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24/6/4 Security Level: INTERNAL

Transmission Analysis of a Single

Hop of Microwave Link
Optical Network Engineering Dept.
Oct. 2007


 Overview
 Importing the Data
 Configuring the Reliability Options
 Configuring the Profile
 Configuring the Rain Region
 Configuring the Equipment
 Configuring the Branching Network
 Configuring the Joint Loss
 Configuring the Antenna
 Viewing the Performance Index

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 2

 Purpose

1. Masters the configuration method of the modules in the Pathloss Worksheets.

2. Completes the analysis of a single hop of microwave link.

 Studied Case

Project area: a country in Africa, which is located at the eastern longitude and southern latitude, Southern

Basic information the single-hop link :


High-accuracy electronic map:

Electronic map
in the SRTM format

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 Overview
 Importing the Data
 Configuring the Reliability Options
 Configuring the Profile
 Configuring the Rain Region
 Configuring the Equipment
 Configuring the Branching Network
 Configuring the Joint Loss
 Configuring the Antenna
 Viewing the Performance Index

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Importing the Data
 Processing the Data:


 Importing the Electronic Map in the SRTM Format

1. Run the Pathloss software, and choose Configure > Terrain
Database. In the displayed dialog box, select SRTM under
2. Click Setup Primary, and the SRTM window is displayed.
Choose Files > BIL-HDR-BLW to select the proper map (in the
format of *.hgt).

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Importing the Data

 Importing the Data in the Format of CSV

Choose Module > Network > Site Data > Site List > Import > Site Text
File from the menu of the Pathloss, and the Import Text File dialog box
is displayed.

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Importing the Data

 After you determine the related items in the Import Text File dialog box, click
Import. Select the data to be imported (final data format: *.CSV), click Open, and
then click Import. Click Close when the process is complete.

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Importing the Data
 Choose Files > Save (in the format of *.gr4) > Site Data > Create Background.



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Importing the Data
 Drag the mouse to connect Site1 and Site2. Click on the connection line, and select
Summary. Based on the data in the Calculated Distance (km), enter the proper value in
Frequency. This hop of link adopts the central frequency point 12996 MHz of the 13 GHz
frequency band.

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Importing the Data
 Choose Module > Terrain Data > Operations > Generate Profile.

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Importing the Data
 Click Generate in the Generate Profile dialog box, and then click Close. Double-
click the blank area under Structure, and then select Range of Structures. Set
the height of the structure (in the example, a tree of 15 meters).

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Importing the Data
 Choose Module > Antenna Heights, and then click .

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 Overview
 Importing the Data
 Configuring the Reliability Options
 Configuring the Profile
 Configuring the Rain Region
 Configuring the Equipment
 Configuring the Branching Network
 Configuring the Joint Loss
 Configuring the Antenna
 Viewing the Performance Index

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Configuring the Reliability Options
 Choose Module > Worksheets > Operations > Reliability Options.

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Configuring the Reliability Options
A. Reliability Method
 Vigants - Barnett: Currently, it is commonly used. The required parameters include terrain
factor or climate factor, and terrain roughness.
 ITU-R P530-6: Recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union–Radio
Communication Sector
The required parameters include channel inclination degree, angle of incidence, and earth
 ITU-R P530-7/8: Recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union–Radio
Communication Sector
The required parameters include channel inclination degree and earth coefficient.
 KQ factor: KQ standard
The required parameters include KQ factor, distance exponent, and frequency exponent.
 KQ*S^(-1.3): modified mode of the KQ standard
The required parameters include KQ factor, distance exponent, frequency exponent, and
terrain roughness.
 KQ Frequency Exponent: modified KQ frequency exponent
It is set to 1.2 in the system by default.
 KQ Distance Exponent: modified KQ distance exponent
It is set to 3.5 in the system by default.
 ITU-R P530-9: Recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union–Radio
Communication Sector
 Cochannel operation: Select this item when calculating the XPIC in the SDH microwave to
prevent the interference of the co-frequency.

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Configuring the Reliability Options
B. Calculation Method
 Total Annual Time Below Level: Currently, it is commonly used.
 ITU-T G.821 SESR – Unavailability: Recommendations of the International
Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Standardization Sector
You can select this item when the PDH microwave is adopted.
 ITU-T G.826 SESR,BBER,ESR, Unavailability: You can select this item when the
SDH microwave is adopted.
Description of this option is as follows:
 SESR (Severely Errored Seconds Rate): It refers to the ratio of the seconds when
the BER exceeds 1x10–3 and the errored seconds to total seconds in one second.
It is a short-time and high-BER index. The bit errors in this condition are generally
caused by the deep fading in the radio transmission.
 BBER (Background Block Error Rate): It refers to the ratio of background block
errors (BBE) to total blocks in a fixed measurement interval with the SES and
unavailable time deducted.
 ESR (Errored Seconds Ratio): It refers to the ratio of errored seconds to total
seconds in one second. This index is specified for the data transmission, and is
determined by the performance improvement of the equipment.

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Configuring the Reliability Options
C. Regional Standards
 North America – dispersive fade margin: Currently, it is commonly used. If you
select this item, parameters of dispersive fade margin and the dispersive fade
occurrence factor are required. The two parameters are automatically imported by
the system from the equipment files.
 ITU-R P.530 strict – equipment signature: Recommendations of the International
Telecommunication Union-Radio Communication Sector for the signals of the strict
equipment The required parameters for this item are automatically imported by the
system form the equipment files. When you select this item, the improvement
effect of the space division and frequency division are calculated as specified in
ITU-R P.530-8.
D. Time percentages
 99.9999%: Currently, it is commonly used, which indicates the system availability
 0.0001%: system unavailability ratio
E. Type
 PDH: Select this item according to the actual condition.
 SDH: Select this item according to the actual condition.
F. Treat multi-path as
 SES and unavailability: Currently, it is commonly used. It indicates calculating
the SES and system unavailability.
 SES only: It indicates calculating the SES only.

