Vocab. For Pre-Actual Test

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….. noun [ countable ] American

English someone whose job is to
bring you your food in a restaurant
SYN waiter , waitress
server / ˈsɜːvə $ ˈsɜːrvər / noun
[ countable ] American English
someone whose job is to bring you
your food in a restaurant SYN waiter
, waitress
….. noun [ uncountable and
countable ] good quality BEEF , or a
large thick piece of any good quality
red meat
steak / steɪk / noun [ uncountable
and countable ] good quality BEEF ,
or a large thick piece of any good
quality red meat
….. adjective ( also medium rare )
meat that is medium or medium rare
is partly cooked but still slightly pink
inside → rare , well-done
medium / ˈmiːdiəm / adjective ( also
medium rare ) meat that is medium
or medium rare is partly cooked but
still slightly pink inside → rare , well-
….. food that is served on the side is
ordered with the main dish in a
restaurant, but is not usually part of
that dish
on the side food that is served on the
side is ordered with the main dish in
a restaurant, but is not usually part
of that dish :
I’d like eggs with toast on the side.
….. noun [ uncountable and
countable ] cooked liquid food, often
containing small pieces of meat, fish,
or vegetables
soup / suːp / noun [ uncountable and
countable ] cooked liquid food, often
containing small pieces of meat, fish,
or vegetables :
homemade tomato soup
….. adjective having been cooked in
hot oil
fried / fraɪd / adjective having been
cooked in hot oil :
fried chicken
….. verb [ intransitive and transitive ]

