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Session 2
Time Sharing Option (TSO)…
 Is an MVS sub-system
 Allows users to perform tasks in an interactive environment
 Login procedure:
◦ Type TSO once you login to MVS
◦ You will then see a panel on which you will need to enter your user
id and password
◦ User id is a unique group of seven or fewer characters
◦ Three incorrect tries of the password will lock the account!
◦ Change of password is possible on the same screen; you will be
asked to enter the old password (for authentication) and the new
password twice (for change)

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…Time Sharing Option (TSO)
 As soon as you login to TSO, there may be some messages for you,
which will be displayed
 Finally you see three asterisks * * *, signifying that your environment
is ready and a READY message
 Enter commands at the position of the cursor, below the READY
 While you can use TSO commands directly here, it is easier and
preferable that you use ISPF
 Once you are logged on to TSO, you will automatically be logged off
the service if no activity is detected on your session for about 15

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Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF)
 Is a component of TSO
 Facilitates interaction with the TSO service
 Allows users to perform most functions available in TSO without
having to remember complicated TSO command formats
 Is a hierarchical menu driven system and is presented as a formatted
display consisting of protected and unprotected fields
 Also called SPF (System Productivity Facility) or PDF (Program
Development Facility)
 Invoked by typing ISPF or PDF on the TSO command (READY)

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Basic screens of ISPF…

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…Basic screens of ISPF

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Allocating a data set…
 Name of the dataset or file is often divided into levels of qualifiers:
◦ PROJECT (usually the login id of the user),
 Data sets are referred to by their names as PROJECT.GROUP.TYPE.
 Each qualifier cannot be more than 8 characters long and qualifiers
are separated by periods
 Maximum of 22 qualifiers are allowed, although only 3 are used
 Data set name cannot be more than 44 characters long (including

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…Allocating a data set…
 Each qualifier must start with an alphabet or a special character (# or
@ or $.)
 Other characters can be alphabetic, numeric, special or a hyphen (-)
 Example: A PDS used for storing your Cobol programs could be
called TEST01.SOURCE.COBOL (assuming that TEST01 is your id)
 It is even possible to create a data set with the name
 To allocate a data set, use option 3 and then sub-option 2. Alternately,
you can type 3.2 on the primary panel to get to the screen directly

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…Allocating a data set…

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…Allocating a data set…

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…Allocating a data set…

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…Allocating a data set…
 Space units
◦ BLKS - Blocks
◦ TRKS – Tracks (suggested unit)
◦ CYLS - Cylinders
◦ KB – Kilobytes
◦ MB - Megabytes
◦ BYTES - Bytes

◦ A track is one concentric circle on one platter of a disk pack. On

IBM 3380 disks, one track can store 47,476 bytes of data (or nearly
600 eighty byte long records)

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…Allocating a data set…
 Primary quantity
◦ Number of units of space you estimate that you will need for your
 Secondary quantity
◦ Considered if primary quantity is not sufficient for storing a data
◦ For each one of these requested, 15 additional increments will be
made available, should the need arise. For example, assuming that
KB is the space unit used, a 2 entered here will provide a maximum
of 30 KB of secondary space which will be allocated in 2 KB
increments, as needed
 Directory blocks
◦ 0 for PS
◦ For PDS, the number given here is that number x 5 members. For
example, if you give 5 here, system will allow you to place 25
members in the PDS
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…Allocating a data set…
 Record format
◦ FB - Fixed Blocked
◦ FBA - Fixed Block with carriage control (used for reports to be
◦ VB - Variable Blocked
◦ F - Fixed Unblocked (rarely used)
◦ V - Variable Unblocked (rarely used)
◦ U – Undefined (rarely used)
 Record length
◦ Refers to the number of characters for each record
◦ For fixed length, 80 is the most common value; for variable length,
255 is a reasonable value
 Block size
◦ Leave it blank so that system can select the best possible value

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…Allocating a data set…

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…Allocating a data set
 Similar steps are to be used for allocating a PS
 Allocation of a VSAM data set will be covered later
 Option 3.2 can also be used to display information on any data set,
including ones that you created. For display, instead of typing A on
the top, no option is required to be entered
 3.2 can also be used to rename or delete data sets

