Prem Ras Siddhant

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rem 8as SlddhanL

8y my MasLer krlpalu Mahara[l

DlLlmaLe Coal of All Llvlng 8elngs
Prayo[anam (provlslon) anuddlshya ( wlLhouL)
mando'pl(even a dumb) na (does noL)
PWlLhouL provlslon even a dumb does noL
Pkhala blnu(wlLhouL) svaraLha(provlslon) para
(oLher) apakarl (harm) (120 A8 9
P[e blnu ka[a dahlne bamye ( 8amayana)
PWlcked cause harm Lo oLhers wlLhouL cause
ara upakara vachana mana kaya
SanLa saha[a subhava khagaraya
8hur[a Laru sama sanLa krlpala
arahlLa saha nlLa vlpaLl vlsala ( (120 A8 7
!o kahu kl dekahlm vlpaLl sukhl hohlm
manahu [aga nrlpaLl ( 8amayan)
Para dukha dukha sukha sukha dekhe para (
Psarvesm for all; api indeed; bhtnm
created living beings; nrpa O King; sva-
tm one's own self; eva certainly;
vallabhah dearmost; itare others;
apatya children; vitta wealth; dyh
and so on; tat of that self; vallabhatay
based on the dearness; eva hi indeed.(
8hag 101430)
So now lLs proved LhaL even ln Lhls dlverse
llvlng enLlLles ln dlverse acLlons and ln
everyLhlng dlverse Lhere ls only 1 provlslon of
all 1o see bllss
Anando brahmeLl vya[anaL anandaddhyeva
khalvlmanl bhuLanl [ayanLe anandena [aLanl
[lvanLl anandam prayanLyabhlsamvlshanLlL
(1alLLlrlya Dpanlshad 36)
Pe knew 8llss as 8rahman for from 8llss
lndeed all Lhese belngs orlglnaLe Pavlng
been born Lhey are susLalned by 8llss Lhey
move Lowards and merge ln 8llss
Ananda evadhasLaL ananda uparlshLaL
anandah purasLaL anandah pashchaL ananda
uLLaraLah anando dakshlnaLah ananda
evedam' sarvam
8llss below bllss above bllss easL bllss wesL
bllss norLh bllss souLh bllss ouLslde bllss
lnslde Plm
So whaL lf Cod ls bllss?
Pow does LhaL answer Lhe quesLlon why
everyone whlch are dlverse ln all exLernal
feaLures wlLh work apperance Lhlnklng seek
only 1 Lhlng le bllss?
mama My; eva certainly; amsah
fragmental particle; jva-loke in the
world of conditional life; jva-bhtah the
conditioned living entity; santanah
eternal ( ClLa 137)
Lvery lndlvldual soul ls an eLernal parL of
Mlne( Cod )
Cod ls 8llss ersonlfled Lherefore belng a parL
of Plm every lndlvldual soul naLurally seeks
8esldes Lhls every llvlng belng wlLhouL havlng
been LaughL Lo do so naLurally loves dlvlne
quallLles such as LruLh nonvlolence peace
forglveness klndness eLc
Lven Lhe mosL foollsh person afLer
lnnumerable llves of efforL wlll noL be able Lo
eradlcaLe hls lnnaLe naLure Lo love and
appreclaLe dlvlne quallLles and lnsLead love
falsehood LhefL lmmorallLy eLc
ls lL posslble for soul noL Lo acL for saLlsfacLlon
of lLs deslre of bllss even for a second?
na nor; hi certainly; kascit anyone;
ksanam a moment; api also; jtu
at any time; tisthati remains; akarma-kr t
without doing action; ( Gita 3.5)
No one can remain inactive even for a
moment ( Gita 3.5)
Pence we can conclude LhaL every soul deslres
only 8llss and ls consLanLly maklng an efforL
for lLs aLLalnmenL every momenL Lo momenL (
a momenL smallesL measure of Llme )
Slnce when Lhls endeavour ls golng on?


() ()

"Soul is unborn eternal ( Shveta 1.9)
mama My; eva certainly; amsah
fragmental particle; jva-loke in the
world of conditional life; jva-bhtah the
conditioned living entity; 8,39,3,
eternal ( Gita 15.7)
So this effort of seeking bliss is going on
from eternally as Soul is eternal.
na never; asatah of the nonexistent;
vidyate there is; bhvah endurance;
na never; abhvah changing quality;
vidyate there is; satah of the eternal;
ubhayoh of the two; api verily; drstah
observed; antah conclusion; tu
indeed; anayoh of them; tattva of the
truth; darsibhih by the seers.( ClLa 216)
1hose who are seers of Lhe LruLh have
concluded LhaL of Lhe nonexlsLenL Lhe
maLerlal body Lhere ls no endurance and of
Lhe eLernal Lhe soul Lhere ls no change 1hls
Lhey have concluded by sLudylng Lhe naLure of
boLh ( ClLa 216)
Pna never; jyate takes birth; mriyate
dies; v either; kadcit at any time
(past present or future); na never; ayam
this; bhtv having come into being;
bhavit will come to be; v or; na
not; bhyah or is again coming to be; ajah
unborn; nityah eternal; ssvatah
permanent; ayam this; purnah the
oldest; na never; hanyate is killed;
hanyamne being killed; sarre the
body. (Gita 2.20)
or Lhe soul Lhere ls nelLher blrLh nor deaLh aL
any Llme Pe has noL come lnLo belng does
noL come lnLo belng and wlll noL come lnLo
belng Pe ls unborn eLernal everexlsLlng and
prlmeval Pe ls noL slaln when Lhe body ls
slaln ( ClLa 220)
Pence lL has been proved LhaL we have been
sLrlvlng every momenL slnce beglnnlngless
Llme Lo aLLaln 8llss and wlll conLlnue Lo do so
lnsplLe of our conLlnuous efforLs of lnflnlLe
llfeLlmes we have noL as yeL aLLalned Lhls
WhaL ls Lhe reason for Lhls?
So why Lhe soul has noL found lL yeL lnsplLe of
searchlng for lL eLernally each momenL Lo
8ecause lL has noL undersLood
1 whaL ls bllss
2 where lL wlll be found and
3 how lL wlll be found
WhaL ls 8llss?
?o val bhuma LaLsukham nalpe sukhamasLl
bhuma Lveva vl[l[naslLavyah ( Chhan Dp
1he lnflnlLe ( bhuman ) ls bllss 1here ls no
bllss ln anyLhlng flnlLe lnflnlLy only ls bllss
1hls lnflnlLy we musL deslre Lo undersLand
Where bllss ls found?
Where such everlasLlng and unllmlLed 8llss
can be found?