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Configuring the Reliability Options
In the example, we assume the following condition:
The microwave equipment adopts the OptiX RTN 600, and the KQ factor is calculated when the B-Type Profile
(inland hilly area, B = 1, C = 1.8, KQ = 2.75E-5) and Rain Region P (145 mm/h) are selected.

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 Overview
 Importing the Data
 Configuring the Reliability Options
 Configuring the Profile
 Configuring the Rain Region
 Configuring the Equipment
 Configuring the Branching Network
 Configuring the Joint Loss
 Configuring the Antenna
 Viewing the Performance Index

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Configuring the Profile
 Click on any position in the following figure, and the Path Profile Data dialog box is displayed.
Enter the following parameters:
Field margin (dB): This parameter is a security related parameter in the actual installation and
commissioning. The typical value increases incrementally by 1 dB.
KQ factor: Enter 2.75E-05 (in the case of B-Type Profile).

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 Overview
 Importing the Data
 Configuring the Reliability Options
 Configuring the Profile
 Configuring the Rain Region
 Configuring the Equipment
 Configuring the Branching Network
 Configuring the Joint Loss
 Configuring the Antenna
 Viewing the Performance Index

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Configuring the Rain Region
 Click , and select ITU-R P.530-7/8 in the displayed Rain dialog box. Click Load
Rain File to select the proper rain file (from the rain files of the entire globe). In the
example, select the ITU_P.RAI file. Click Open, and then click Close in the Rain dialog

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 22

 Overview
 Importing the Data
 Configuring the Reliability Options
 Configuring the Profile
 Configuring the Rain Region
 Configuring the Equipment
 Configuring the Branching Network
 Configuring the Joint Loss
 Configuring the Antenna
 Viewing the Performance Index

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Configuring the Equipment
 Click , and the Radio Equipment window is displayed. Click Code Index, and the Radio Code
Index dialog box is displayed. Click New Index, and choose EQUIPMENT > mrs > HW > RTN 600
MRS > 13 GHz (in the example, the OptiX RTN 600 with a capacity of 8xE1 that operates at 13 GHz
and adopts QPSK is used). Select Use 10-3 parameters in the Radio Code Index dialog box (select
Use 10-3 parameters when the PDH microwave is used, and select Use 10-6 parameters when the
SDH microwave is used). Select the proper equipment, and then click Both. After the process is
complete, click Close.

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Configuring the Equipment

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 25

 Overview
 Importing the Data
 Configuring the Reliability Options
 Configuring the Profile
 Configuring the Rain Region
 Configuring the Equipment
 Configuring the Branching Network
 Configuring the Joint Loss
 Configuring the Antenna
 Viewing the Performance Index

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 26

Configuring the Branching Network
 If the 1+0 protection mode is adopted, configuring the branching network is not required. If the
1+1 hot backup or 2+0 protection mode is adopted, the hybrid coupler (for the uni-polarized
microwave antenna) is required. In this case, you need to configure the branching network, that
is, you need to consider the loss of the hybrid coupler.
Click , and the Branching Network TR - TR window is displayed. Enter the value of loss in
Circ. Branching loss (dB).

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 Overview
 Importing the Data
 Configuring the Reliability Options
 Configuring the Profile
 Configuring the Rain Region
 Configuring the Equipment
 Configuring the Branching Network
 Configuring the Joint Loss
 Configuring the Antenna
 Viewing the Performance Index

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 28

Configuring the Joint Loss
 Click , and the Transmission Lines TR – TR (36.1 – 37.8) window is displayed.
Enter 0.50 dB of the connector loss at the transmit end and at the receive end. For the
trunk radio equipment, the RF loss is required to be configured.
The joint loss of the split-mount radio equipment considers the connector loss only.

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Configuring the Joint Loss
The joint loss of the trunk radio equipment includes the connector loss and the RF loss.

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 Overview
 Importing the Data
 Configuring the Reliability Options
 Configuring the Profile
 Configuring the Rain Region
 Configuring the Equipment
 Configuring the Branching Network
 Configuring the Joint Loss
 Configuring the Antenna
 Viewing the Performance Index

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Configuring the Antenna
 Click , and the Antennas TR – TR window is displayed. Click Code Index, and the Antenna
Code Index dialog box is displayed. Click New Index, and choose EQUIPMNT > mas > Putian
(in the example, as the microwave antenna of Putian is selected, an extra loss of 0.5 dB should be
added to the random loss of each site). Click OK. Select WTG0.6-127D (the proper antenna), and
click Both. After the process is complete, click Close.

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 Overview
 Importing the Data
 Configuring the Reliability Options
 Configuring the Profile
 Configuring the Rain Region
 Configuring the Equipment
 Configuring the Branching Network
 Configuring the Joint Loss
 Configuring the Antenna
 Viewing the Performance Index

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Viewing the Performance Index
 The system reliability index is assumed to be 99.995% for 1+0 PDH, 99.998% for 1+1 PDH,
and 99.999% for SDH. If the index is changed, the transmission distance is directly affected.
 The normal receive level and flat fade margin vary in a great range. If the user emphasizes or
defines a specific range, the transmission distance is directly affected. If the two parameters
are not required, modify the transmission distance. If the two parameters are not required,
modify the transmission distance.

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 34

Viewing the Performance Index
 Choose Report > Full Report > Files, and the Save Report as RFT File dialog box is displayed. Enter
the file name Site1-Site2.rtf, and then click Save.


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