 On 3.2, one way of giving the data set name was shown in the screen
on the previous slide. The other way is to type it in the ‘Data Set
Name’ option. While using this, data set name has to be enclosed in
single quotes if all qualifiers are given. That is, give as
‘TEST01.SOURCE.COBOL’. If the first qualifier is the same as the
user’s id, then the first qualifier can be ignored and no quotes is
required. It can be given as SOURCE.COBOL. The system
automatically adds TEST01. to the data set name, as it is not qualified

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Creating a member in a PDS…
 Option 2 is used for creating a member in a PDS
 Same option is used for editing existing members in a PDS or editing
a PS
 Option 2 can be selected by going to the first ISPF menu (hit PF3 on
any screen in ISPF to take you back in the same hierarchical order,
until you reach the primary screen)
 Alternately, you can type =2 on the command line from any ISPF
screen to directly go to the edit panel
 Here, we are about to create a member called mem1 in the PDS that
was just created
 Member is created and immediately opened in edit mode

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…Creating a member in a PDS…

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…Creating a member in a PDS…

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…Creating a member in a PDS

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Editing a member in a PDS…
 The moment the edit mode opens on ISPF, just start typing the text
 Two kinds of commands are possible in edit mode:
◦ Primary commands – typed on the command line on top
◦ Line commands – typed on the lines in the line number area
 Each data set has an edit profile that defines the way you can edit a
data set. For example, a profile can be set up to edit data that is all in
capital letters, or to edit data that is in mixed-case letters
 ISPF generates a default edit profile based on the library type of the
data set you are editing. Usually, the default profile is suitable for the
kind of data you want to put in the data set. Sometimes, however, it is
 To look at the edit profile of a data set, type PROFILE on the edit
 The edit profile appears on five lines above the records in the data set

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…Editing a member in a PDS…

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…Editing a member in a PDS

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Edit profile of a data set…
 Default setting is that all entered lines are converted to caps. This is
useful for Cobol programs
 To change this setting, type CAPS OFF on the command line

Sequence numbers
 If you scroll to the right, you will see sequence numbers appearing by
default on the last 8 columns. Again, this is useful for Cobol
 To change this setting, type UNNUM on the command line

 HEX ON is used to be able to read data in hexadecimal format
(covered later in Cobol)
 Default setting in HEX OFF

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…Edit profile of a data set
 Uses different colours to highlight different parts of the code. Very
useful in Cobol, JCL and JCL procedures while editing them
 Default setting is HILITE OFF

 To stop displaying the edit profile, type RESET on the command line
in edit mode

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…Editing a JCL data set

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…Editing a Cobol data set

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Line commands on edit panel…

Command Purpose
i Insert one line
inn Insert nn lines
d Delete one line
dnn Delete nn lines
dd Delete a set of lines starting with the first dd to the next dd
c / cnn / cc Copy line / lines (to be immediately followed by b or a line
m / mnn / mm Move line / lines (to be immediately followed by b or a line
a Copy or move identified line or lines after this line (to follow m
or c command)
b Copy or move identified line or lines before this line (to follow
m or c command)

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…Line commands on edit panel

Command Purpose
( / (( Move line / lines by 1 byte to the left
(nn / ((nn Move line / lines by nn bytes to the left
) / )) Move line / lines by 1 byte to the right
)nn / ))nn Move line / lines by nn bytes to the right
col / cols Display column numbers above the line
x / xnn / xx Excludes line / lines from displaying
r / rnn / rr Repeats line / lines
.x Place a label called x on the current line. Is useful to return to
this line by using l .x primary command at a later point in the
same edit session

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Primary commands on edit panel…