MaLerlal vlew Papplness ls aLLalnable only
when Lhe lndlvldual acqulres Lhe cherlshed
ob[ecLs of hls every deslre
8efuLaLlon ulfllmenL of 1 deslre wlll lead Lo
new even sLronger deslre and hence
happlness ls noL everylasLlng and ls llmlLed
Where bllss ls found?
P!yom praLllabha lobha adhlkayl ( 8amayan)
Pyat what; pr thivym within this world;
vrhi food grains rice; yavam barley;
hiran yam gold; pasavah animals;
striyah wives or other women; na
duhyanti do not give; manah -prtim
satisfaction of the mind; pumsah to a
person; kma-hatasya because of
being victimized by lusty desires; te
they ( 8hag 91913)
Where bllss ls found?
lf all Lhe ob[ecLs of Lhe unlverse ( here rlce
barley and oLher food gralns gold anlmals
and women eLc means whole world ) were
avallable Lo one man Lhe dlsease of deslre
would neverLheless keep on lncreaslng" (
8hag 91913)
Pence maLerlal vlew polnL ls noL correcL
Where bllss ls found? Cod
PSplrlLual vlew
P8aso val sah rasam'ahyevayam labdhvanandl
bhavanLl ( 1alLLl Dp 27)
PGod |s b||ss It |s on|y by atta|n|ng n|m that the
|nd|v|dua| sou| can become 8||ssfu|
P1ameva vldlLvaLl mrlLyumeLl nanyah panLha
vldyaLe'yanayLe ( ShveLa Dp 38 613)
PCnly by knowlng Plm can Lhe lndlvldual soul
overcome maLerlal affllcLlons 1here ls no oLher
oes Cod exlsL?Lmplrlcally?
now Lhe quesLlon arlses
ls Lhere an enLlLy called Cod and should we
accepL LhaL Pe exlsL merely because Lhe
scrlpLures say so or ls Lhere any concreLe
proof of Pls exlsLense?
Lmplrlcal Lvldence allacy Lmplrlcally we
cannoL geL knowledge of our faLher leLLer A
exlsLence of subLle ob[ecLs llke mlnd lnLellecL
oes Cod exlsL? lnferenLlally?
Crderly apperance of Dnlverse
CreaLlon of sun moon sLars
MovemenL of sunmoon are governed by rules
whose conLroller musL be All powerful Cod
World ls upheld ln space LfforLs lnvolved ln
supporLlng earLh and oLher planeLs musL be
due Lo Cod
Laws exlsLlng ln creaLlon musL have some
lawmaker who musL be Allknowlng ln order
Lo lmplemenL and enforce Lhese laws or eg
Law of karma requlres LhaL Lhe lawmaker ls
aware of uncounLable karma of uncounLable
Any work ln Lhe world ls posslble only when
LqulpmenL Lhe doer Lhe knowledge deslre
efforL are presenL
naLure doesnL have conclousness and doer
means a consclous belng
oL creaLlon example
Apply all Lhose lngredlenLs lnLo Dnlverse
rofessor LddlngLon declared Some unknown
lmpercepLlble power ls worklng behlnd some
unpercelved acLlon buL we do noL know
anyLhlng abouL lL We come across some such
unknown elemenL ln our research whlch ls
beyond explanaLlon ln maLerlal Lerms"
Any ob[ecL possesslng form ls creaLed from a
source maLerlal LhaL ls subLler and more
permanenL ln comparlson Lo lL
1hread ls subLler Lhen cloLh slnce cloLh geLs
form from Lhread
lf aLom have a form Lhen Lhey musL be
creaLed from a source subLler more
permanenL Lhan Lhem 1haLs can be only Cod
naLure of Cod 8eyond Maya
lndrlyebhyah para hyarLha arLhebhyash cha
param manah
ManasasLu para buddhlr buddheraLma mahan
parah ( kaLha Dp 1310)
MahaLah paraavyakLamavyakLaL purushah
urushan na param klnchlL sa kashLha sa para
gaLlh ( kaLha up 1311)
naLure of Cod 8eyond Maya
8eyond Lhe senses are Lhe senses ob[ecLs
beyond Lhe sense ob[ecLs ls Lhe mlnd beyond
Lhe mlnd ls Lhe lnLellecL beyond Lhe lnLellecL
ls Lhe soul beyond Lhe soul ls Maya and
beyond Lhe Maya ls 8rahman (Cod)
naLure of Cod lvlne
lvyohyamurLah purushah ( veda)
Cod ls lvlne and Lhe senses mlnd and
lnLellecL are maLerlal"
naLure of Cod Supreme lllumlnaLor
1ameva bhanLamanubhaLl sarvaln Lasya bhasa
sarvamldam vlbhaLl ( kaLha Dp 2213
Mundaka Dp 2210 ShveLa Dp 614)
Pe ls Lhe Supreme lllumlnaLor and Lhe
senses mlnd and lnLellecL are lllumlned by
Plm" 1he lllumlned cannoL posslbly lllumlne
lLs lllumlnaLor Pence he ls LoLally unknowable
naLure of CodConLradlcLlons
PAbode of varlous slmulLaneously
conLradlcLory quallLles
PAnaranlyan mahaLo mahlyan aLma guhayam
nlhlLl'sya [anLoh
P1amakraLum pashyaLl vlLashoko dhaLuh
prasadan mahlmanamlsham ( ShveLa Dp 320)
PPe ls smaller Lhen Lhe smallesL aLomlc
parLlcle 8lgger Lhen Lhe blggesL space"( pg42)
1he Crace of Cod
1amakraLuh pashyaLl vlLashoko
haLuh prasadan mahlmanamaLmanah (
kaLha Dp 1220)
1he Self smaller Lhan small greaLer Lhan
greaL ls hldden ln Lhe hearL of LhaL creaLure A
man who ls free from deslres and free from
grlef sees Lhe ma[esLy of Lhe Self by Lhe grace
of Lhe CreaLor
1he Crace of Cod
PnayamaLma pravachanena labhyo
Pna medhaya na bahuna shruLena
P?amevalsha vrlnuLe Lena labhayas
P1asyalshna aLma vlvrlnuLe Lanum'svam ( kaLha
Dp 1223)
P1haL Self cannoL be galned by Lhe veda nor by
undersLandlng nor by much learnlng Pe
whom Lhe Self chooses by hlm Lhe Self can be
galned 1he Self chooses hlm (hls body) as hls
1he Crace of Cod
LaLprasdL by Pls grace parm
LranscendenLal snLlm peace sLhnam
Lhe abode prpsyasl you wlll geL ssvaLam
eLernal ( ClLa 1862)
8y Pls grace you wlll aLLaln LranscendenLal
peace and Lhe supreme and eLernal abode
1he Crace of Cod
arjunah uvca Arjuna said; nastah
dispelled; mohah illusion; smrtih
memory; labdh regained; tvat-
prasdt by Your mercy; may by
me; acyuta O infallible Krsna ( ClLa
8y your grace alone l have aLLalned lvlne
knowledge and my lgnorance has been
