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An investigation into the factors influencing Academic Performance in core subjects at Saint Joseph Academy

Secondary School in Antigua and Barbuda.

Introduction: This project's purpose was to identify factors that contribute to Students' academic performance in the core subjects at the Saint Joseph
Academy Secondary School.

Data Collection: A 15-question questionnaire to analyze the student's answers. The students had to answers all their answers
truthfully. Giving us our data to analyze the students factors in passing the core subjects.

Presentation Of Data: The table below shows the number of students who answered the following questions:
Number of people answered the following questions
0 0 11 0
0 0 12 2
0 3 10 0
8 5 0 0
2 11 0 0
6 6 0 0
3 2 5 3
4 3 5 1

The graph below shows which question has the most answers from the students:
Findings o question A,B,C,D

3 3

1 2 3 4
Analysis of Data: The data that was collected showed that most people pass English over Math, religion over science,
social studies over history and FNH over TD.A few percent of students find that the teaching environment is not a
suitable place for learning. Majority of the students think that the teachers teaching techniques are not the best.
Discussion/Conclusion: The questionnaire used helped break down the possible factors for the students' academic
success passing the core subjects, giving us a better understanding of the students' academic succession in passing the
core subjects at ST. Joseph's academy.

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