Fifth Meeting

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• The present perfect tense dibentuk dengan rumus
sebagai berikut :
(Subyek + have/has + past participle (verb 3) +
obyek / kata keterangan lainnya).

I / you / we / they menggunakan kata kerja bantu


He / she / it menggunakan kata kerja bantu

The present perfect tense digunakan untuk
menunjukkan :
a. Suatu perbuatan yang terjadi pada waktu
lampau dan masih ada kaitannya dengan waktu
Examples :
 He has taught English since 1990
(Dia telah mengajar bahasa Inggris sejak 1990)
 I have lived here for five years
(Saya telah bertempat tinggal disini selama lima
b. Suatu perbutan yang telah terjadi

You have seen it

(Anda telah melihatnya)
Agus has understood the new lesson
(Agus telah paham pelajaran baru)
C. Suatu perbuatan yang selesai pada waktu singkat. Dalam hal
ini sering diapakai kata-kata seperti : at last, just, recently,

Examples :
 At last, he has gone to Jakarta.
( Pada akhirnya dia pergi ke Jakarta)
 I have just spoken to him.
(Saya baru saja berbicara dengannya)
 I have met Amin recently.
(Saya telah berbtemu Amin baru-baru ini)
 Finally, they have started to work.
(Akhirnya, mereka mulai bekerja)
d. Suatu perbuatan ulangan pada waktu yang tidak
tertentu sebelum sekaerang. Dalam hal ini sering
dipakai kata-kata already, ever, never, dan yet.
Examples :
 The postman has already been in front of the house.
(Tukang pos itu berada didepan rumah)
 Have you ever seen a wolf ?
( Apakah anda pernah melihat seekor serigala ? )
 No, I’ve never seen it.
( Tidak, saya belum pernah melihatnya )
 Has the postman come yet ?
(Apakah tukang pos itu sudah datang ?)
 No, he hasn’t come yet. We are still expecting him.
(Belum, dia belum datang. Kami masih sedang menunggunya)
Dalam bahasa Inggris kalimat ini
mempunyai empat bentuk, yakni :
1. Kalimat berita (positive/affirmative)
2. Kalimat menyangkal (negative)
3. Kalimat bertanya (interrogative)
4. Kalimat bertanya menangkal (negative interrogative)
Penjelasan dan contoh:
1. kalimat berita ( positive / affirmative )
Example :
I have studied English for three years
You have studied English for three years
He has studied Engliish for three years
She has studied English for three years
It has studied English for theree years
They have studied English for three years
We have studied English for three years
(Kami telah belajar bahasa Inggris selama tiga tahun)
• I have disingkat = I’ve
• You have disingkat = You’ve
• He has disingkat = he’s
• She has disingkat = she’s
• It has disingkat = it’s
• They have disingkat = they’ve
• We have disingkat =we’ve
2. Kalimat menyangkal (negative)
untuk membentuk kalimat negative ialah dengan
meletakkan not sesudah have / has.

• Rumus :
subyek + have / has + not + pat participle
(verb 3) + obyek / kata keterangan lainnya.
Examples :
Example :
I have not studied English for three years
You have not studied English for three years
He has not studied Engliish for three years
She has not studied English for three years
It has not studied English for theree years
They have not studied English for three years
We have not studied English for three years
(Kami tidak / belum belajar bahasa Inggris selama tiga
• I have not disingkat = I haven’t
• You have not disingkat = You haven’t
• He has not disingkat = he hasn’t
• She has not disingkat = she hasn’t
• It has not disingkat = it hasn’t
• They have not disingkat = they haven’t
• We have not disingkat =we haven’t
3. Kalimat bertanya (Interrogative)
untuk membentuk kalimat bertanya ialah dengan meletakkan
kata kerja bantu have / has di awal kalimat.
• Rumus :
Have / has + subyek + past participle (V3) + obyek / kata keterangan lainnya.
Example :
 have I studied English for three years ?
 have You studied English for three years ?
 has He studied Engliish for three years ?
 has She studied English for three years ?
 has It studied English for theree years ?
 have they studied English for three years ?
 have we studied English for three years ?
(Apakah Kami telah belajar bahasa Inggris selama tiga tahun ?)
4. Kalimat bertanya menyangkal (negatieve interrogative)
untuk membetnuk kalimat bertanya menyangkal ialah dengan
meletakkan kata kerja bantu have / has + not di awal kalimat.
• Rumus :
Haven’t / hasn’t + subyek/have/has + subyek + not + past participle (verb 3) + obyek/kata
keterangan lainnya.
Example :
 Haven’t I / have I not studied English for three years ?
 Haven’t you/ have you not studied English for three years ?
 Hasn’t he/has he not studied English for three years ?
 Hasn’t she/has she not studied English for three years ?
 Hasn’t it/has it not studied English for theree years ?
 Haven’t they/have they not studied English for three years ?
 Haven’t we/have we not studied English for three years ?
(Apakah Kami tidak / belum belajar bahasa Inggris selama tiga
tahun ?)
Untuk menambahkan pengertian kita pada bentuk The Present
Perfect Tense ini, disini akan diberikan ketentuan cara
penulisan atau penambahan ed pada kata kerja past tense dan
past participle. Yang dikenal dengan sebutan kata kerja
beraturan (reguler verb)

