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• Lets talk about what happens to • The heart pumps bloods blood
my circulatory system when I around the body at a more faster
play football. rate in order to provide these
• When I play football I work on cells what they need.
certain places in my body . The • SUMMARY: the circulatory
muscles perform cellular system has to work harder and
respiration faster than normal faster during exercise to provide
they need oxygen and glucose. the cells at work with glucose
They also need to get rid of their and oxygen to get rid of carbon
carbon dioxide products. dioxide
• Now my respiratory system. • SUMMARY: Oxygen is inhaled
• The requirements for oxygen is quicker and carbon dioxide is
increased so now the lungs have exhaled quicker so diffusion is
to work harder for me to increased.
breathe in more carbon dioxide. • Glosary: diffusion:the
intermingling of natural
substances by the natural move
ment of their particles
• Circulatory system

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