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Subject: English language

Teacher : Miss Maryum
Muhhamad Suleman(70146304)
Zeeshan Afzal ( 70144995)
Ali Akbar. ( 7013768)

Animal farm
Written by: Goerge Orwell
Chapter No 6 over view
Chapter 6 –key events:

- The Animals work a 60-hour week

-The Windmill Continues To be built A- Slow, laborious process
-There are Food shourtages
- Animal farm will start To trade with Neighbouring Farms
-The pigs move in the farmhouse sleep in beds
- Therse is a stormat night and windmill Falls
- Snowball is blamed for the windmills destruction
- -Napoleon declares that they will start
- Rebuilding the windmill immediately
Structure of the chapter
Opening paragraph:
The Animals worked Like slaves but they were happy .
First sentece of last paragraph tells us that Animals were tired but
happy . This is juxtaposition Shows the feeling of Animals .
• Perhaps Orwls:howing us that language can be manipulated to
bitrary realty :
The life of Animal is Misery and Salvery;
-Snowball to Mollie (Ch 2)
Those Ribbons....are they badge of slavery.
Yet by chapter 6 They are working like slaves
3 Boxer character
• Life on Animal farm is no better than it was on manor farm
• Orwell sets out Boxer as a true and local commarade
• Nothing could have been achieved without boxer
• His strength seemed equal to that of all the rest of animals put
• Filled everyone with admiration
• To see him toiling up the slope inch by inch his breath coming fast the tips
of his hoofs clawing at the group and his great sides matted with sweat
• His two slogans I will work hard and Napoleon always right
• Seemed to him a sufficient answer to all problems
• Russian working classes
• Supported the Bolsheviks bringing about the fall of the Monarchy
• Pigs

Actively flouting the principles of Animalism

Oldmajors speech and the commandments
No animal Must ever live in a house Or sleep in a bed Or where clothes and
drinking alcohols
Conclusion points
• As reader we can see that none of his is obvious or logical
• Squealer refers to Napoleon’s leader
• Immediately we get the sense that they are not all equal
• Napoleon has title
• No longer commarade
• All animals are no longer
• Napoleon’s cape goats snowball
• We see
• Napoleon’s in abailty true leadership Responsibility
• His willingness to explot the animals limited intelligence or(fear,or
united memories
Thank you

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