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Challenges Facing Families today
• 14 Million filipinos are solo parents
• 1 out 3 youths have already engaged in
premarital sex
• 1 out of 10 teenagers have become mothers
• 42% of the population are active in social
media (4 to 5 Hours per day)
• Single parent homes- Absentee
father/Mother, OFW
• Live-in or Cohabitation
• Erotion of values
• Gender confusion and same sex marriages
• Addiction to: Internet games, Drugs
• Pornography
• Suicide (-404 Students committed suicide,
2147 Attempts)
• Yr. 2021- 1.5 million suicide attempts
Why is family important?
-Because the family is GOD’S creation (Gen.1:27)

God created man in His own image, in the image

of God He created him; male and female He
created them.

-Because the family is basic unit of society

-Because GOD established the family
• 5 For He established a testimony in Jacob
And appointed a law in Israel,
Which He commanded our fathers
That they should teach them to their children,
That the generation to come might know, even the
children yet to be born,
That they may arise and tell them to their children,
That they should put their confidence in God
And not forget the works of God,
But keep His commandments,
-Because family is the picture of GOD’S love
and relationship with us

(John 1:12)
• 12 But as many as received Him, to them He
gave the right to become children of
God, even to those who believe in His name,
How to influence the family
1. Modelling (Christ likeness)
2. Intentionality
3. Build realationship
Deu. 6:1,4 -6,
2 Sam 14:21-24, 28-29,
2 Sam 15:2, 5-6
• Deu. 6:1, 5-6

• These are the commands, decrees and laws

the LORD your God directed me to teach you to
observe in the land that you are crossing the
Jordan to possess,

• Love the LORD your God with all your heart and

with all your soul and with all your strength.

• 6 These commandments that I give you today are to
be on your hearts.
• 2 Sam 14:21-24, 28-29

• The king said to Joab, “Very well, I will do it. Go, bring

back the young man Absalom.”

• 22 Joab fell with his face to the ground to pay him honor,
and he blessed the king. Joab said, “Today your servant
knows that he has found favor in your eyes, my lord the
king, because the king has granted his servant’s request.”
• 23 Then Joab went to Geshur and brought Absalom back to
• 24 But the king said, “He must go to his own house; he
must not see my face.” So Absalom went to his own house
and did not see the face of the king.
• Absalom lived two years in Jerusalem

without seeing the king’s face.

• 29 Then Absalom sent for Joab in order to send
him to the king, but Joab refused to come to
him. So he sent a second time, but he refused
to come
• 2 Sam 15:2, 5-6
• He would get up early and stand by the side of the road

leading to the city gate. Whenever anyone came with a

complaint to be placed before the king for a decision,
Absalom would call out to him, “What town are you from?”
He would answer, “Your servant is from one of the tribes of
• 5 Also, whenever anyone approached him to bow down before
him, Absalom would reach out his hand, take hold of him and
kiss him.
• 6 Absalom behaved in this way toward all the Israelites who
came to the king asking for justice, and so he stole the
hearts of the people of Israel.
How to build Family REALationship

Let no unwholesome word proceed from
your mouth, but only such a word as is
good for edification according to the
need of the moment, so that it will give
grace to those who hear.

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