Narrative Writing Wania

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Name: Wania Anis

Topic: How to write

an effective
Narrative Writing
Grade: IX
Date : 22 nd

September 2023
Name: Wania Anis
Topic: How to write an
effective Narrative
Grade: IX
Date : 22nd September
What is Narrative Writing?

Narrative writing is a form of communication

where the author tells a story or conveys a series
of events. It is a literary technique that aims to
engage, entertain, inform, or convey a message to
the reader through storytelling. Narrative can be
both fiction and non-fiction.
Narrative Structure
Character: A character is anything that plays part in the story
or speaks a dialogue in the story
For example: Susan said to principal, “a clever and cunning
student of my class participated in the intelligence contest.”
Setting: It is the location and time of the story.
For example: Sara told that the contest held on 24 september
in MCCS.
Conflict: It refers to the complication that disturbs the setting
or the character.
Such as: Sara got ill and didn’t attend the contest.
2) Due to the heavy rain the contest has been called off by the
Climax: the point in the narrative where the tension,
excitement, or stakes reach the highest level.
For instance: My teacher caught me cheating.
Resolution: It is the part of the story where the problem is
For example: Today there was a surprise test in history, but
no one was prepared. Luckily, the our sports teacher called
us for the annual sports day practice.
Plot: It is the sequence in which events happen.
The plot is all about the story and how your events
Problems we Face while writing a Narrative
Lack of Clarity: Usually writer can’t convey their story on paper and it leads to
Weak Character development: Writers fail to describe the character- it’s
background, personality, etc.
Overwriting Or Underwriting: We sometimes provide excessive information at
some point of the story or less information where it’s not needed or required.
Pacing: Finding the right pacing for the story—knowing when to slow down
for character development or to speed up for action sequences—requires
careful consideration.
Lack of Resolution: Failing to provide a satisfying resolution to the central
conflict or leaving too many loose ends can leave readers feeling unsatisfied.
How to write an Effective Narrative Writing?
Clarity & Simplicity:
• Outline your story beforehand, ensuring you have a clear
structure and sequence of events.
• Don’t use complex sentences instead use simple and
direct sentences to convey your story.
Character development:
• Define your character properly.
• Their personality, weaknesses and their change in the
• I prefer to use more adjectives to fulfill this requirement.
How to write an Effective Narrative Writing?
• A compelling character is one that readers can connect with and
relate to.
• They have depth, complexity, and flaws that make them feel real.
Overwriting or underwriting:
• make sure to provide equal and or required information of
something in the story.
• To eliminate this mistake read what you’ve written.
• make sure that your story is in a proper chronological order.
How to write an Effective Narrative Writing?
• Don’t use a word more than two times but use it’s
• don’t use too many advance vocabulary as this would
frustrate the reader.
Maintaining Interest:
• Create suspense early by introducing the conflict to keep
the reader anticipated and attract their interest.
How to write an Effective Narrative Writing?
• Use real life dialogues.
• This gives a genuine and real impression.
Grammar & tense:
• Make sure that your English is correct and you use suitable tense for a
certain situation.
• Many people can’t write a satisfactory resolution.
• To write a splendid resolution use every important event from the
• At last, Reread your story and correct all the mistakes.

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