dlspelled forever
8hag 101429
Patha therefore; api indeed; te Your;
deva my Lord; pada-ambuja-dvaya of
the two lotus feet; prasda of the mercy;
lesa by only a trace; anugrhtah
favored; eva certainly; hi indeed; jnti
one knows; tattvam the truth; bhagavat
of the Supreme Personality of Godhead;
mahimnah of the greatness; na never;
ca and; anyah another; ekah one;
api although; ciram for a long period;
vicinvan speculating
1he Crace of Cod
no one can know Cod even lf he endeavours
Lo know Plm for lnnumerable llfeLlmes buL
when Cod lmparLs Pls Crace Lo a soul he can
know Plm and aLLaln lvlne 8llss for eLernlLy (
1he Crace of Cod
Sol [anal [ehl dehu [anal
!anaLa Lumahlm Lumahlm hval [al
1umharlhlm krlpa Lumahlm raghunandana
!anaLa bhagaLa bhagaLa ura chandana
8ama krlpa blnu sunu khagaral
!anl na [al rama prabhuLal
Cnly by Pls Crace LhaL one can be freed from
Lhe bondage of Maya
1he Crace of Cod
8a[aLa slpa maham bhasa [lml yaLha bhanu
kara varl
1adapl mrlsha Llhum kala maham bhrama na
sakal kou Larl
!asu krlpa asa bhrama mlLl [al glrl[a so krlpalu
ragharal ( 8amayan )
Cnly by Cod Crace one can be freed from
8ama krlpa nasahlm saba roga 8amayan
Cnly by Cod grace goes all menLal affllcLlons
8lnu saLsanga vlveka na hol
8ama krlpa blnu sulabha na sol
Aba mohlm bha bharosa hanumanLa
8lnu harl krlpa mllahlm nahlm sanLa
AssoclaLlon of genulne salnLs noL posslble
wlLhouL Crace of Cod
SanLa vlshuddha mllahlm punl Lehl
8ama krlpa karl chlLavahlm [ehl
Cnly by grace of Cod LhaL one aLLalns Lhe
assoclaLlon of a Lrue SalnL
So does LhaL mean everyLhlng Cod wlll do?
1he Crace of Cod
svarah the Supreme Lord; sarva-
bhtnm of all living entities; hr t-dese
in the location of the heart; arjuna O
Arjuna; tisthati resides; bhrmayan
causing to travel; sarva-bhtni all
living entities; yantra on a machine;
rd hani being placed; myay
under the spell of material energy. ( ClLa
1he Crace of Cod
1he Supreme Lord ls slLuaLed ln everyones
hearL C Ar[una and ls dlrecLlng Lhe
wanderlngs of all llvlng enLlLles who are
seaLed as on a machlne made of Lhe maLerlal
1he Crace of Cod
Dma daru [oshlLa kl nalm sabahlm nachavaLa
rama guslm ( 8amayan )
So lf he ls Lhe doer of all acLlons looks llke
1 Pow can Cod Lhe all knowlng perfom acLlon
of lgnorance
2 lf Cod ls doer why we experlence ourself as
doer and suffer consequences
1he Crace of Cod
P3 lf Cod ls doer Lhen why should we be
made Lo suffer karmlc consequences
P4 lf Cod ls doer Lhen Pe lald down rules of
P3 lf Cod who ls lmparLlal how can he do
Cood acLlon for some and 8ad for oLhers
P6 lf all Lhls ls mere play of Cod and no one
acLually experlences happlness or sorrow
Lhen Lhere would be no need of aLLalnlng Cod
lvlne knowledge eLc
1he Crace of Cod
Can we leave everyLhlng on faLe?
urva[anamakrlLam karma LaddalvamlLl
kaLhyaLe ( PlLopadesha )
1he frulLs of acLlons performed wlLh a
freedom of wlll ln pasL llves are deslgnaLed as
faLe ln Lhe presenL llfe
1he Crace of Cod
nara Lanu bhava varldhl kaham bero
Sanmukha maruLa anugraha mero
karnadhara sadguru drlrha nava
urlabha sa[a sulabha karl pava
!o na Laral bhavasagara nara sama[a asa pal
So krlLa nlndaka manda maLl aLama hana gaLl
1he Crace of Cod
So paraLra dukha paval slra dhunl dhunl
kalahlm karmahlm lshvarahlm mlLhya dosha
?o brahmanam vldadhaLl purvam
?o val vedamsh cha prahlnoLl Lasmal
1am'ha devamaLmabuddhlprakasham
Mumukshurval sharanamaham prapadye
( ShveLa Dp 618)
1apah prabhavad devaprasadacha ( ShveLa Dp
Surrender Lo Lhe supreme Lord Who ls Lhe
creaLor of Lhe even 8rahma and oLher gods
and by Whose Crace Lhe soul and lnLellecL are
1ameva sharanam gachchha sarvabhavena
1aLprasadaL param shanLlm sLhanam prapsyasl
shashvaLam ( ClLa 1862)
Surrender Lo Lhe Supreme Lord alone wlLh all
your belng Lhen you wlll recelve Pls Crace by
whlch you wlll aLLaln Lhe lvlne Abode and
LverlasLlng eace"
WhaL ls Lhe reason LhaL surrenderlng ls so
daiv transcendental; hi certainly;
es this; gun a-may consisting of the
three modes of material nature; mama
My; my energy; duratyay very
difficult to overcome; mm unto Me;
eva certainly; ye those who;
prapadyante surrender; mym etm
this illusory energy; taranti
overcome; te they( ClLa 714)"
1hls dlvlne energy of Mlne conslsLlng of Lhe
Lhree modes of maLerlal naLure ls dlfflculL Lo
overcome 8uL Lhose who have surrendered
unLo Me can easlly cross beyond lL ( ClLa
tasmt therefore; tvam you; uddhava
O Uddhava; utsr jya giving up;
codanm the regulations of the Vedas;
praticodanm the injunctions of
supplementary Vedic literatures; pravr ttim
injunctions; ca and; nivr ttim
prohibitions; ca also; srotavyam that
which is to be heard; srutam that which
has been heard; eva indeed; ca also(
8hag 111214)
mm to Me; ekam alone; eva
actually; saran am shelter; tmnam
the Supersoul within the heart; sarva-
dehinm of all conditioned souls; yhi
you must go; sarva-tma-bhvena
with exclusive devotion; may by My
mercy; syh you should be; hi
certainly; akutah -bhayah free from fear
in all circumstances. ( 8hag 111213)
1herefore My dear Dddhava abandon Lhe
vedlc manLras as well as Lhe procedures of
supplemenLary vedlc llLeraLures and Lhelr
poslLlve and negaLlve ln[uncLlons lsregard
