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Advantest V93000 SOC

Basic User Training

Rev. 7.2.2

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If software is for use in the performance of a U.S. Government prime contract or subcontract, Software is delivered and licensed as "Commercial computer
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Published on June 4, 2024.

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Agenda - Monday


Lecture: ESD
Lecture: Hardware Overview
Lecture/Demo: Software Overview
Lab 1: Software Overview
Lab 2: Creating Device

Lecture: Digital Pins

Lab 3: Dual Site Pin Configuration

Lecture: Digital Levels

Lab 4: Defining Levels

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Agenda - Tuesday

Lecture: Digital Timing

Morning Lab 5: Defining Timing

Lecture: Pattern Debug Tool and Digital Vectors

Lab 6: Vectors and Pattern Management

Lecture: Calibration
Demo: Calibration (Loadboard Calibration)

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Agenda - Wednesday

Lecture: Testflow
Lab 7: Testflow (Flow Data/Flow Sequence)

Lecture: Test Method Introduction (UTM)

Lecture: Test Method Library

Lab 8: Test Method Parameters and Limits

Lecture: DC Resource Programming
Lab 9: User Test Methods/Flex DC

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Agenda – Thursday

Lecture: Digital test Debugging(Timing Diagram,

Error Map, Pattern Debug)
Lab 10: Debugging
Morning Lecture: Datalogging
Lab 11: Datalogging & Test Time Measurement
Lecture: Digital characterization
Lab 12: Characterization
Lecture: Test Method Debugging
Lab 13: Debugging Test Methods
Lecture: Digital Shmoo
Lab 14: Digital Shmoo

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Agenda - Friday

Lecture: Integrated result Tool

Lab 15: Integrated result tool workflow
Lecture: Pin Margin Tool (optional)
Lab 16: Pin Margin Tool (optional)
Lecture: Test Program in Production Environment
Lab 17: Test Program in production environment

Lecture: Smartest Datalink (optional)

Lecture: X-Mode Introduction (optional)
Afternoon Lecture: Multiport Testing (optional)

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