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Curriculum Development

The Role and Design

Instructional Materials

English Language Education - MNC University

Find out:
1.What is meant by instructional materials?
2. What are the functions?
3. Mention the types of it!
4. What are the positive and negative effect of authentic materials?
5. Find an example of authentic materials for teaching
Instruction (n) : detailed information telling how something should be
done, operated or assembled
Material (n) : facts, information, or ideas for use in creating a book or
other work
Oxford Dictionary (2024)

Instructional Material?
Instructional Materials
What is meant by the term?

Instructional materials are all forms of material(s) are arranged systematically used to help
teachers/instructors in conducting learning activity that create an environment or atmosphere
that allows students to learn (written or unwritten).
(Cunningworth, 1995)
Instructional Materials
Especially designed classrooms tools which contain instructions to
learners and teachers, and which specify each increment of learning.

Involve production, evaluation, and adaption language teaching


Serve as the basis for much of the language input learners receive
and the language practice that occurs in the classrooms.

Provide a detailed specification of content, even in the absence of

the syllabus.

An important element within the curriculum and often the most

tangible and visible aspect of it.
01 Retrieved appropriate instructional materials

Benefits of 02 No longer depent on textbooks

Materials Enrich

Thomlinson (2001) 04 Adding credit score

05 Building effective learning communications

The Role of
Intstructional material
Cunningsworth (1995)
The Functions
• A resource for presentation materials (spoken & written)
• A source of activities for learner practice and communicative interaction
• A reference source for learners on language units
• A source of simulation and ideas for classroom activities
• A syllabus
• A support for less experienced teachers who have yet to gain in confidence

Dudley-Evans & St.John (1998)

• As a language source
• As a learning support
• For motivation and simulation
• For reference
Authentic vs Created

Authentic Created
texts, photos, videos and other resources that were not textbooks, workbooks and other teaching resource
specially prepared for pedagogical purposes. which are specially developed for instructional
Authentic Materials Created Materials

• They have positive effect on learner motivation
• They might be superior to authentic ones because they are
• Theyprovide authentic cultural information about the target
generally built around a graded syllabus
• They help standardize instruction
• They provide exposure to real language
• They can provide effective language models and input
• They relate more closely to learners’ needs
• They maintain quality
• They support a more creative approach to teaching

• They contain of difficult knowledge and uneeded vocabulary
items (distractions for teachers & learners)
• They are burden for teachers (takes time for adjusting and
developing the learning activities)

Phillips and Shettlesworth 1978; Clarke 1989; Peacock 1997)

Nifli (2021)
Nifli (2021)
in deciding on teaching materials

Choosing a suitable published Adapting a published course to Using teacher-made & authentic
course match the needs of the course materials as the basis for the

Richards (2024)

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