LhaL whlch has been heard and LhaL whlch ls
Lo be heard Slmply Lake shelLer of Me alone
for l am Lhe Supreme ersonallLy of Codhead
slLuaLed wlLhln Lhe hearL of all condlLloned
1ake shelLer of Me wholehearLedly and by My
grace be free from fear ln all clrcumsLances
Mana krama vachana chhamrl chaLural
8ha[aLahlm krlpa karahlm raghural (
lL ls only Lhrough compleLe surrender LhaL
one can aLLaln Crace and be llberaLed from
Lhe bondage of Maya"
All Lhe scrlpLural evldence lmplles LhaL we
musL surrender Lo Cod
Cod Crace ls dependenL upon surrender
hlraLa sada maya kara prera
kala karma svabhava guna ghera
1hose who do noL surrender revolve ln 84
mllllon specles governed by
1 1lme 2 esLlny
31helr own karmas 4 1hree Cunas
So Cod depends our surrender as condlLlon
for Pls Crace So ls lL llke a worldly buslness
no 8ecause surrender means noL Lo do
anyLhlng le olng acLlons whaLsoever
wlLhouL Lhe feellng of doershlp
ananyh having no other object;
cintayantah concentrating; mm on
Me; ye those who; janh persons;
paryupsate properly worship; tesm
of them; nitya always; abhiyuktnm
fixed in devotion; yoga requirements;
ksemam protection; vahmi carry;
aham . ( ClLa 922)
Lhose who always worshlp Me wlLh excluslve
devoLlon medlLaLlng on My LranscendenLal
form Lo Lhem l carry whaL Lhey lack and l
preserve whaL Lhey have
WhaL ls Surrender
Slmple buL profound wlsdom of ylelJloq Lo
raLher Lhan opposloq Lhe flow of llfe
8ellnqulsh lnner reslsLance Lo whaL ls because
ls ls creaLed by Cod
lnner reslsLance ls Lo say no" Lo whaL ls
Lhrough menLal [udgemenL and emoLlonal
Surrender ls perfecLly compaLlble wlLh Laklng
acLlon lnlLlaLlng change or achlevlng goals
8uL ln Lhe surrendered sLaLe a LoLally dlfferenL
energy a dlfferenL quallLy flows lnLo your
dolng lL connecLs you Lo Lhe sourceenergy of
lvlne 1hls ls surrendered acLlon
Lxample of Surrender
When raupadl saw no help comlng from
anyone she Lrled Lo proLecL herself and
clenched her sarl beLween her LeeLh allure
of proLecL herself would mean geLLlng naked
ln fronL of assembly of her husbands uncles
couslns enemles of her husband and ln fronL
of publlc
When uhshasana pulled her sarl wlLh a [erk
she losL hold of lL and was LoLally helpless
now she surrendered herself compleLely Lo
Lord krlshna
She came Lo a sLaLe of dolng noLhlng
lL was only when she ceased Lo expecL
proLecLlon from all sources lncludlng her own
sLrengLh LhaL she surrendered
So when we depend only on Lhe proLecLlon of
Cod and no oLher source lncludlng our own
sLrengLh we can Lruely surrender as surrender
means noL Lo do anyLhlng
lf we depend on our own sLrengLh Lhen we
wlll do someLhlng Lo proLecL ourselves and lL
wlll noL be Lrue surrender
sarva-dharmn all varieties of religion;
parityajya abandoning; mm unto
Me; ekam only; saran am for
surrender; vraja go; aham ; tvm
you; sarva all; ppebhyah from sinful
reactions; moksayis ymi will deliver;
m do not; sucah worry. ( ClLa 1866)
Abandon all varleLles of rellglon and [usL
surrender unLo Me l shall dellver you from all
slnful reacLlons o noL fear
now whaL we have Lo surrender Lo Cod?
We have
1 8ody 2 Senses
3 Mlnd 4 lnLellecL
Mana eva manushyanam karnam
bandhamokshayoh ( anchadashl )
1he mlnd alone ls Lhe cause of bondage and
of llberaLlon"
cetah consciousness; khalu indeed;
asya of him; bandhya for bondage;
muktaye for liberation; ca and;
tmanah of the living entity; matam
is considered; gunes u in the three
modes of nature; saktam attracted;
bandhya for conditional life; ratam
attached; v or; pumsi in the
Supreme Personality of Godhead;
muktaye for liberation.( 8hag 32313)
1he sLage ln whlch Lhe consclousness of Lhe
llvlng enLlLy ls aLLracLed by Lhe Lhree modes of
maLerlal naLure ls called condlLlonal llfe 8uL
when LhaL same consclousness ls aLLached Lo
Lhe Supreme ersonallLy of Codhead one ls
slLuaLed ln Lhe consclousness of llberaLlon
8emember Lhls rule
?ou are where your mlnd ls
AL Lhe Llme of deaLh you wlll go where your
mlnd ls
Slnce mlnd ls already aLLached Lo maLerlal
world lL needs Lo be removed from maLerlal
world and Lhen surrendered Lo Cod So we
wlll now dlscuss naLure of soul world and
naLure of Lhe Soul
Soul ls
1 LLernal 2 oes noL dle or Lake blrLh
3 CannoL be burnL or drown ln waLer even
Cod cannoL desLroy lL whaL Lo speak of oLhers
4 lvlne belng an energy of lvlne Cod
3 oes noL change 8emalns same
naLure of MaLerlal World
SamsaraLlLl samsarah gachchhaLlLl [agaL
1haL whlch ls ln a sLaLe of consLanL flux and ls
everchanglng ls referred Lo as Lhe world"
Made of Maya
Mayam Lu prakrlLlm vldyamaylnam Lu
maheshvaram LasyavayavabhuLalsLu vyap Lam
sarvamldam [agaL ( ShevLa Dp 410)
Maya ls noL an llluslon or false noLlon lL ls a
power of Cod"
A[amekam lohlLshuklakrlshnam bahvlh pra[ah
srl[amanam sarupah a[a hyeko
[ushamano'nusheLe [ahaLyenam
bhukLabhogama[o'nyah ( ShevLa Dp 43)
alvl hyesha gunamayl mama maya duraLyaya
( ClLa 714)
So dasl raghuvlra kl samu[he mlLhya sopl
Maya ls dlavl ( dlvlne ) le of Cod
Mama maya ( My Maya )
So lLs duraLyaya ( cannoL be surpassed )
Mlnd ls maLerlal and world ls maLerlal buL Cod
ls lvlne Pence mlnd geLs naLurally aLLracLed
Lo world buL noL Lo Cod
Pow can dlvlne power of Cod Maya creaLe
maLerlal mlnd and world?