to make someone feel unhappy

because something they hoped for
did not happen or was not as good as
they expected
disappoint/ ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt / verb
[ intransitive and transitive ]
to make someone feel unhappy
because something they hoped for
did not happen or was not as good as
they expected :
I hated to disappoint her.
Great things were expected of this
band, and they didn’t disappoint.
….. noun [ countable ] something
that has been produced by an artist,
musician, or writer
piece / piːs / noun [ countable ]
something that has been produced by
an artist, musician, or writer
piece of music/writing/sculpture etc
some unusual pieces of sculpture
The LSO will perform a much-loved
concert piece.
….. noun [ countable ] the money
that is available to an organization or
person, or a plan of how it will be
budget / ˈbʌdʒət, ˈbʌdʒɪt / noun
[ countable ] the money that is available
to an organization or person, or a plan of
how it will be spent
budget of
a welfare program with a budget of $2
budget for
The budget for photography has been cut.
….. noun [ countable ] a plan or
suggestion which is made formally to an
official person or group, or the act of
making it → propose
proposal / prəˈpəʊz ə l $ -ˈpoʊ- / noun
[ countable ] a plan or suggestion which
is made formally to an official person or
group, or the act of making it → propose
proposal for
the government’s proposals for regulation
of the industry
proposal to do something
The committee put forward a proposal to
reduce the time limit.
….. noun [ uncountable and
countable ] an official examination
of a company’s financial records in
order to check that they are correct
audit / ˈɔːdət, ˈɔːdɪt $ ˈɒː- / noun
[ uncountable and countable ] an
official examination of a company’s
financial records in order to check
that they are correct :
the annual audit
internal audit (= an audit carried out
by a company’s own staff
….. noun [ countable ] a calculation
of the value, size, amount etc of
something made using the
information that you have, which
may not be complete
estimate / ˈestəmət, ˈestɪmət / noun
[ countable ] a calculation of the
value, size, amount etc of something
made using the information that you
have, which may not be complete :
We just need an estimate of the
number of people who will come.
….. adverb [ sentence adverb ] used
when you are mentioning a fact that
you wish was not true
unfortunately / ʌnˈfɔːtʃ ə nətli $ -
ˈfɔːr- / adverb [ sentence adverb ]
used when you are mentioning a fact
that you wish was not true :
Unfortunately, you were out when we
….. phrasal verb if a shop sells out of
something, it has no more of that
particular thing left to sell
sell out phrasal verb if a shop sells
out of something, it has no more of
that particular thing left to sell
be/have sold out
Sorry, we’re sold out.
sell out of
We’ve completely sold out of those
shirts in your size, sir.
….. noun [ uncountable ] formal
goods that are being sold
merchandise / ˈmɜːtʃ ə ndaɪz, -daɪs $
ˈmɜːr- / noun [ uncountable ] formal
goods that are being sold :
A range of official Disney
merchandise was on sale.
They inspected the merchandise
….. noun[ singular, uncountable ] a
piece of news or a message
word/ wɜːd $ wɜːrd / noun[ singular,
uncountable ] a piece of news or a
message :
Word of mouth (= information you
get by someone telling you ) is one of
the best ways of getting business.
….. verb [ intransitive and
transitive ] British English to paint
the inside of a room, put special
paper on the walls etc
decorate / ˈdekəreɪt / verb
[ intransitive and transitive ] British
English to paint the inside of a room,
put special paper on the walls etc :
The bathroom is decorated in green
and yellow.
We plan to spend the weekend
decorating noun [ uncountable ]
….. adjective very busy or full of
hectic / ˈhektɪk / adjective very busy
or full of activity :
I’ve had a pretty hectic day.
a hectic social life
….. noun [ countable ] a door or
space through which you can leave a
public room, building etc
exit / ˈeɡzət, ˈeɡzɪt, ˈeksət / noun
[ countable ] a door or space through
which you can leave a public room,
building etc :
We made for the nearest exit.
an exit door
Two men were blocking her exit.
….. noun [ countable ] American
English a train carriage
car / kɑː $ kɑːr / noun [ countable ]
American English a train carriage
….. verb [ transitive ] to pull
something along the ground, often
because it is too heavy to carry
drag / dræɡ / verb [ transitive ] to
pull something along the ground,
often because it is too heavy to carry
drag something away/along/through
Inge managed to drag the table into
the kitchen.
….. adjective completely stupid or
unreasonable SYN ridiculous
absurd / əbˈsɜːd, -ˈzɜːd $ -ɜːrd / adjective
completely stupid or unreasonable SYN
quite/slightly/completely etc absurd
It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to
drive for 3 hours just for a 20-minute
absurdity noun [ uncountable and
countable ] :
Duncan laughed at the absurdity of the
….. noun [ countable ] especially
British English the raised place
beside a railway track where you get
on and off a train in a station
platform / ˈplætfɔːm $ -fɔːrm / noun [
countable ]
especially British English the raised
place beside a railway track where
you get on and off a train in a station
The Edinburgh train will depart from
platform six.
….. noun [ uncountable ] the activity
or sport of moving around on skates
for fun or as a sport
skating / ˈskeɪtɪŋ / noun
[ uncountable ] the activity or sport
of moving around on skates for fun
or as a sport :
We went skating in Central Park.
….. noun [ countable ] E a piece of
writing about a particular subject in
a newspaper or magazine
article/ ˈɑːtɪk ə l $ ˈɑːr- / noun
[ countable ] E a piece of writing
about a particular subject in a
newspaper or magazine
article on/about
an article on environmental issues
….. noun [ countable ] when people
vote to choose someone for an official
election / ɪˈlekʃ ə n / noun [ countable
] when people vote to choose someone
for an official position :
The Labour Party won the 2001
election by a huge majority.
Elections for the state governorship
will be on November 25.
….. noun [ U also + plural verb
British English ] ideas and activities
relating to gaining and using power
in a country, city etc → political ,
politics / ˈpɒlətɪks, ˈpɒlɪtɪks $ ˈpɑː- /
noun [ U also + plural verb British
English ] ideas and activities relating
to gaining and using power in a
country, city etc → political ,
politician :
a good understanding of politics in
….. verb [ transitive ] to think that
something is true, although you do
not have definite proof SYN presume
assume / əˈsjuːm $ əˈsuːm / verb
[ transitive ] to think that something is
true, although you do not have definite
proof SYN presume
assume (that)
I didn’t see your car, so I assumed you’d
gone out.
it is/seems reasonable to assume (that)
It seems reasonable to assume that the
book was written around 70 AD.

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