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The Great Indian

Freedom Sale

1) Marketing Goal

2) Top 2 channels for the Brand

3) Commercials

4) Ad-format

5) Overview
Marketing Goal
1) More Sign-ups: Make more people to sign up before beginning of the sale. We have to
encourage peoples to visit the website and register or enroll earlier to get offers and

2) By increasing sales: Sell more and more products as much possible by offering more
discounts to attract the customer/user.

3) Engaging existing customers: By providing the customers till date with great deals and
offers especially for them such as free and fast delivery or providing much good

4) To reach new customers: By offering great offers and deals to the new customers through
SMS, email, ads etc.

5) By creating excitement: We have to create awareness about the deals, offers and discounts
before the sale so that all the people will come to know about the sale which will attract the
customer towards us by the help of ads, social medias, email, collaboration etc.
● Social Media: This can be paid and unpaid

● Email Marketing: This is unpaid

Top 2 Channels for the Brand
Commercial for paid & unpaid channels
1) Social Media:-
a) CPC (Cost Per Click): You have to pay each time someone who clicks on you ad. Typically it ranges
from 8.31₹-41.56₹ per click, depending on the platform and product.
Formula for CPC = (Total ad spend/Total measured clicks)

b) CPM (Cost Per Mile): You have to pay for every 1,000 times your ad is shown. It ranges from 415.64₹
- 831.27₹ per 1,000 views.
Formula for CPM = (Cost of the ad campaign/No. of impressions received)*1000

2) Email Marketing:-
Commercials: N/A because it is an unpaid channel.
Ad format for the Commercials
1) Social Media:-
a) Video Ads: Making short, engaging videos of15-30 seconds showing the highlights of the sale, deals, and
benefits. These are for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

b) Story Ads: Brief, immersive content designed for platforms like Instagram and Facebook Stories, quickly
capturing attention and driving traffic to the pre-enrollment page.

c) Carousel Ads: Multiple images or videos in a single ad unit, each highlighting different product categories or
specific deals. Effective on Facebook and Instagram.

2) Email Marketing:-
Ad – Format:
a) Email Newsletters: Visually appealing and informative emails with details about the sale, personalized
recommendations, exclusive pre-sale offers, and countdown reminders.
● Amazon's "The Great Indian Freedom Sale" campaign will use both paid and unpaid channels to reach as many
people as possible. The main focus will be on social media and email marketing.

● On social media, we'll use a mix of video ads, carousel ads, and story ads to get people excited and signing up
early. These ads will target a wide audience and also specific groups who love deals. Video ads will show the best
sale features, carousel ads will display a variety of products, and story ads will give quick, exciting snapshots of
the sale.

● Email marketing will engage both new and existing customers with personalized newsletters. These emails will
be visually appealing and informative, featuring exclusive offers, pre-sale access, and reminders to keep everyone
interested and informed.

● The goals are to increase early sign-ups, create a lot of excitement, drive traffic to the sale, and maximize sales.
We'll keep an eye on the campaign and adjust it to make sure we get the best results. This way, Amazon aims to
make "The Great Indian Freedom Sale" a huge success, attracting a wide audience and boosting overall sales.
Thank you!

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