naLure of Cod lncludes conLradlcLlon
urLher even we see how Lhe conclous human
belng produces maLerlal halr maLerlal nalls
1wo Worlds
LxLernal World CreaLed by Maya ls real
world buL ls changlng consLanLly
lnner World CreaLed by subLle lmpresslons
by deslres for varlous gross maLerlal ob[ecLs
lnner world ls more powerful Lhen exLernal
world lL effecLs us even when exLernal world
ls absenL ( ln dreams)
resence of LxLernal world however makes
lnner world furLher sLrong
Cne Lhlng ls cerLaln and LhaL ls lf Lhe lnLellecL
makes a flrm declslon LhaL Lhe ob[ecLs of Lhe
exLernal world cannoL fulflll our goal of
Supreme 8llss Lhen Lhe lnLernal deslres wlll
auLomaLlcally come Lo an end
1PL l8S1 S1L
So Lhe flrsL sLep ls Lo make a l8M LClSlCn
Lhrough CCnS1An1 8LLLC1lCn LhaL Lhere ls
noL a Lrace of Lrue happlness ln Lhe maLerlal
lf any ob[ecL conLalns happlness Lhen
everyone should recelve happlness from lL
Also Lhe happlness should be permanenL and
noL followed by mlsery
nelLher of Lhese condlLlon ls fulfllled by
anyLhlng maLerlal
A drunkard experlences happlness aL Lhe very
menLlon of llquor and becomes happler when
he acLually drlnks lL
8uL Lhe same llquor ls a source of dlspleasure
Lo a LeeLoLaller
oes Lhe llquor conLaln happlness
experlenced by drunkard or revulslon
experlened by LeeLoLaller?
Dmesh les
Cn hearlng Lhe deaLh news of Dmesh
Pls wlfe ell unconsclous
Pls son Crled buL dldnL fell unconsclous
Pls frlend crled less Lhen son
Pls sevanL dldnL cry buL felL sad
Pls nelghbour elL nelLher happlness nor
Pls debLor Pappy LhaL he wonL have Lo pay
Dmesh comes back Lo llfe!
Wlfe alnLed agaln ouL of happlness
Son Shed Lears of [oy
rlend 8ecame happy
ServanL CreaL rellef for hlm
nelghbour no dlfference
ebLor Sad LhaL now he wlll have Lo pay
Dmesh ls source of ?
ls Dmesh a source of happlness or sadness?
1o whaL degress?
eople lmaglned Dmesh Lo be a source of
happlness Lo Lhe exLenL of Lhelr own deslres
were fulfllled by hlm 1hey nalvely LhoughL
LhaL Dmesh was Lhe source of happlness Lhey
were experlenclng
Concluslon ls LhaL a person derlves happlness
from an ob[ecL LhaL he hlmself menLally
ascrlbes Lo buL nalvely assumes LhaL lL ls Lhe
ob[ecL lLself LhaL conLalns happlness
Cne more polnL lf one doesnL experlence
happlness from any ob[ecL Lhen one wlll noL
experlence sorrow from LhaL ob[ecL elLher
polnL 1he happlness we experlence from
any ob[ecL consLanLly dlmlnlshes
Lg MoLher crylng for losL son and Lhen son
comes flrsL embrace second embrace go and
Lg ChocolaLe lrsL chocolaLe second yes
Lhlrd ok forLh no no
Lg A LhlrsLy man love waLer and noL when hls
LhlrsL ls quenched
Lg A lusLful man longs for a woman buL when
LhaL lusLful cravlng ls absenL LhaL same
woman becomes burdensome
Lg eople Lhlnk happlness ln beauLy A ugly
chlld losL and hls moLher loves LhaL ugly chlld
raLher Lhen oLher good looklng chlld ln fronL
of her aL pollce sLaLlon
Cne man ls ready Lo shooL a beauLlful woman
and anoLher sLands beLween Lhem ready Lo
dle for her Cn enqulry Lhe man ready Lo
shooL ls husband and Lhe oLher her lover
lf Lhere ls happlness ln beauLy boLh of Lhem
would have experlenced lL equally
Llquor smells dlsgusLlng Lo a LeeLoLaller
pleasurable Lo alcohollc Cnlon/Carllc smell
dlsgusLlng Lo one man and aromaLlc Lo
anoLher 8eauLy fragrance eLc do noL conLaln
Powever lf someone repeaLedly Lhlnks of a
parLlcular ob[ecL Lo be a source of happlness
he becomes aLLached Lo lL
dhyyatah while contemplating; vis ayn
sense objects; pumsah of a person;
sangah attachment; tes u in the
sense objects; upajyate develops (
ClLa 262)
ConsequenLly one experlences happlness
from LhaL ob[ecL and sorrow when deprlved
from lL
LruLh ALLalnLmenL of any wordly ob[ecL ls
always preceded accompanled and followed
by unhapplness
Lg A woman deslres Lo have chlld 1o fulfll her
deslre she geLs marrled and loses her
lndependence 1hen even afLer many years
no chlld 1hen medlclnes Lhen flnally chlld
Lhen 9 monLhs and Lenslons and Lhen worrles
of rlghL upbrlnglng Llll Lhe chlld ls adulL
And Lhen worrles abouL hls marrlage
characLer behavlor and hls chllderns
LruLh 1here ls deflnlLely an experlence of
momenLary happlness when a deslre ls
fulfllled buL lL ls lmmedlaLely followed by
greed for more lf deslre ls noL fulfllled Lhen
comes anger or fear
LruLh Ma[or deluslon whaLever l have ls
noL sufflclenL Lo make me happy
Lg A poor vlllager sees prlme mlnlsLer
llmouslne and dreams of slLLlng ln lL one day
LaLer he becomes drlver buL hls happlness ls
no more ln slLLlng ln LhaL car all day
8efore an ob[ecL ls acqulred one experlences
pleasure ln Lhe deluslve hope of aLLalnlng
happlness ln Lhe fuLure lf Lhe ob[ecL ls
8uL Lhe momenL we acqulre lL Lhe experlence
ls qulLe Lhe opposlLe lnsLead of happlness
one beglns Lo experlence sorrow
1herefore one should abandon Lhls foollsh
expecLaLlon of aLLalnLlng a hlgher level of
happlness upon acqulrlng beLLer maLerlal
1he happlness experlenced by a begger ln
embraclng her ugly lame chlld experlence
of queen embarclng her beauLlful dellcaLe
1he pleasure experlenced by a cow eaLlng
green grass ls Lhe same as LhaL experlenced
by a klng who ls served lnnumerable dellcacles
lL ls dlfflculL Lo explaln Lo Lhe clerk of a Plgh
CourL !udge LhaL pleasure he geLs from hls
blycle ls Lhe same as Lhe pleasure Lhe [udge
geLs from hls car
1hus we explalned 3
LruLh LhaL no one ls
wllllng Lo accepL LhaL Lhose who are maLerlally
hlgher placed or beLLer endowed are noL
happler Lhan Lhem
lf we were Lo only undersLand LhaL facL LhaL
afLer a person has en[oyed a cerLaln sLandard
of llvlng for someLlme lL ceases Lo brlng hlm
pleasure Lhen Lhe consLanL pursulL for a
hlgher sLandard would come Lo an end
varlous level of MaLerlal Papplness
?ou are golng Lo be asLonlshed now!!!!
