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Syntagmatic &

Kelompok 3
Anggota Kelompok

1 Zuan Sandria Baltazar Serang ( 2223121023 )

2 Lila F. Hafni ( 2221121028 )

3 Jonatan Siahaan ( 2223121028 )

Syntagm is a linguistic unit which
What is consists of a set of linguistic forms
such as letters, phonemes or words
Syntagmatic that are in sequential relationship with
one another. A syntagm is also known
as a marker chain. The relationship in
a syntagm is known as a syntagmatic
relationship. Syntagmatic relationships
involve a series of signs that create
an overall meaning
It's all about positioning. Words that
make up sentences, sentences that make
up paragraphs, paragraphs that make up
chapters are some examples of
syntagmatic and syntagmatic
relationships. To be clear, words in a
sentence can be considered as syntagms, What Is
and form syntagmatic relationships that
give rise to meaning. Changing the order Syntagmatic
of syntags in a sentence can result in a
change in meaning.
Example of Syntagmatic

• Anne kills a mosquito.

• A mosquito kills Anne.

The sentences above use the same word (syntagms), but

the difference in order (syntagmatic relationship) gives
two very different meanings.
Example of Syntagmatic

1 2 3 4

I live in Yogyakarta.

Horizontally, each word in the sentence is interconnected

to form a grammatical meaning. This relation is called
syntagmatic relation.
A paradigm is a set of
What is linguistic items that make
mutually exclusive choices in
Paragmatic certain syntactic roles. A
paradigmatic relationship
includes interchangeable
signs. This substitution
usually changes the meaning.
In a paradigmatic
relationship,a lexical item can
usually be replaced by
another from the same
category.For example, nouns What Is
are replaced by nouns and Paragmatic
verbs are replaced by verbs.
Example of Paragmatic

• Anne kills a mosquito.

Here, mosquitoes can be replaced by various words

that have similar meanings. Anne may have killed
spiders, bugs, ants or other insects. Each of these words
belongs to the paradigm of the animal or insect that
Anne may have killed.
Example of Paragmatic

I live in …. Yogyakarta Jakarta

Bandung Macassar

The relation between the words Yogyakarta, Jakarta,

Bandung, and Makassar is called a paradigmatic
relation. The four of them can occupy the same gatra
and can replace each other.
The following table may help you to understand the difference
between paradigm and syntagm and their relationship more clearly.
E Syntagmatic relations can be observed along the horizontal axis, and
paradigmatic relations can be observed along the vertical axis.
Relation & Fokus
E 1. Syntagmatic
T Relation : In a syntagmatic relationship, words derive
their meaning from their sequence.

Focus : Syntagmatic relations are all about positioning.

Relation & Fokus
E 2. Paragmatic
T Relation : In a paradigmatic relationship, a sign gets its
meaning from its association with other signs.

Focus : Paradigmatic relations are about substitution.


Paradigm and syntagm guide the relationship between signs.

Both paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations play a major role
in determining the meaning of a linguistic unit. In a
paradigmatic relationship, a sign gets its meaning from the
association of other signs, whereas in a syntagmatic
relationship, a sign gets its meaning from its sequence.
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