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Module 8

Optimizing Data
Management for Web
Module Overview
- Managing Data by Using LINQ to Entities
- Using Data Source Controls
- Using ASP.NET Dynamic Data
Lesson 1: Managing Data by Using LINQ to
- Overview of LINQ to Entities
- Overview of ADO.NET Entity Framework Object Services
- The Entity Data Model
- Demonstration: Creating an Entity Data Model
- Object Oriented Programming using LINQ to Entities
- CRUD Operations using LINQ to Entities
Overview of LINQ to Entities
Works with:
- ADO.NET Entity Framework
- Entity Data Model
Is based on:
- LINQ standard query operators
LINQ to Entities allows developers to work against a conceptual
model with a very flexible object-relational mapping across
Microsoft SQL Server

and third-party databases.

Overview of ADO.NET Entity Framework Object
- Enables you to query, insert, update, and delete data
expressed as strongly-typed CLR objects
- Supports Entity SQL and LINQ queries
- Entity Data Model tools by default generate EntityObject
derived entity types
- The ObjectContext class is the primary class for
interacting with data
The Entity Data Model
- Performs automatic mapping between conceptual data
model and underlying data source
- Is a specification for defining the data used by applications
built on ADO.NET Entity Framework
- Extends design models and provides XML syntax to detail
the results in schematic form
Demonstration: Creating an Entity Data Model
Add an ADO.NET Entity Data Model project item
Generate model from database
Choose data connection
Choose database objects
Pluralize or singularize generated object names
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Object Oriented Programming using LINQ to
- Create an instance of the ObjectContext derived type
- Query the objects in the ObjectContext instance
- Dispose of the ObjectContext instance
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CRUD Operations using LINQ to Entities
- Add a new object using the AddObject method
- Delete an existing object using the DeleteObject method
- Submit local changes using the SaveChanges method
- Wrap the call to the SaveChanges method in a
Try...Catch/try...catch construct
Lesson 2: Using Data Source Controls
- Types of Data Source Controls
- Capabilities of Data Source Controls
- Advanced GridView Control Techniques
- Walkthrough: Creating a GridView TemplateField
- How to use the ListView and DetailsView Controls
- Using the Microsoft Chart Control
Types of Data Source Controls
- EntityDataSource
- LinqDataSource
- ObjectDataSource
- SiteMapDataSource
- SqlDataSource
- XmlDataSource
Capabilities of Data Source Controls
- Binding
- Sorting
- Filtering
- Modifying
Advanced GridView Control Techniques
- Templates
- Custom controls inside a template
- Custom paging
Walkthrough: Creating a GridView TemplateField
- Switch to Design view
- Select GridView control
- Click Smart Tag button
- Open Fields dialog box
How to use the ListView and DetailsView Controls
- ListView control
- DetailsView control
Using the Microsoft Chart Control
- Configuring a Basic Chart
- Adding Legends to the Chart
- Adding a Title to the Chart
The Microsoft Chart control provides rich data visualization for
Lab A: Optimizing Data Management for Web
- Exercise 1: Managing Data by Using LINQ to Entities
- Exercise 2: Customizing the GridView
- Exercise 3: Using ListView, DetailsView and Charts
Logon information
Virtual machine 10264A-GEN-DEV
User name Student
Estimated time: 45 minutes
Lab Scenario
Lab A Review
Review Questions
- Why did you create a templated column in the GridView
- For which purpose did you use the DetailsView control?
Lesson 3: Using ASP.NET Dynamic Data
- What Is ASP.NET Dynamic Data?
- ASP.NET Dynamic Data Usage Scenarios
- Scaffolding Feature of ASP.NET Dynamic Data
- Routing Feature of ASP.NET Dynamic Data
- Demonstration: Creating an ASP.NET Dynamic Data Web
What Is ASP.NET Dynamic Data?
ASP.NET Dynamic Data is a framework that helps you quickly build a
functional data-driven application
Data model represents the information in a database
In ASP.NET Dynamic Data:
Scaffolding enhances the existing ASP.NET page framework
Templates can be used for displaying various data
Dynamic Data enhances existing data controls to include dynamic

ASP.NET Dynamic Data Usage Scenarios

- Rapid Application Development (RAD)
- Administration Pages
- Prototypes
Scaffolding Feature of ASP.NET Dynamic Data
Scaffolding is the mechanism that dynamically creates pages at runtime
Requires registration of the data or object context
Must be enabled for all entities or specific entities
Enables or disables viewing for a given entity or data field

ASP.NET Dynamic Data scaffolding mechanism:

Routing Feature of ASP.NET Dynamic Data
With ASP.NET Dynamic Data routing:
In ASP.NET Dynamic Data, ASP.NET routing is set by default
The URL requested does not have to match the physical path in the
application, but it can allow both physical files and runtime-generated
The URL routing can be modified to use any page template as the
default page for a specific operation
The URL routing can be customized to display different URLs, remove
file extensions, or pass parameters by using routes

ASP.NET Dynamic Data uses ASP.NET routing to match and handle URL

Demonstration: Creating an ASP.NET Dynamic

Data Web Application
Use the ASP.NET Dynamic Data Web Application template
Add data
Register the ObjectContext or DataContext class
Test the Dynamic Data Web Application
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Lab B: Optimizing Data Management for Web
- Exercise 4: Managing Data by Using ASP.NET Dynamic Data
Logon information
Virtual machine 10264A-GEN-DEV
User name Student
Estimated time: 20 minutes
Lab Scenario
Lab B Review
Review Question
- What is the use of the ScaffoldAllTables property?
Module Review and Takeaways
- Review Questions
- Real-World Issues and Scenarios
- Best Practices
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See Notes pane.

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