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Research and Innovation Development in the Gender Equality Perspective

Mentoring girls and boosting women in their STEM careers:

yet a key challenge in the XXIst century

By Yvette Ramos, 22 June 2021



A platform of innovative projects by men

and women in STEM for women
(junior, medior, senior) offering entrepreneurial mentoring and strategy
consulting for their projects aligned with the SDGs
Gender equality strategy
Measures taken to promote the advancement of women and
objectives for strategic engagement for gender equality

 Women in the labour market / Work-Life Balance

Women's participation in the labour market, gender pay gap, EU rights to work-life balance, EU action to
promote work-life balance
• Equal pay
The gender pay gap in the EU, how the EU fights pay discrimination, actions for improving pay equality.
• Equality between women and men in decision-making
Women and men in political and economic decision-making, EU action to promote equality in decision-
• Gender-based violence
Actions to eliminate gender-based violence in the EU, funding and support for awareness campaigns.
• Promoting gender equality & women's rights beyond the EU
Sustainable Development Goals, Partners, EU’s external relations, International Cooperation, Gender
Equality, Development aid
• Who we work with on gender equality
EU organisations and expert groups that work on ending gender discrimination
As we believe that real gender equity is creating value &
performance, we value women engineers to inspire our society

FI mission:
1. Reach true gender equity & diversity
With political words together
In France with international 2. Inspiring around our values: daring, openness,
connections respect, equality, independence
With Institutions 3. Promoting engineers studies & carreers to
With associations, girls and women in education world
Committed stakeholders 4. Making women engineers more visible in
With companies business and society
5. Spread around to develop collaboration

© Femmes Ingénieurs | e-mail :
Situation of Women Engineers in France – How to increase
gender diversity in school ?
% of girls in Engineers schools
Proposals shared with Elisabeth Moreno, French Women rights &
equity Ministry :
25%  Publish a classification of secondary schools on portion of women
15% students (gender diversity index in tech)
 Publish Pénicaud gender equity index for schools & universities
1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2010 2015 2020
 Improve gender diversity governance in schools & universities: leveraging
Sauvadet & Coppé-Zimmerman laws (minimum 40% of men or women in
boards of Directors)
 22% of engineers are women  Complete above gender equity tracking with :
 5% women engineer women o Sexism & sexual harassement alert mechanisms in schools &
are unemployed university,
 1/3 working in the industry o Get organized to provide support to student victims
 Median salaries o Training of teachers & supervisors to be able to recognize & address
situations of harassment
o Training of teachers running examination in order to get them
aware of gender bias and their impact during oral exams | e-mail : © Femmes Ingénieurs

EPF Equality plan , the role of
Engineerings School.

EPF School of Engineering : a singular history

Founded in 1925 by Marie-Louise Paris, as Ecole Polytechnique Féminine, EPF was one of the first
engineering schools in France to train women. Opened to male students since 1994, EPF remains one
of the schools with the highest rate of female students (35% against 25% on average in other French
engineering schools).

EPF’s mission is based on 3 strong values which contribute to forging the identity of EPF’s engineers,
drivers of change and committed humanists :

Innovation Enterprise
Source: L.Dorveaux WSIS Forum 2021
EPF Equality plan , the role of Engineerings School.

Strategic plan : creation of a special “Equality Committee”

working on 3 lines:

 Gender Equality in a professional environment

 Act against sexual and gender based violence on campus
 Societal commitment

L.Dorveaux WSIS Forum 2021

Gender equality in a professionnal environment
Indicators established by governement in France since 2018 in professional environment
4 indicators in balance W/M with a minum score required as 75 %
Salary répartition, equality between W/H, maternity, salary increase after pregnancy, parity among the
10 highest wages.
Ways of improvement
Index = 88 /100
The strenghts:
Reduce differences in high wages
Salary increase Balance W/M in W/M
% individuals Governing Council
post pregnancy salary increase
(Enterprises )
Increase Women reprentative in
GC( Insitutions)

L.Dorveaux WSIS Forum 2021

Act against sexual and gender based violence on campus

 Webinar 3rd July 2020 in partnership with Womenvai and Hehop

 Internal Poster competition Nov 2020
 « Ingenieuses 2020 » special Trophy CDEFI
 Partnership to project « Connect Stop Violence »
 creation of Commitee : actions coming soon:
- Information guide for students and employees
- charter of commitments
- awareness workshop …

L.Dorveaux WSIS Forum 2021

Societal commitment
Role of School of Engineering face to the future manager
Educate students to be aware of societal issues : environment , equality,
inclusion, diversity

Role of Students organisation :

Support them in innovative environmental projects
Developp commitment for a more inclusive society

L.Dorveaux WSIS Forum 2021


The UN Sustainable development has set 17 goals to transform our World by 2030. Goal#5 is to achieve gender
equality and empower women and girls. The Tech field is one of its main targets. Women in Tech® fully support
the UN’s Sustainable development objectives by contributing to 5 of the 17 goals:

#SDG4: Quality Education #SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Tech awareness sessions, coding camps, online Programs: Role Models, Corporate, Pitching
bootcamps, scholarships internships. Mentoring, Trade missions, Job opportunities,
Incubation and Acceleration camps.


#SDG9: Industry, Innovation and #SDG10: Reduced Inequalities
Infrastructure We support and develop programs that seek to
Talks, Round tables and Awareness sessions on Data introduce digital skills to minorities and under-privileged
Science, Artifical Intelligence , Machine learning communities.
programs for every stage of a woman’s career
PROGRAMS in partnership lifecycle: from the classroom to the boardroom.

Bootcamps Thought
and outreach Mentoring Talent Leadership
programs Marketplace development

School Entry level Career evolution Leadership

University Upskilling Business owners

Scholarship Certifying Accelerator

fund programs camps
Workshops & training all along our STEM life

8-12 14-18 JUNIOR

Girls & Boys Girls Women in STEM
by Swiss Association of Women Engineer SVIN

Beneficiaries : Primary schools, Kids from 10 to

13 years old
Goal :
• Raise awareness about profession in STEM
• Inspire and motivate the kids specially girls to
follow a path in STEM
• Eliminate professional gender stereotypes.
• To find a Role Model to follow and Show paths
that lead to technical professions

Futur en Tous Genres - Switzerland
Beneficiaries Kids 10 to 12
Goal :
• Expand the professional horizons of
schoolchildren, allowing them to discover
unusual occupations.
• Improve awareness of the freedom to choose
a professional future, regardless of gender.
• Basic programme:
• Girls and boys accompany a family member or
family friend to work
• Themed workshops: girls and boys choose a - The project is supported by le”Secrétariat d’Etat à la
practical workshop formation, à la recherche et à l’innovation (SEFRI).
- Project implemented by “les bureaux de l’égalité des cantons”

Mentoring program

• For LDCs and SIDs through the WOMENVAI network

• Addressed to ALL women with STEM projects (junior, medior, senior) aligned with
the SDGs

• Already 3 sessions and others pending

• Bénin with ministry of Digital affairs, oct. 2019 (20 women)
• Bénin with Youth4Challenge, march-sept. 2020 (25 women)
• Côte D’Ivoire with Roscidet Environment, sept. 2020-march 2021 (15 women)
• Mauritania with CMFA (oct 2021)
• End 2021/Q2-2022: Djibouti with TIC femmes Djibouti, Cameroon with YAMO, Tunisia with
ATFI, Maroc with JOSSOUR
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