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Module 10 Securing a Web Application

Module Overview
Configuring Authentication Configuring ASP.NET Membership Managing Authorization by Using ASP.NET Roles

Lesson 1: Configuring Authentication

Internet Information Services (IIS) Authentication Types of ASP.NET Authentication Demonstration: Configuring IIS Authentication How to Configure Forms Authentication

IIS Authentication

Basic authentication

Anonymous access

IIS authentication

Integrated Windows authentication

Digest authentication

Types of ASP.NET Authentication

ASP.NET authentication enables users to authenticate

against the website

ASP.NET supports different types of authentications:

Anonymous ASP.NET Impersonation Forms Windows

Windows authentication authenticates the user against the

Windows user account custom authentication

Forms authentication allows the developer to implement

Demonstration: Configuring IIS Authentication

Configuring Anonymous authentication Configuring Basic authentication Configuring Digest authentication Configuring Windows authentication

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How to Configure Forms Authentication

Use Forms authentication to create a custom

authentication engine

The flow of authentication first checks request for session

cookie (if the cookie is not found, the user is not authenticated) Web.config file

Set Windows and Forms authentication using the Using the Login page, enable the user to enter the

credentials that will be validated against the web application

Lesson 2: Configuring ASP.NET Membership

What is ASP.NET Membership? How to Configure ASP.NET Membership Demonstration: Managing Users by Using ASP.NET


How to Implement the Login Control The PasswordRecovery Control

What is ASP.NET Membership?

Use ASP.NET Membership to authenticate users against a

custom data source

By default, Membership API can authenticate against SQL

Server and Active Directory

Membership options include connectionStringName,

enablePasswordReset, and other options related to the Membership API Forms in the Web.config file for membership

Configure Forms authentication by setting the mode to Use the ASP.NET configuration tool to set up user accounts

How to Configure ASP.NET Membership

Configure ASP.NET Membership by using the ASP.NET Web

Site Administration Tool, or by manually editing the Web.config file can choose the providers for the application

By opening the configuration in the browser, the developer The updates performed by the ASP.NET Web Site

Administration Tool are reflected in the Web.config file

Demonstration: Managing Users by Using ASP.NET Membership

Create a new ASP.NET web application

Open the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool

Create a user

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How to Implement the Login Control

The ASP.NET Login control works automatically with the The Membership provider can be enabled in the

membership providers enabled in ASP.NET web application Web.config file Web.config file

Specific files and folders can be protected by using the

PasswordRecovery Control
The PasswordRecovery control helps the user to retrieve

the forgotten password

Clear text passwords are sent to a specified email address The email address can be specified in the Web.config file

in the mailSettings section

Lesson 3: Managing Authorization by Using ASP.NET Roles

What are ASP.NET Roles? Demonstration: Managing ASP.NET Roles How to Restrict Access to Resources Active Directory Security Web Service Authentication

What are ASP.NET Roles?

Authorization is the process of making sure that users can

only access the resources that are assigned to them

Access rules provide a way to manage access to folders

and files, allowing you to prevent access by unauthorized users and by manually adding them in the Web.config file

Configure access rules using the web configuration tool,

Demonstration: Managing ASP.NET Roles

Open solution

Open the Web Site Administration Tool

Enable roles

Create admin role

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How to Restrict Access to Resources

Access rules provide a way to restrict user access to

unauthorized resources

Set up access rules by manually editing the Web.config file Use Roles API to set up access rules

Active Directory Security

The user can use Windows credentials to log on to the


Used heavily in corporate intranet-based applications Can be set up by specifying windows as the

authentication mode in the Web.config file

Lab: Securing a Web Application

Exercise 1: Configuring ASP.NET Membership and Roles Exercise 2: Authentication Exercise 3: Authorization

Logon information

Estimated time: 60 minutes

Lab Scenario

Lab Review
How is the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool


Why were anonymous users allowed access to the

EmailPassword.aspx Web Form? overridden?

Why was the Authenticate event of the Login control

Module Review and Takeaways

Review Questions

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