• The mathematical model of the dc motor was made which was then
simulated in MatLab/Simulink to study its transient response under
no-load and various loading conditions.
What is transient response?
 The word means ‘short lived’,
‘temporary’ or changing.

 The response of the system when its

various parameters are changing is
called transient response.
 It occurs mainly after two conditions:-
1. Just after switching ‘on’ the system that
means at the time of application of an input
signal to the system

2. Just after any abnormal conditions.

Abnormal conditions may include sudden
change in the load, short circuiting etc. Img courtesy: Wikipedia
• To analyze a dc motor appropriate model needs to be established.
• Dc motor parameters:-
R (armature resistance) = 2 Ω
L(armature inductance) = 16.2 mH
N( rated speed/no load speed) =1500 rpm
KT (motor torque constant)=1.4
Kb ( back emf constant)= KT
Ia = 15.4 A If = 0.75A
J (inertia of motor and load )= 0.117 kg/m2
f (viscious friction of motor and load) = 0.018
Vs (rated voltage)= 220 V
Schematic Diagram

Electrical Diagram
The Math…..
Simulink model

1. At no standard no load condition (220

V and 2 ohms)
2. Decrease in armature resistance 2 to 0.5
Increase in armature resistance 2 to 10 ohms
3. For mechanical loading of 20 Nm
Result Analysis
• The graphs at result 1 show no load condition. At the time of start the motor
speed is zero hence back emf is zero which results in large transient starting
current of about 94 amps. As a result starting torque is high.
(It is observed that the starting current is approx 6 times the rated current !!)
• The motor starts to rotate and back emf builds up, the current in armature
begins to drop, the torque drops. The speed increases rapidly to no load speed.
• The speed of dc motor can be controlled by changing the armature resistance
but the increase in armature resistance leads to greater I2R losses and increase
in transient time.
• In the third result the motor is mechanically loaded at t=5s. The small no load
current isn’t able to generate sufficient torque to rotate the load. Hence the
motor begins to slow down which reduces the back emf. Thus the motor starts
to draw more current, due to which the torque increases
• At the time of start the current drawn by the motor is very high. Hence a starter
is used. Or external resistance in armature circuit can be used.
• The DC motor has high starting torque but the speed of the motor decreases
fast under when loaded.
• The Separately excited DC motor characteristics are studied with the help of
Simulink model. The changes in characteristics can be observed by changing
various motor or circuit parameters.

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