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Interview Personal

Questions &
Kind of Questions



Behavioral (70%)
Dealing with questions about the self
Let’s discuss what the interviewer wants?
• What is most important to you?
• Are you the right fit for the job?
•Do you bring the knowledge, skill set and right attitude for the job?
(The entire interview will revolve around the above 3 points)


•Who you are ?

-Summary of your
qualifications + adjectives

•Your accomplishments:
List of accomplishments +
proof of evidence

•Will you adapt to the

environment – describe
your attitude
Dealing with questions about the self

•Run me through your resume / Tell me about yourself

•How would your friends describe you?

•What are your strengths and weaknesses?

•Give me an example of your creativity.

•What has been your most significant achievement?

•What have you done that shows initiative?

•What are your outside interests?

•What did you do during the lockdown period?

Dealing with questions about the self

•How has college prepared you for this career?

•Are you not overqualified for this position?
•Are you planning to do higher studies
•What was the last book you read?
•Who has inspired you in your life and why? or
•Which person has had the greatest influence on you, why?
•Why did you choose your college?
•Why did you choose this degree?
•What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
•What are your goals?
•What motivates you to do good job?
•What makes you angry?
Interview preparation –
Situational Questions
Situational questions

•Tell me about a time you went way beyond to Your answer

finish a work/ assignment contain:
•Tell me about a time you had to choose something
•A problem
else over your studies / committed job you faced
•Describe a situation where you weren’t satisfied
with what you did. What could have made it solution
•The benefit
•If you won Rs.10 crores in a lottery, would you to your
still work? employer
Situational questions

•Where do you see yourself five years from now?

•Tell me about a time you reached a big goal. How did you reach it?
•Describe a situation where you saw a problem and took steps to fix it.
•Tell me about a time you had to collaborate with a friend/ classmate
who was tough to please.
•Tell me about a time when your workload was very heavy in college.
•Describe a time when you had too many to do items on your list. How
did you solve the problem?
•Describe your biggest failure. How did you handle it?
Break out activity

•Choose a partner and post your name and partner’s name in the zoom chat

Practice 6 to 7 questions in the previous two slides with your partner in the break
out room

Swap your role as interviewer and candidate

Turn on your video during the practice

In case of technical issue, use zoom for video and practice over normal phone call

After the interview, exchange feedback with each other

Duration : 15 mins including feedback exchange

Return to main session

•Discussion on feedback

•Discussion on difficult questions

•Doubts & Clarifications

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