Command Purpose
F ‘abc’ Find next occurrence (from the current cursor position) of text
abc in data set
F ‘abc’ FIRST Find first occurrence of text abc in data set
F ‘abc’ LAST Find last occurrence of text abc in data set
F ‘abc’ nnn Find next occurrence of text abc starting in column nnn
TOP / BOTTOM Move to the top or bottom of the data set
LEFT / RIGHT Move to the left or right of the data set (useful if the record
length is greater than 80 bytes)
L .x Locate label x (that is, go to the line that has label x)
C ‘abc’ ‘def’ Change next occurrence of text abc to def
C ‘abc’ ‘def’ Change all occurrences of text abc to def
C ‘abc’ ‘def’ Change all occurrences of text abc to def between labels a and
ALL .a .b b

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…Primary commands on edit panel

Command Purpose
PFSHOW ON Display the PF keys and their meanings
RESET Reset the file (stops displaying profile, removes pending line
SAVE Save the current data set
CANCEL Exit the edit session without saving the changes in the current
data set
=X Exit the current ISPF session (asks if data set needs to be
saved or not, if changes have been made since the last save)
HEX ON Turns hexadecimal mode on (helpful to display such data in
readable format)
CUT / PASTE Used to cut data to or paste data from temporary storage (to be
used in conjunction with copy line command)
CREATE name Create a member named name in the same PDS with the
records marked with copy or move line commands
SUB Submits a job (used only while editing JCLs)
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Function keys on edit panel

Key Purpose
PF1 Help
PF2 Split screen at the cursor’s position
PF3 Save and exit
PF4 Exit or return without saving
PF5 Find next occurrence of previous find command
PF6 Change next occurrence of previous change command
PF7 Page up
PF8 Page down
PF9 Swap between two split screens
PF10 Move left
PF11 Move right
PF12 Cancel or bring previous command on command line
PF13 – PF24 Repeat of PF1 to PF12

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Other important ISPF panels…
Option 3.4
 Used for listing data sets with specific qualifiers
 Once data sets are listed, the following line commands can be given in
front of any data set:
Command Purpose
b Browse
d Delete
e Edit
m List members (only for PDS)
s List details of data set
hrecall Recall migrated / archived data set
= Repeat previous command
/ Show list of possible commands
z Compress PDS dataset (used when there is a
space problem)
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…Other important ISPF panels
 Option 1 – View data set
 Option 3.3 – Move / copy data sets
 Option 6 – Native TSO (to retrieve messages / files sent to you from
another system or user; to transfer files from / to desktop)
 Option 0 – Settings
 Other administrator defined panels to access SDSF, RACF,
CHANGEMAN and other system-specific applications

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Compressing a PDS (for space problem)…
 Sometimes, while trying to save a member in a PDS, user will
encounter a space problem (error message on top right corner)
 In such a case, it is necessary to compress that PDS so as to free some
 This is done by listing that particular PDS by using 3.4 and entering
the line command Z (for compress) in front of its name

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…Compressing a PDS (for space problem)

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Other common problems and solutions
 When the number of members in a PDS has reached the maximum
limit and an error is given for this while saving a member:
◦ Allocate a new PDS with more directory blocks
◦ Save the new member to the new PDS
◦ Move all old members from the old PDS to the new one
◦ Delete the old PDS
◦ Rename the new PDS with the old one’s name
 Sometimes, compress will not solve the problem mentioned before.
In that case, follow the same solution as above
 If user has allocated a data set with incorrect specifications (length or
type, it is not possible to alter them. The only solution is to delete and
recreate it with the correct specifications. In case the mistake is for a
PDS that already has members, user has to create a new PDS with the
correct specifications and move the members from the old one to the
new one

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System Display and Search Facility (SDSF)
 Provides users with information to monitor, manage, and control the
MVS / JES2 system
 With SDSF, users can:
◦ Control job processing (hold, release, cancel, and purge jobs)
◦ Monitor jobs while they are running
◦ Browse jobs without printing
◦ Control job classes
◦ Control printers, punches, readers and initiators
◦ Control network lines and nodes
◦ Control spool offload devices
◦ Display and control WLM scheduling environments and resources
◦ Issue JES2 and MVS commands that affect jobs

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SDSF – First panel…

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…SDSF – First panel
The first panel contains the following:

