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English III

Unit 1 – Modal Verbs

The verbs in the following list are called “modal

auxiliaries”. They are helping verbs that express a wide
range of meanings: ability, obligation, possibility,
necessity, etc. Most of the modals have more than one use.

can could Take this in mind about Modal verbs:

1. They are not followed by “to”.
may might 2. The main verb never has a final “-s”.
3. Never use auxiliaries (don’t/doesn’t, etc) to
should Had better form negative sentences.
4. Never use auxiliaries (do/does, etc) to form
must Ought to questions.
will would
I can to play the guitar.
She can speaks English and German.
We don’t should eat junk food.

Do you must work tonight?

Unit 1 – Modal Verbs


ability obligation permission

can – can’t must – have/has to – have/has got to may - can

could – couldn’t don’t/doesn’t have to – haven´t/hasn’t got to may not – cannot
You must validate your Kids…you may take your
code before 8-03-2024. break!
Jodie can drive a truck

Yeahh Yeahh

Sam couldn’t open the door Sure!

Unit 1 – Modal Verbs


advice necessity prohibition

should – ought to – had better must – mustn’t mustn’t

shouldn’t – had better not

People mustn’t use

phones in a bank
He should stop drinking alcohol People mustn’t enter
He ought to find professional help I must get a visa dogs in this place

He’d better not spend money in vice I must save money People mustn’t take
pics in a museum
I mustn’t speak English
Unit 1 – Modal Verbs
Practice exercises

Exercise 1: Speaking. Tell your classmates what things you can do, can’t do and ask the teacher if he can…

juggle walk on your hands repair paint speak different do magic tricks skateboard

drive a bike program computers pilot planes shoot a fire gun fix electronics do push ups walk on a
balance rope
make experiments imitate animal sounds tell good jokes fool other people moon walk
Unit 1 – Modal Verbs
Practice exercises
Exercise 2: Speaking. Read the obligations as they appear on the board. Tell teacher Nelson and your
classmates if they are true/false to you. True = affirmative sentence. False = negative sentence.

Pay bills in your house. Wake up early on weekends.

Buy food for your family.

Work at night. Take your mother or father to the doctor.

Take public transportation to come to the university.

Do chores in your house. Evaluate students.

Invite teacher Nelson for lunch or dinner.

Write articles for a newspaper in this city. Travel to another city or town on weekends.

Keep your materials organized and neat.

Unit 1 – Modal Verbs
Practice exercises

Exercise 3: Speaking. Thumb up means permission granted. Thumb down means no permission granted.

You ______ sit here with me You ______ use technology in your studies

You ______ use the cellphone here You ______ skip any classes at university

You ______ eat a taco but you ______ drink soda

You ______ chew gum in class

feed nimals in a zoo pay a fine in one month use your hands to catch the food park your car on the zebra
Unit 1 – Modal Verbs
Practice exercises

Exercise 4: Written. Give these people some advice on their own situations.

I want to buy a car. She wants to decorate her He has a bad cold. What They want to take care of
What should I do? apartment. What should shouldn’t he do? their neighborhood. What
she do? should they do?
Unit 1 – Modal Verbs
Practice exercises

Exercise 4: Workbook AH2. Page 39. Ex.1-2-3.

Exercise 4: Workbook AH2. Page 40. Ex.4-5.

Exercise 4: Workbook AH2. Page 41. Ex.6-7.

Exercise 4: Workbook AH2. Page 42. Ex.8-9.

Unit 1 – Modal Verbs

Asking for

permission assistance

Can I – Could I – May I Can you – Will you - Could you –

Would you

Sure! Certainly!
Can you answer the phone, please? Sure!
Of course!
There you go! Will you say that again, please? My pleasure!
Can I use your pen, please? Any time!
Here you are! Could you open the window, please,
Could I see the menu, please? No, you can’t! I’d be glad to!
Would you close the door, please,
May I park the car here, officer? Certainly not! Sorry, I can’t
Unit 1 – Modal Verbs
Practice exercises

Exercise 5: Speaking. Ask your classmates and or your teacher permission for…

offer something to drink offer something to eat borrow something you need play a song you like

answer a phone call go somewhere except the WC use something in class

read something you need do something while in class speak with someone in class
tell a message to your postpone an activity touch something/someone

Exercise 6: Speaking. You want someone in this classroom to…

lend you 50 bucks give something to you show you the homework tell you the time

help you hand you something do something for you

shut the window hand you a lighter take you home let you see something

come with you to a place hold something for you pick something for you

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