1 kL ( a unlL of pleasure of klng of earLh) a
person alone rullng enLlre planeL earLh ls
young healLhy lnLelllgenL sub[ecLs are
favourable en[oys luxurles
100sx 1kL 1 MC ( a unlL of pleasure of
Manava Candharva)
100xx1MC 1C ( eva Candharvas)
100s x 1C 1 8 ( a unlL of pleasure of
resldenL of plLraloka )
100sx 18 1 AC ( a unlL of pleasure of
A[ana[a gods )
100s x 1AC 1 k ( a unlL of pleasure of
karma evas)
100s x 1k 1 8P ( a unlL of pleasure of
resldenL of Peaven devas)
100s x 1 8P 1 kPl ( a unlL of pleasure of
klng of Peaven lndra )
100s x 1 kPl 1 8 ( a unlL of pleasure of
8rlhaspaLl lndra Curu)
100s x 1 8 1 ( a unlL of pleasure of
pra[apaLl )
100s x 1 1 8 ( a unlL of pleasure of
8rahma Lhe creaLor of Lhls maLerlal unlverse)
All of these are material abodes and are
limited. Beyond all this is divine which is
unlimited pleasure.
-brahma-bhuvant up to the
Brahmaloka planet; lokh the planetary
systems; punah again; vartinah
returning; arjuna OArjuna; ( Gita 8.16)
rom Lhe hlghesL planeL ln Lhe maLerlal world
down Lo Lhe lowesL all are places of mlsery
whereln repeaLed blrLh and deaLh Lake place
mm unto Me; upetya arriving; tu
but; kaunteya O son of Kunt; punah
janma rebirth; na never; vidyate
takes place. ( ClLa 816)
8uL one who aLLalns Lo My abode C son of
kunLl never Lakes blrLh agaln
now when Lrue happlness ls noL aLLalnable
even from Lhe en[oymenLs of Lhe abode of
8rahma ls lL noL suprlslng and foollsh Lo
expecL Lrue happlness by deslrlng Lo become
mllllonalres and bllllonalres ln Lhls maLerlal
yat what; pr thivym within this world;
vrhi food grains rice; yavam barley;
hiran yam gold; pasavah animals;
striyah wives or other women; na
duhyanti do not give; manah -prtim
satisfaction of the mind; pumsah to a
person; kma-hatasya because of
being victimized by lusty desires; te
they. ( 8hag 91913)
lf all Lhe ob[ecLs of Lhe unlverse ( here rlce
barley and oLher food gralns gold anlmals
and women eLc means whole world ) were
avallable Lo one man Lhe dlsease of deslre
would neverLheless keep on lncreaslng" (
8hag 91913)
nr human; deham body; dyam
the source of all favorable results; su-
labham effortlessly obtained; su-
durlabham although impossible to
obtain even with great endeavor; plavam
a boat; su-kalpam extremely well
suited for its purpose;
guru having the spiritual master; karn a-
dhram as the captain of the boat;
may by Me; anuklena with
favorable; nabhasvat winds; ritam
impelled; pumn a person; bhava of
material existence; abdhim the ocean;
na does not; taret cross over; sah
he; tma-h the killer of his own soul.
1he human body whlch can award all beneflL
ln llfe ls auLomaLlcally obLalned by Lhe laws of
naLure alLhough lL ls a very rare achlevemenL
1hls human body can be compared Lo a
perfecLly consLrucLed boaL havlng Lhe splrlLual
masLer as Lhe capLaln and Lhe lnsLrucLlons of
Lhe ersonallLy of Codhead as favorable wlnds
lmpelllng lL on lLs course
Conslderlng all Lhese advanLages a human
belng who does noL uLlllze hls human llfe Lo
cross Lhe ocean of maLerlal exlsLence musL be
consldered Lhe klller of hls own soul ( 8hag
3 Cunas
1he Lhree gunas keep flucLuaLlng all day and
nlghL ln each person Pence Lalk Lo oLher
person when he ls ln rlghL mood
ue Lo lack of saLLvlka quallLles when only a
person ls exposed Lo saLLva ln abundance he
occaslonally ls domlnaLed by Lhls mode
1here ls abundance of ra[a and hence easlly
overpowered by lL even wlLh sllghLesL
1amas ls Lhe mosL powerful of all guna
?ou are ln prayer SaLLva
?ou chlld wlfe Louches you whlle ln prayer
nelghbour comes angrlly and makes
sLaLemenLs you go lnLo 1amas and become
angry as well
Cod and salnLs appear Lo us Lo be endowed
wlLh Lhese gunas because of our own
percepLlon ls colored by Lhese gunas
When everyone ls sufferlng wlLh Lhese 3
gunas amlcabllLy ls posslble beLween 2
person only when Lhelr gunas maLch ln
degree and ln Llme
Pusband wlfe whlle on way Lo movle LheaLer
hears klrLan Wlfe saLLva arlses and she says
leLs go Lo klrLan We can go Lo movle laLer
Powever huband sLlll domlnaLed by ra[as (
passlon) guna and says oh you suddenly
appear so be very rellglous ?ou can aLLend
klrLan lf you wlsh l wlll go Lo movles only"
Such argumenLs are slmply a resulL of
dlfferences ln Lhe degree of lnLenslLy of Lhe
gunas ln each lndlvldual
lf you undersLood Lhe play of Lhese consLanLly
changlng gunas you would be surprlsed lf
even one person agreed wlLh you Lhe whole
DnforLunaLely you have wrong undersLandlng
1haL ls why ls surprlses you even lf one person
conLradlcLs you
1he reallLy ls Lhere ls nelLher agreemenL nor
opposlLlon ln Lhls world
WhaLever we observe ls due Lo Lhe
lnLeracLlon of Lhe 3 gunas
oo vo ote potyob komoyo potlb ptlyo bbovotl
otmooosto komoyo potlb ptlyo bbovotl
oo vo ote sotvosyo komoyo sotvom
ptlyom bbovotl otmooosto komoyo sotvom
ptlyom bbovotl otmo vo ote Jtosbtovyob
stotovyo mootovyo olJlJbyosltovyo
molttolyyotmool kbolo ote Jtlsbte stote mote
vljooto lJom sotvom vlJltom ltl


@h|s wor|d |s a drama where each actor |s

act|ng to sat|sfy h|s |nterest 8ut unt|| we
rea||ze our |nterest cannot be fu|f|||ed |n th|s
wor|d we w||| cont|nue to str|ve for |t
So one who has undersLood Lhls wlll have
nelLher aLLachmenL nor averslon ln Lhls world
and wlll aLLach hlmself Lo Cod
1hls world doesnL have bllss

( )


A foollsh ls broughL ln [all and keep wlLhouL
food for 1 week AfLer 1 week ln golden
uLenslls he ls glven dellclous food buL hls well
wlsher says hlm Lhere ls polson ln food 1he
fool wlll noL eaL lL even Lhough he has noL
seen polson nor even LasLed nor seen anyone
puLLlng polson ln food 8uL we so lnLelllgenL
keep seelng poslon LasLlng lL dally buL sLlll
donL llsLen Lo salnLs and scrlpLures
sr-bhagavn uvca the Personality of
Godhead said; yasya whom; aham ;
anugrhn mi favor; haris ye will take
away; tat his; dhanam wealth; sanaih
gradually; tatah then; adhanam
poor; tyajanti abandon; asya his;
sva-janh relatives and friends;
duh kha-duh khitam who suffers one
distress after another.( 8hag 10888)
The Personality of Godhead said: f
especially favor someone gradually
deprive him of his wealth. Then the
relatives and friends of such a poverty-
stricken man abandon him. n this way he
suffers one distress after another.


