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1he Green kevo|ut|on

W Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL evenLs ln

aklsLan's agrlculLural hlsLory has been Lhe
process called Lhe 'Creen 8evoluLlon' whlch
occurred ln Lhe mld 1960s
W 1he Lechnology package changed Lhe
economlc soclal and pollLlcal sLrucLure of Lhe
counLry Lransformlng Lhe agrlculLural and
rural secLors lrreverslbly
1he Green kevo|ut|on
W 1he annual growLh raLe ln agrlculLure beLween
Llll 1938 was a mere 143 less Lhan half Lhe
growLh raLe ln populaLlon
W 1he rullng ellLe belleved aL LhaL Llme LhaL lL
was essenLlal Lo lndusLrlallze aL all cosLs and aL
greaL speed Lhus all pollcles were blased
agalnsL agrlculLure
1he Green kevo|ut|on
W 1owards Lhe end of 1930s lmporLance of
agrlculLure for Lhe survlval of Lhe counLry was
kesu|ts of Green revo|ut|on
ear Growth
1930s 143
193964 37
196370 63
W urlng Lhe peak perlod growLh raLes reached
a phenomenal 117
1he Green kevo|ut|on
W 1he growLh Look place ln Lwo phases
W 19601963
1he maln cause of Lhe growLh was Lhe lncrease ln
lrrlgaLlon faclllLles malnly Lube wells
W 19631970
1he expanded lrrlgaLlon faclllLles were supplemenLed
by Lhe Lechnology package of hlgh yleldlng varleLy
seeds chemlcal ferLlllzers and pesLlcldes
1he Green kevo|ut|on
W 1he mosL lmporLanL lngredlenL ln Lhe package
was wotet
W 1he P?v seeds and ferLlllzers were crlLlcally
dependanL on Llmely avallablllLy of sufflclenL
quanLlLy of waLer
W 23000 Lube wells were lnsLalled beLween 1960
1963 and Lhe farm area servlced doubled
1he Green kevo|ut|on
W n Lhe second phase P?v seeds were
Mexlpak for wheaL
88 rlce seed
W SLarLed on experlmenLal basls buL soon spread
wldely and by 1970 more Lhan half of 6 mllllon
acre was culLlvaLed uslng P?v seeds
1he Green kevo|ut|on
W erLlllzer consumpLlon lncreased dramaLlcally
by 233
W 1ube wells lncreased from 34000 Lo 79000
beLween 19631970
W CuLpuL of ma[or crops lncreased dramaLlcally
WheaL producLlon by 91
8lce producLlon by 141
8epercusslon of Creen revoluLlon
W @e lssoe of tobe wells
Plghly concenLraLed ln rlch dlsLrlcLs of un[ab
As many as 91 locaLed here
W 1he Lerraln of nW and 8aluchlsLan made
Lhe depLh of drllllng requlred prohlblLlvely
W underground waLer ln Slndh was sallne and
Lhus noL sulLable for rrlgaLlon
8epercusslon of Creen revoluLlon
W Clven Lhe slze and cosL Lube wells were
mosLly lnsLalled by landowners wlLh over 23
W 1hus Lhe beneflLs could noL be shared by Lhe
poorer secLlons of Lhe rural populaLlon
8epercusslon of Creen revoluLlon
W 1roctoritotion
mporLs were encouraged by Lhe provlslon of
cheap credlL Lhrough A8
Cvervalued exchange raLe meanL prlces were
conslderably below world markeL prlces
n comblnaLlon wlLh Lube wells P?v and
ferLlllzers LracLors became more useful on farms
8epercusslon of Creen revoluLlon
W Powever as wlLh Lube wells LracLorlzaLlon only
Look place ln Lhose areas wlLh complemenLary
W Cnly rlch and more resourceful farmers could
afford lL who were near urban markeLs
8eglonal and ncome lsparlLles
W 1he green revoluLlon has noL only lnLenslfled
dlsparlLles ln lncome and wealLh wlLhln
dlfferenL sLraLa of rural populaLlon buL also