No. Description Purpose

1 Action bar Permits user to select a pull-down menu to accomplish
various SDSF tasks
2 Title line Shows the panel name as well as status information.
Information about the lines being displayed also
appears here
3 Message area Error messages appear here
4 Command line The command line lets user enter SDSF, MVS, or
JES2 commands. The SCROLL controls the
5 Message and Longer messages appear below the command line. The
information lines information lines display responses when you issue
one of the SDSF set commands
6 Data area Described in detail on the next slide

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SDSF – Data area
 Usually, data is in columns and rows
 Each row represents a single job, TSO user, task, data set, resource,
or other system entity
 Column headings describe the information in the columns
 The column headings are different for each panel, and may vary with
your environment, such as JES2 level. They may be tailored by the
system programmer
 The first column is a fixed field; when you scroll right or left, it
remains in the same position

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SDSF – Command line commands
Command Purpose
UP / DOWN / Scroll up / down / left / right
FIND Find a character string
DA Display only active jobs and users
H Display held queue jobs only
I Display input queue jobs only (i.e.) jobs awaiting execution
O Display output queue jobs only
ST Display active, held, input and output queue jobs
OWNER Limit display by owner id
PREFIX Limit display by job names starting with given prefix
SORT Sort display by given criteria

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SDSF – Action characters
 In addition to command line commands, it is also possible to issue
commands to specific listed jobs using action characters
 Action characters are placed in the data area against a particular job
 The following are some of the commonly used action characters:

? Display details of a job
s Display contents of a job (can be used when details are
displayed also)
p Purge a job
se Edit contents of a job
sj Resubmit a job from SDSF itself
a Release an on-hold job (only if the user has the permission)

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…SDSF – Command line commands
 By default, prefix and owner are set to your user id. In case they are
not, you will not see the jobs that you submit on SDSF. In such a
scenario, use the PREFIX and OWNER commands with your user id
to get it fixed. That is, if your user id is TEST01, use the line
 It is also possible to use PF keys just like you do on the edit panel.
Use PFSHOW ON to see what each PF key will do. Most of them
will function like they do on the edit panel

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…SDSF – Looking at the job output…

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…SDSF – Looking at the job output…

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…SDSF – Looking at the job output…

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…SDSF – Looking at the job output…

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…SDSF – Looking at the job output…

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…SDSF – Looking at the job output…

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…SDSF – Looking at the job output…

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…SDSF – Looking at the job output

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Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)…
 RACF is an IBM software product
 It is a security system that provides access control and auditing
 It fulfills the following main features:
◦ Identification and verification of a user via user id and password
check (authentication)
◦ Protection of resources by maintenance of access rights
◦ Logging of accesses to protected resources (auditing)
 RACF establishes security policies rather than just permission records

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…Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)…
 It can set permissions for data set name patterns - that is, set the
permissions even for data sets that do not yet exist. Those permissions
are then used for the data sets created at a later time
 RACF administration functions have ISPF entry panels and associated
help panels. These panels make it easy to enter the RACF commands
and their options.
 RACF provides TSO with user identification and verification, as well
as resource authorization checking

 To simplify the administration of access control, you can store TSO

logon information in the RACF database. A segment within the user
profile, designated for TSO, contains many pieces of information
including JOBCLASS, MSGCLASS etc.

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…Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)…
 RACF maintains information entries called profiles in the RACF
database. It provides 3 types of profiles:
◦ Discrete profile:
 Discrete profiles have a one-for-one relationship with a resource
—one profile for each resource.
◦ Generic profile:
 Generic profiles have a one-for-many relationship. One profile
controls access to one or more resources whose names contain
patterns or character strings that RACF uses to associate them
with each other
◦ Grouped profile:
 There may be no way to associate the resources with a common
access list based on patterns in the resource names. In this case,
the many resource names can be associated with a single RACF
profile through the use of a grouping profile that contains the
names of the associated resources

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…Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)
 It is possible for users to give permissions to their data sets using
RACF panels using any type of profile. Examples:
◦ To give permissions to a specific data set called
TEST01.SOURCE.COBOL, a discrete profile of the same name is
◦ To give permissions to all data sets that begin with TEST01.JCL, a
generic profile is used
 Other users can be given read, write, create or all permissions by the

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