|| ( Kabir Dhoha )
naLure of eLachmenL
ALLachmenL can be of poslLlve Lype or
negaLlve Lype ldeal slLuaLlon of deLachmenL ls
descrlbed ln Lhls kablr doha


MoLher losL her chlld ln mela ( funfare)
She saw very slmllar chlld and LhoughL he ls
hers and wenL Lo hlm
Cn seelng LhaL Lhe chlld was noL her she dldnL
goL aLLached Lo Lhls chlld Lhlnklng l dldnL flnd
mlne buL Lhls ls equally good nelLher she goL
angry Lo Lhls chlld LhaL why you werenL my
A drunkard goes Lo markeL for wlne and as he
comes across dlfferenL shops he doesnL geL
angry on Lhose shops why Lhey are noL my
wlne shop nor does he walL on Lhose shops Lo
buy someLhlng else
Pe goes wlLhouL sLop Lo Lhe hls shop where he
wlll geL wlne wlLhouL belng angry or aLLached
Lo any oLher shop
8emember LhaL Llll mlnd ls aLLached or
averLed Lo anyLhlng ln Lhls world compleLe
aLLachmenL Lo Cod ls noL posslble and hence
Cod 8eallzaLlon ls noL posslble elLher
1lll Lhe knowledge Lhere ls nelLher happlness
nor sufferlng ln Lhls world" ls maLure and flrm
ln us real deLachmenL ls noL posslble
Pow Lo make LaLLva gyan flrm?
1o make Lhe LaLLva gyan flrm 1 deep LhoughL
on naLure of Lhe world and 2 repeaLed
LhoughL ls needed
1hlnklng only a once or few Llmes wlll noL
work as we have conLradlcLory LhoughL from
lnnumerable llfeLlmes
1o cuL Lhls conLradlcLory LhoughLs you have Lo
Lhlnk agaln and agaln followlng
janma of birth; mrtyu death; jar
old age; vydhi and disease; duh kha
of the distress; dos a the fault;
anudarsanam observing; (ClLa 138)
So Lhe knowledge of naLure of world conslsL of
lndlvldual sLaLe ( blrLhdeaLhdlseaseold age)
and behavlor ( relaLlonshlps based Lo saLlfy
self alone versus dlvlne relaLlonshlp of soul)
1he MosL Ausplclous ay
1he mosL ausplclous day wlll be Lhe day your
mlnd becomes free of all maLerlal
aLLachmenLs by *repeaLly* *deep* Lhlnklng
abouL naLure of world
1hls free mlnd has Lo be surrendered Lo Cod
1hls free mlnd ls noL free from samskaras or
poLenLlal Lendencles from lnnumerable pasL
Pence lL ls sLlll naLural LhaL deslre wlll arlse
Powever Lhe acLlve new sanskars of Lhe LaLLva
gyan should be able Lo brlng back Lhe sadhak
Lo bhakLl
A person losL on way afLer undersLandlng
LhaL he ls golng ln wrong way musL sLop and
Lake Lhe rlghL way Lo reach home
AfLer havlng sLopped golng Lo sansar for
pleasure Lhe soul musL go Lo Cod
Also some say LhaL Lhere ls no need for
valragya [usL aLLach mlnd Lo Cod and valragya
eLc wlll happen
1hls ls noL correcL Why wlll anyone love Cod
and wlLh whaL wlll he love Plm? We wlll love
wlLh mlnd because Cod ls Ccean of bllss
1hls vlew wlll be lmmedlaLely be opposed by
Lhe lnLellecL 8ecause alLhough people do
accepL LhaL Cod ls a source of happlness yeL
aL Lhe same Llme Lhey also accepL Lhe world as
a source of happlness Loo
Wordly happlness can acLually be seen and
Why Lhen wlll anyone abandon lL Lo grope ln
Lhe dark?
1aklng Lhls lnLo conslderaLlon how wlll Lhe
mlnd posslbly love Cod?
lL ls easy Lo Lalk abouL lovlng Cod buL very
dlfflculL Lo praLlse wlLhouL deLachmenL
A deer seelng shlmmerlng sand ln a deserL
belleves LhaL Lhere cerLalnly musL be waLer
Lhere and pursues Lhls bellef dylng of LhlrsL ln
Lhe process
ln Lhe same way unLll Lhe flrm declslon of Lhe
lnLellecL LhaL Lhere ls happlness ln Lhe world
ls noL changed Lrue love for Cod wlll noL be
posslble even ln lnnumerable llves because
Lhere wlll always be Lhls consLanL hope of
aLLalnLlng happlness ln Lhe world some Llme
or Lhe oLher
1hus Lo sLaLe LhaL dlrecL devoLlon Lo Cod wlll
Lake care of everyLhlng ls only decelvlng
AfLer all lL ls Lhe lnLellecL LhaL governs Lhe
mlnd ( kaLha Dp 1310)
When Lhe declslon of Lhe lnLellecL ls LhaL Lhere
ls happlness ln Lhe world Lhen who wlll leL Lhe
mlnd be aLLached Lo Cod Wlll Lhe mlnd aLLach
lLself Lo Cod?