beLween reglons
W L was Lhe farmers who owned beLween 30
100 acres almosL all of Lhem ln un[ab who
produced aklsLan's green revoluLlon
8eglonal and ncome lsparlLles
W ue Lo Lhe waLer and Lechnology package
nW and 8aluchlsLan mlssed ouL on Lhe
green revoluLlon of Lhe 1960's
W ncreased ruralurban mlgraLlon as
dlsplacemenL of labor boLh aL low end llke
sharecroppers and hlgher end where land was
sold or renLed Lo nelghbors
Soclal and ollLlcal LffecLs
W 1he rlse and subsequenL vlcLory of was a
dlrecL resulL of Lhe consequences of Lhe green
W won concluslvely ln Lhe hearLland of
green revoluLlon by promlslng pollcles for
W 1970 elecLlons were Lhe only elecLlons where
economlc condlLlons so dlrecLly lnfluenced Lhe
pollLlcal ouLcomes
and 8eforms
W An lmporLanL mechanlsm for changlng
ownershlp and wealLh paLLerns lmplylng a
redlsLrlbuLlon of land away from Lhose who
own large chunks Lo landless
W 1he nexus of pollLlcal power beLween Lhe clvll
and mlllLary bureaucracy and Lhe landlords
ensured LhaL no reforms could be lnLroduced
afLer lndependence
1he 1939 and 8eforms
W Celllng on landholdlngs 300 acres lrrlgaLed
1000 acres unlrrlgaLed and addlLlonal land
allowed Lo brlng landholdlngs Lo equlvalenL
36000 us
8esumed land Lo be sold Lo LenanLs and small
All LenanLs harls glven legal proLecLlon
8enLs Lo be pald ln klnd and all charges oLher
Lhan crops were abollshed
1he 1939 and 8eforms
W 6000 owners wlLh more Lhan 300 acres
W 1hese consLlLuLed 01 of owners buL owned
73 mllllon acres
W under land reforms only abouL 13 (763
owners) were effecLed
W 1he maln porLlon was reLalned due Lo varlous
provlslons ln law such as Lransfer Lo relaLlves
1he 1939 and 8eforms
W More Lhan half of Lhe land resumed was
unculLlvaLed (desserL hllls eLc)
W Many landowners galned by handlng over
poor quallLy land and geLLlng compensaLlon
W Cnly a small porLlon of resumed land sold Lo
landless LenanLs and mosL was aucLloned Lo
rlch farmers and clvll and mlllLary offlclals
1he 1939 and 8eforms
W 1he measure of us was based on pre
parLlLlon revenue seLLlemenLs whlch
subsLanLlally underreporLed Lhe Lrue value
W 1hus for example ln Slndh u equlvalence
meanL LhaL an lndlvldual could hold 1800
acres of land accordlng Lo Lhe law whlch
llmlLed holdlngs Lo 300 acres
1he 8huLLo 8eforms 1972
W Celllng on landholdlngs 130 acres lrrlgaLed
300 acres unlrrlgaLed or equlvalenL of 12000
W no compensaLlon Lo owners
W and redlsLrlbuLed Lo LenanLs wlLhouL charge
W 1enanL evlcLlon Lo be declded by revenue
1he 8huLLo 8eforms 1972
W As a resulL of Lhese reform only 06 mllllon
acres were resumed and only 1 of landless
LenanLs and small farmers beneflLed
W 1he lssue of us conLlnued and produce value
of and area of land was grossly
W 39 of Lhe land resumed ln 1972 sLlll held by
governmenL desplLe large number of landless
and 8eforms
W Analysls of Lhe Lwo land reforms shows LhaL
Lhey falled Lo make a subsLanLlal change ln Lhe
ownershlp sLrucLure of Lhe counLry
W 1he huge loopholes LhaL exlsLed ln Lhe for of
lnLrafamlly and lnLrahousehold Lransfers
meanL LhaL landownlng sLrucLure was largely

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