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Software Engineering

B.Tech CS/Year-III Sem-VI
Term: 2014-2015

Text Books:
1.Software Engineering, A practitioner’s approach Roger s. Pressman 6th
edition McGraw-Hill

2.Software Engineering, Pankaj Jalote, Wiley.

3.Software Engineering, New Age International, K.K Agarwal and Yogesh

Singh, 3rd edition

4.Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Rajib Mall, PHI Publication 1

Introduction to Software Engineering

❖ Change in nature & complexity of software

❖ Concept of one “guru” is over

❖ We all want improvement

Ready for change

Engineering approach to develop software

❖ Contractor is not really expert in house building.

❖ If he will be agree to build a large 50-storeyed

commercial complex, he will surely fail.

❖ In s/w engineering also, failure is certain if large

projects are build without application of software

Software Crisis

A software crisis is a mismatch

between what software can
deliver and the capacities of
computer systems, as well as
expectations of their users.

This became a growing problem

in the 20th century

Pressure to produce complex,

advanced code can be a significant
contributor to a software crisis.4
Software Crisis

By the end of the 1960s,

hardware costs had fallen
exponentially, and were
continuing to do so, while the
cost of software development
was rising at a similar rate

Factors contributing to the Software Crisis

❖ Late delivery, over budget,

❖ Product does not meet specified requirements

❖ Lack of adequate training in software engineering

❖ Low productivity improvements.

Software Crisis

As per the IBM report,

“31%of the project get cancelled

before they are completed, 53% over-run their cost
estimates by an average of 189% and for every 100
projects, there are 94 restarts”.

Software Crisis

Software industry is in Crisis!

failure success
31% 16%

over budget
53% 8
Some Software Failures
Ariane 5

It took the European Space Agency 10

years and $7 billion to produce Ariane 5, a
giant rocket capable of hurling a pair of
three-ton satellites into orbit with each
launch and intended to give Europe
overwhelming supremacy in the
commercial space business.
The rocket was destroyed after 39 seconds
of its launch, at an altitude of two and a
half miles along with its payload of four
expensive and uninsured scientific
satellites. 9
Some Software Failures

When the guidance system’s own

computer tried to convert one piece of
data the sideways velocity of the rocket
from a 64 bit format to a 16 bit format;
the number was too big, and an
overflow error resulted after 36.7
seconds. When the guidance system
shutdown, it passed control to an
identical, redundant unit, which was
there to provide backup in case of just
such a failure. Unfortunately, the
second unit, which had failed in the
identical manner a few milliseconds 1
Some Software Failures

Y2K Problem

It was simply the ignorance about the

adequacy or otherwise of using only last two
digits of the year.

The 4-digit date format, like 1964, was

shortened to 2-digit format, like 64.

Some Software Failures
The Patriot Missile

• First time used in Gulf war

• Used as a defense from Iraqi Scud missiles
• Failed several times including one that
killed 28 US soldiers in Dhahran, Saudi

A small timing error in the system’s clock
accumulated to the point that after 14 hours,
the tracking system was no longer accurate.
In the Dhahran attack, the system had been
operating for more than 100 hours. 1
Some Software Failures

Financial Software

Many companies have experienced failures in their accounting

system due to faults in the software itself. The failures range from
producing the wrong information to the whole system crashing.

Some Software Failures
Windows XP

 Microsoft released Windows XP on October 25, 2001.

On the same day company posted 18 MB of

compatibility patches on the website for bug fixes,
compatibility updates, and enhancements.

Two patches fixed important security holes.

“No Silver Bullet”

The hardware cost continues to decline


However, there are desperate cries for a silver bullet

something to make software costs drop as rapidly as
computer hardware costs do.

But as we look to the horizon of a decade, we

see no silver bullet. There is no single
development, either in technology or in
management technique.
“No Silver Bullet”

The hard part of building software is the specification, design and testing of this
conceptual construct, not the labour of representing it and testing the
correctness of representation.

We still make syntax errors, to be sure, but they are trivial as

compared to the conceptual errors (logic errors) in most systems.
That is why, building software is always hard and there is
inherently no silver bullet.