1. Apabila kata kerja brakhiran huruf e maka

kata kerja tersebut hanya ditambah d saja.
Examples :
• Live - lived -lived = tinggal
• Love -loved -loved = mencintai
• Close -closed -closed = menutup
2. Apabila kata kerja berakhiran sebuah huruf mati
dan didahului oleh sebuah huruf hidup, maka huruf
mati tersebut diduakan kemudian ditambah ed.
Examples :
-stop -stopped -stopped = berhenti
-admit -admitted -admitted = mengakui
-travel -travelled - travelled = mengadakan
3. Apabila kata kerja berakhiran huruf “y” yang
didahului oleh huruf mati, maka “y” tersebut dirubah
menjadi “i” kemudian ditambah “ed”.

Examples :
- Study -studied -studied = belajar
- Cry -cried -cried = menangis
- Try -tried -tried = mencoba
4. Apabila kata kerja berakhiran huruf “y” yang
didahului oleh huruf hidup maka “ed” tersebut
langsung saja ditambahkan pada kata kerja tanpa
mengalami perubahan.

Examples :
-play -played -played = bermain
-stay -stayed -stayed = tinggal,
-obey -obeyed -obeyed = menuruti
5. Selain nomor 1, 2, 3 dan 4 tersebut diatas,
kata kerjanya langsung ditambahkan ed.

Examples :
-Want -wanted -wanted = ingin, mau
-Open -opened -opened = membuka
-Wash -washed -washed = mencuci
Dalam The Present Perfect Tense biasa diberi
kata keterangan seperti dibawah ini:
• For = selama
• Since = sejak
• Once = satu kali
• Twice = dua kali
• Three time = tiga kali
• Four times = empat kali
• Many times = banyak / sering kali
• Several times =beberapa kali
• This week = minggu ini
• This month =bulan ini
• This year = tahun ini
• Already = sudah
• Just = baru saja
• Not yet = belum
• As yet = sampai sekarang
• So far = hingga sekarang
• Up to the present time = hingga sekarang
• Lately = akhir-akhir ini
• Recently = baru-baru ini
• Finally = akhirnya
• At last = akhirnya
• Since yesterday = sejak kemarin
• For an hour = selama sejam
• For two years = selama dua tahun
• Never = tidak pernah
• Ever = pernah
Examples :

• He has studied English for three years.

• They have lived in Tangerang since 1990.
• I have been in Jakarta once.
• I have been in Jakarta once or twice.
• Ahmad has gone to Surabaya three times.
• She has answered the questions four times.
• I’ve read that story several times.
• We’ve gone to library many times.
• Ahmad has come here this week.
• They have finished their duties this month.
Contoh deskripsi sederhana dalam bentuk
present perfect tense.
This is about my younger sister, Leenda. She is a High School student.
She has always imagined herself as a musician. She has told me about her
dream many times. It has been her dream since elementary school.
Who has inspired her to be a musician? A great singer named
Whitney Houston has been her favourite singer. Leenda has always listened
to Whitney’s songs many times in a day. She loves the song entitled “I have
nothing” by Whitney Houston.
Leenda has also learned how to play a guitar for a year. She has
made one youtube channel since 2017. She has covered many songs and
uploaded in her channel. Many viewers have written positive comments
about her covers.
Sometimes Leenda has music performances with her friends. Leenda
and her friends have just done a music performance this month. They are
also great playes. They have won five music competitions this year. They all
want to be great musicians.

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