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Life Saving Rules

Working Safely at Suncor

Our Journey to Zero Beliefs
We believe:
• All injuries and incidents are preventable
• Working safely is a condition of employment
• Strong leadership, participation and commitment to safety is
everyone’s responsibility
• A competent workforce is a pre-requisite for a strong safety
• Following structured safety systems is critical to a safe
• Facilities, equipment and tools shall be designed, operated and
maintained to a high standard
• Safety is a challenge in our work environment and we continue
to strive for excellence
Activating Our values and Beliefs
• Our Safety values and beliefs are reflected in our
• Suncor now has 10 “life saving rules.” These rules
have been put in place to ensure basic behaviors are
followed to prevent the kind of incidents that could
result in a serious injury or a fatality on our site.
• At Suncor, we care about our employees and
contractors too much to not directly intervene when a
a “life saving rule” is violated.
Suncor Life Saving Rules
Work Within The Work Use Proper Verify Isolations Of Hazardous Obtain Authorization Protect Yourself
Permit System PPE Energy Before Any Work Begins Before Entering A Against A Fall When
Confined Space Working At Height

Obtain Proper Authorization Follow the Drug & Only Work On Or Near High Never Override Or Disable Safety Follow Safe Driving
Before Ground Disturbance Alcohol Policy By Voltage Equipment With Proper Critical Equipment Without ‘Rules Of The Road’
Activities Arriving ‘Fit For Duty’ Authorization Authorization
Work Within The Permit System

• The majority of work activities at Suncor are covered by the safe work permit system
(ref: Safe Work Permit Standard LMS0038A).
• When you work without a permit when one is required, people coordinating work or
working around you are unaware of your activities.
• If you are conducting work in an area where hazardous processes or work activities
are occurring, you may be placing yourself and others at a greater risk.
• Working in the permit system includes completing a field level risk assessment at
the commencement of the job and whenever conditions change (ref:
Field Level Risk Assessment LMS0082A).

What Could Happen If I Don’t Comply?

Use Proper PPE

• PPE has been provided for your personal safety.

• When we choose not to wear PPE, we place ourselves
knowingly at risk
• For some tasks, PPE is safety critical and not wearing PPE
can result in disabling or fatal injuries

What Could Happen If I Don’t Comply?

Verify Isolation of Hazardous Energy Before
Work Begins
• Hazardous energy = forms of stored energy that could disable or kill a
person if they are not appropriately controlled. For example energy in
the form of electricity, heat, chemicals and stored energy in equipment.
• You must verify that hazardous energy is isolated before you begin
• This means verifying that appropriate lock-out systems are in place and
used, equipment wheels are chocked, park brakes are on, etc. Do
what it takes to prevent contact with hazardous energy. Remember: if it
isn’t safe, don’t do it.

What Could Happen If I Don’t Comply?

Obtain Authorization Before Entering A
Confined Space
• Simply put, a confined space is an enclosed or partially enclosed space
not intended or designed for continuous human occupancy with a
restricted means of entry or exit.
• You cannot enter a confined space without a confined space entry plan
that details the way you have mitigated hazards, what your escape plan
is and permission from the area authority to enter the space (typically
done via the permit system)
• If you don’t have the items mentioned above in place-then DO NOT
enter the confined space

What Could Happen If I Don’t Comply?

Protect Yourself Against a Fall When
Working at a Heights
• Falls, even from low elevations can be disabling or even fatal
• You cannot work at a height greater than 3 meters (9 feet) if you are not
protected by guardrails or another type of fall protection system
• Assess the job before it begins. Will I be working at height? Could I be
seriously hurt if I fell? Does the anchor point I will be attaching to have
the capability to support me if I fall?
• When accessing ladders, 3 point contact is a must. Ensure that ladder is
in good condition, on a stable surface and that work is not conducted
from a ladder that involves reaching or leaning

What Could Happen If I Don’t Comply?

Obtain Proper Authorization Before Ground
Disturbance Activities
• What you can’t see can hurt you
• With the exception of certain areas of the mine, all other areas on site
require a ground disturbance authorization if you dig deeper than 20cm,
within 30 meters of a regulated pipeline or within 10 meters of an
underground electrical utility
• Does your permit indicate you are authorized to dig?
• When in doubt, ask your supervisor

What Could Happen If I Don’t Comply?

Arrive for Work Fit for Duty

• Much of the work done at Suncor is in areas or on systems that are highly hazardous if not
properly controlled. Because of this, we cannot tolerate the use of alcohol and drugs on
our site.
• If you are using prescription drugs, ensure you advise your supervisor before work
• If you suspect that a co-worker may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, have the
courage to care and report it to your supervisor.

What Could Happen If I Don’t Comply?

Never Work Near High Voltage Equipment
Without Authorization

• High voltage power lines are found in many places across our site
• You cannot working within 20 meters of a high voltage overhead power line without
pre-arranged authorization from the Transmission & Distribution group
• This includes placing trailers or equipment within this zone
• Not sure if the overhead power line is a high voltage? Stop the work and contact
Transmission & Distribution Operations to clarify

What Could Happen If I Don’t Comply?

Never Override or Disable Safety Critical
Equipment without Authorization

• Locks, blanks, seatbelts, critical alarms, equipment safeguards, etc. are in place for
your protection
• Never tamper with, cut or remove safety critical equipment unless you have
appropriate authorization to perform a specific task and adequate controls are in place
• Ask yourself: if I adjust this equipment is my safety or the safety of others

What Could Happen If I Don’t Comply?

Follow Safe Driving “Rules of the Road”

• The rules of the road are in place to protect us from serious harm
• It is the expectation of every employee on our Suncor site to wear a seatbelt, obey
posted traffic signs and speed limits, and NEVER use a cell phone while driving
• Aggressive driving behavior (e.g., “road rage”) will not be tolerated
• For many employees, driving will be the highest-risk activity they undertake in a
day. It is important that all the risks within our control are properly managed

What Could Happen If I Don’t Comply?

Expectations for Compliance
• Any incident that involves the violation of any of these
rules will be thoroughly investigated
• Based on the findings of the investigation, any
individuals found in breach of the aforementioned life
saving rules will be subject to Suncor’s disciplinary
policy, up to and including termination
Your Commitment Counts
• Thanks for supporting our Journey to Zero by
committing or re-committing to work and live by these
very basic life saving rules.

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