“No Silver Bullet”

The blame for software bugs belongs to:

• Software companies

•Software developers

•Legal system


Problem Domain

The Problem Domain is the software that solves

some problems of some users where larger systems
or businesses may depend on the software, and
where problems in the software can lead to significant
direct and indirect loss.


Misconception : Software is Program

Various differences between Program and
Software are given in the tabular form as follows:
Program Software
1 Programs are developed A software is usually
by individuals for their developed by a group of
personal use. engineers working in a team.
2 Usually small in size Usually large in size
3 Single user Large number of users
4 Lacks proper Good documentation
documentation support
5 Lack of user interface Good user interface
6 Have limited functionality Exhibit more functionality

Software is the collection of programs, documentation,

and operating procedures by which computers can be
made useful to people .

Software Components
Program : source code, object code

Operating Procedures : user

manual, operational manual.
(instructions / scripts to set up and
use the program ; instructions on
how to treat failures ;
instructions/scripts on how to test
the program Operating
Documentation Procedures
Documentation : requirement
specification document, design
document, test document etc.

Components of a software system

Software Product

Software products may be developed for a

particular customer or may be developed for a
general market

Software products may be

–Generic Products - developed to be sold to a range

of different customers

–Customized Products - developed for a single

customer according to their specification 2
Software Product
Software product is a product designated for
delivery to the user
Difference between Student Software &
Industrial Strength Software
Student Software is not used for solving any real
problem of any organization.

An Industrial Strength Software is used by the

client’s organization for operating some part of
business e.g, inventories, finances etc.

This kind of software system needs to be of high


Software is Expensive

Expensive due to the fact that s/w development is

extremely labor-intensive.

Cost is the manpower employed.

Productivity is measured in terms of LOC per


Late & Unreliable

When budget and schedule are out-of-control,

this is a run-away condition.

Unreliability means that the software does not do

what it is supposed to do or does something it is
not supposed to do.

e.g, Software Failures.

Maintenance and Rework

Corrective Maintenance
Adaptive Maintenance

Rework and Change is the major contributor to

the Software Crisis.

Thus, Software Engineering deals with Problem


Software Engineering
Software engineering is an engineering discipline which is
concerned with all aspects of software production

Software engineers should

– adopt a systematic and organised approach to their
– use appropriate tools and techniques depending on
• the problem to be solved,
• the development constraints and
– use the resources available
Software Engineering
At the first conference on software engineering in 1968, Fritz Bauer
defined software engineering as “The establishment and use of
sound engineering principles in order to obtain economically
developed software that is reliable and works efficiently on real

Stephen Schach defined the same as “A discipline whose aim is the

production of quality software, software that is delivered on time,
within budget, and that satisfies its requirements”.

Both the definitions are popular and acceptable to majority.

However, due to increase in cost of maintaining software, objective
is now shifting to produce quality software that is maintainable,
delivered on time, within budget, and also satisfies 29 its
Goal of Software Engineering

• To improve quality of software products.

•To increase the productivity, and

•To give job satisfaction to the software engineers.

Software Characteristics

1. Software does not wear out.

Software Characteristics

Failure curve for software

Software Characteristics

Important Points that shows Software does not wear

out are-
1. Software becomes reliable over time instead of
wearing out.
2. It may be retired due to environmental changes,
new requirements, new expectations etc.
3. When a hardware component wears out, it is
replaced by a spare part. But, there are no
software spare parts.
4. Hence, software maintenance require more
complexity than hardware maintenance. 3
Software Characteristics

2. Software is not manufactured, it is developed.

3. Reusability of components.

4. Software is flexible.

Software Characteristics
Sr. Constructing a bridge Writing a program

Only some parts of the problem are

The problem is well understood
understood, others are not

2. Every program is different and designed for

There are many existing bridges
special applications.

3. The requirement for a bridge typically do Requirements typically change during all
not change much during construction phases of development.

4. The strength and stability of a bridge can be Not possible to calculate correctness of a
calculated with reasonable precision program with existing methods.
5. When a bridge collapses, there is a When a program fails, the reasons are often
detailed investigation and report unavailable or even deliberately concealed.

6. Engineers have been constructing bridges Developers have been writing programs
for thousands of years for 50 years or so.

7. Materials (wood, stone,iron, steel) and

Hardware and software changes rapidly.
techniques (making joints in wood, carving
stone, casting iron) change slowly.
SE Challenges
The problem of producing software to satisfy
user needs drives the approaches used in SE.

Important Factors that affect the SE approaches

selected to solve the problem are-

Quality and Consistency

Scale Productivity and

Fig: Primary Challenges for Software Engineering 3


 SE must deal with problem of scale

 methods for solving small problems do not
scale up for large problems
 industrial strength S/W problems tend to be
e.g, Counting the number of people in a room
vs taking a census

 Two clear dimensions in this

1. engineering methods
2. project management

 For small, both can be informal or ad-hoc, for

Fig: The problem of scale.
large both have to be formalized


• An engineering project is driven by cost and schedule.

• Cost: In s/w, cost is mainly manpower cost; hence, it is measured in


• Schedule is in months/weeks – very important in business context

• Productivity captures both Cost and Schedule

• If P is higher, cost is lower

• If P is higher, time taken can be lesser

• Approaches used by SE must deliver high Productivity


• Quality is the other major driving factor

• Developing high Quality S/W is a basic goal
• Quality of S/W is harder to define
• Approaches used should produce a high Quality software
• ISO standard has six software quality attributes -

Consistency & Repeatability
 Sometimes a group can deliver one good software system,
but not a second
 Key SE challenge: how to ensure that success can be
repeated ?
 SE wants methods that can consistently produce high
Quality SW with high Productivity
 A SW org, wants to deliver high Q&P consistently across
 Frameworks like
 Inter. Org. for Standardization (ISO-9001) and
 Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
focus on this aspect

In today’s world change in business is very rapid.

It is therefore expected that software supporting businesses

should respond to the changes in order to achieve the task is
meant to do. Rapid change has a special impact on software.

Therefore, one challenge for software engineering is to

accommodate and embrace change.

Software Engineering Approach
• Q&P are the basic objectives to be achieved Consistently
for large scale problems

• Q&P achieved during a project depend upon three main

forces - people, processes, and technology,

often called the IRON TRIANGLE.

SE Methodology
• SE focuses mostly on processes for achieving the goals

• Process must be systematic

• SE separates process for developing s/w from the

developed product (i.e the s/w)

• Premise: Process largely determines Q&P, hence

suitable processes will lead to high Q&P
Software Process
Software Processes include those activities, methods,
practices and transformations that are used to create
and maintain software products.

The software process is the way in which we produce


Process is what takes us

from user needs to the
software that satisfies the
Process Specification
• Process is generally a set of phases

• Each phase performs a well defined task and generally

produces an output

• Intermediate outputs – work product

• At top level, typically few phases in a process

• How to perform a particular phase – methodologies

have been proposed
ETVX Specification
• ETVX approach to specify a step

 Entry criteria: what conditions must be satisfied for

initiating this phase

Task: what is to be done in this phase

Verification: the checks done on the outputs of this phase

eXit criteria: when can this phase be considered done


• A phase also produces information for management

ETVX Approach for Process Specification

Characteristics of Software Process

• Is any process suitable to use?

• As a process may be used by many projects, it
needs characteristic beyond satisfying the project
1. Predictability
2. Support Testability and Maintainability
3. Support Change
4. Early Defect Removal
5. Process Improvement and Feedback
Software Engineering Process
 A Software engineering process is the model chosen for
managing the creation of software from initial customer
inception to the release of the finished product. The chosen
process usually involves techniques such as -
• Analysis,
• Design,
• Coding,
• Testing and
• Maintenance

 In this engineering process, we trying to prevent the error at

the time of software development. 4
Conventional Engineering Process

• Conventional engineering process is the process in

which first we make a program and if any error is found
in it then we try to resolve it.

• It is decomposition in nature.

• For example, Car

Similarity from Conventional Engineering
• The steps of engineering design process are used in the process of
problem solving in the field of engineering.
These steps, which are mostly iterative, are: (1) Problem
formulation, (2) Problem analysis, (3) Search for alternatives, (4)
Decision, (5) Specification, and (6) Implementation.

• The set of three key elements—methods, tools and procedures

which enable the manager to control the process of software
development. According to Pressman, methods provide the
technical “how to” for building software; tools provide automated
or semi-automated support for methods; and procedures define the
sequence of applying the methods, the deliverables, the controls,
and the milestones.
Differences from Conventional
Difference between software engineering and traditional software engineering –
• Software engineers often apply new and untested elements in software
projects while traditional software engineers generally try to apply known and
tested principles and limit the use of untested innovations to only those
necessary to create a product that meets its requirements.
• Software engineers emphasize projects that will live for years or decades
whereas some traditional engineers solve long-ranged problems that ensure
for centuries.
• Software engineering is about 50 years old whereas traditional engineering as
a whole is thousands of years old.
• Software engineering is often busy with researching the unknown (eg. To drive
an algorithm) right in the middle of a project whereas traditional engineering
normally separates these activities. A project is supposed to apply research
results in known or new clever ways to build the desired result.
• Both disciplines requires maintenance but in different ways.
• Software engineers construct non-real(abstract) artefacts, whereas traditional
engineers construct real artefact.
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

• Software-development life-cycle is used to facilitate the

development of a large software product in a systematic, well-
defined, and cost-effective way.

• An information system goes through a series of phases from

conception to implementation. This process is called the Software-
Development Life-Cycle.

• Various reasons for using a life-cycle model include:

– Helps to understand the entire process
– Enforces a structured approach to development
– Enables planning of resources in advance
– Enables subsequent controls of them
– Aids management to track progress of the system
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
• Feasibility study: - The main aim of feasibility study is to determine whether it
would be financially and technically feasible to develop the product.

• Requirements analysis and specification: - The aim of the requirements analysis

and specification phase is to understand the exact requirements of the customer
and to document them properly. This phase consists of two distinct activities,
namely Requirements gathering and analysis, this phase ends with the preparation
of Software requirement Specification (SRS)

• Design: - The goal of the design phase is to transform the requirements specified
in the SRS document into a structure that is suitable for implementation in some
programming language . Design specification Document is outcome of this phase.

• Coding and unit testing:-The purpose of the coding and unit testing phase
(sometimes called the implementation phase) of software development is to
translate the software design into source code. Each component of the design is
implemented as a program module. The end-product of this phase is a set of
program modules that have been individually tested. Code Listings are generated
after this phase.
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

• Integration and system testing: - Integration of different modules is undertaken

once they have been coded and unit tested During each integration step, the
partially integrated system is tested and a set of previously planned modules are
added to it. Finally, when all the modules have been successfully integrated and
tested, system testing is carried out. The goal of system testing is to ensure that
the developed system conforms to its requirements laid out in the SRS
document. Test Reports are generated after this phase.

• Maintenance: - Maintenance of a typical software product requires much more

than the effort necessary to develop the product itself. Many studies carried out in
the past confirm this and indicate that the relative effort of development of a
typical software product to its maintenance effort is roughly in the 40:60 ratio. This
phase continues till the software is in use.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

• Different software life cycle models have been proposed so

far. Each of them has some advantages as well as some
disadvantages. A few important and commonly used life cycle
models are as follows:

1. Classical Waterfall Model

2. Iterative Model
3. Prototyping Model
4. Evolutionary Model
5. Spiral Model
6. Rapid Application Development model (RAD)
Classical Waterfall Model
• Though the classical waterfall model is elegant and intuitively obvious, it is
not a practical model in the sense t hat it cannot be used in actual
software development projects. Thus, this model can be considered to be
a theoretical way of developing software. But all other life cycle models
are essentially derived from the classical waterfall model. So, in order to
be able to appreciate other life cycle models it is necessary to learn the
classical waterfall model.
• Classical waterfall model divides the life cycle into the following phases as
shown in fig:
1. Feasibility Study
2. Requirements Analysis and Specification
3. Design
4. Coding and Unit Testing
5. Integration and System Testing
6. Maintenance
Classical Waterfall Model


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