1haL ls absoluLely lmposslble
Lven when krlshna 8am where presenL on
LarLh noL everybody mlnd goL aLLracLed Lo
Lhem Pence Lhe mlnd wlll noL geL aLLracLed
by lLself lL musL be Laken Lhere wlLh Lhe
command of lnLellecL We need a Curu who
can explaln Lhe dlvlnlLy
1he SalnL
guru blnu bhava nldhl Laral na kol"
MosL real Curus hlde Lhemselves

yah one who; tu but; tma-ratih
taking pleasure in the self; eva
certainly; syt remains; tma-trptah
self-illuminated; ca and; mnavah a
man; tmani in himself; eva only; ca
and; santustah perfectly satiated;
tasya his; kryam duty; na does
not; vidyate exist.(ClLa 317)
Cne who becomes a SalnL ceases Lo work" (
ClLa 317)
anyh having no other object;
cintayantah concentrating; mm on
Me; ye those who; janh persons;
paryupsate properly worship; tesm
of them; nitya always; abhiyuktnm
fixed in devotion; yoga requirements;
ksemam protection; vahmi carry;
aham .(ClLa 922)
8uL Lhose who always worshlp Me wlLh
excluslve devoLlon medlLaLlng on My
LranscendenLal form Lo Lhem l carry whaL
Lhey lack and l preserve whaL Lhey have( ClLa
!o karal so harl karal ( kablra)
So long as we are Lhe doers Cod does noL
perform our acLlons and we ourselves bear
Lhe consequences of Lhese acLlons
Cnce we surrender le reach a sLaLe of dolng
noLhlng Lhen Cod does everyLhlng
lf anyone quesLlons Lhe acLlons of Cod ( done
vla SalnL) asklng why Pe performs
unrlghLeous acLlons Lhen Lhls quesLlon lLself ls
nalve because Cod has no selflsh moLlve
Why Lhe acLlons of Cod are beyond our
comprehenslon because Pe ls Allknowlng
and we are lgnoranL Pe ls lvlne and we are
MaLerlal Pe ls unllmlLed and we are llmlLed
Pe ls lnsplrer and we are lnsplred Pe ls Lhe
lllumlnaLor and we are lllumlned Pe ls
Covernor of Maya and we are governed by
Maya 1he lmpllcaLlon ls LhaL Cod and Pls
acLlons are LoLally beyond Lhe comprehenslon
of our maLerlal defecLlve and llmlLed senses
mlnd and lnLellecL
racLlcal Sadhana
tasmt therefore; sarves u at all;
kles u times; mm Me; anusmara
go on remembering; yudhya fight; ca
also ( ClLa 87)
8emember Me every momenL and conLlnue
Lo perform physlcal acLlons"
ananya-ceth without deviation of the
mind; satatam always; yah anyone
who; mm Me (Krsna); smarati
remembers; nityasah regularly; tasya
to him; aham am; su-labhah very
easy to achieve; prtha O son of Prth;
nitya regularly; yuktasya engaged;
yoginah for the devotee.( ClLa 814)
or one who always remembers Me without
deviation am easy to obtain O son of
Prth because of his constant
engagement in devotional service.
of Lhem -
consLanLly unlLed
worshlp -
wlLh love
l glve - menLal
LhaL by whlch Me
1o Lhose LhaL are consLanLly unlLed (wlLh Me)
and worshlp Me wlLh love l glve Lhe menLal
dlsposlLlon (devoLlonal aLLlLude) 8y LhaL
aLLlLude Lhey approach Me
All verses lnslsL LhaL remembrance of Cod
musL be consLanL
1here are 2 Lypes of acLlon
1hose wlLh only mlnd+lnLellecL
1hose wlLh mlnd+lnLellecL+aLLachmenL
A wlfe maklng food for her london reLurned
husband versus Lhe home servanL maklng lL
A nurse/docLor versus Lhe moLher dellverlng
Cashler glvlng mllllons versus glvlng hls own
All acLlvlLles LhaL we perform lndlfferenLly le
we recelve no pleasure from buL are
performed ouL of compulslon lnvolve mlnd
and lnLellecL buL noL aLLachmenL
uLles performed on a dally basls ln a
deLached splrlL consLlLuLe Lhe larger porLlon
of our acLlvlLles
Who deslres Lo remaln subordlnaLe Lo a boss
all day aL work? 8uL one has Lo do lL
A guesL knocklng door aL nlghL example of
eLlqueLLe ln Lhls world le acLlons peformed
wlLhouL aLLachmenL where Lhere ls no love
buL mere approprlaLe exLernal behavlour
aLher rushlng Lo ocLor example where he
drlves Lo docLor ls mlnd+lnLellecL wlLh
aLLachmenL noL Lo ocLor buL Lo hls son Same
way work ln Lhls world wlLh mlnd+lnLellecL
wlLh aLLachmenL noL Lo anyLhlng buL Cod
Pow wlll we perform beLLer lf we donL have
1hls ls nalve quesLlon because duLles cannoL
be performed properly where Lhere ls
MoLher glvlng chocolaLe Lo each chlld
Surgeon cannoL do operaLlon of hls own son
!udge cannoL glve lmparLlal [udgemenL lf
Pe ls aLLached Lo elLher parLy
When we love a person we experlence
happlness when we see hear or Louch LhaL
person 1he resulL ls LhaL Lhe mlnd does noL
remaln ln a balanced sLaLe and work becomes
1he same happens when Lhe mlnd ls affecLed
by anger [ealousy greed eLc
Work ls bound Lo suffer
lL ls only when one ls devold of love and haLe
LhaL work can be performed perfecLly
So we should cenLer our love ln Cod alone and
llmlL ourselves Lo Lhe performace of duLles ln
Lhe world Lo accompllsh boLh maLerlal and
splrlLual goal easlly
uLles of Lhe maLerlal world wlll be performed
properly and we wlll also achleve our goal of
ALLalnlng Cod
1hls ls refered as ArL of dolng acLlon ln ClLa
yogah Krsna consciousness; karmasu
in all activities; kausalam art. ( ClLa
lx Lhe mlnd on Cod and conLlnue Lo work
wlLh your senses and body [usL as a wheel
moves buL Lhe axle remalns flxed
Some say LhaL work ls hampered when love
for Cod lncreases 1hls does noL happen ln Lhe
beglnnlng buL lL does happen ln an advanced
sLage of splrlLual pracLlce
Powever Lhere ls no need Lo be concerned
abouL lL Lven lf you are evenLually unable Lo
perform your duLles Lhere ls noLhlng Lo worry
abouL because you wlll be freed of
8uL lf you dellberaLely dlsregard your duLles
and do noL even love Cod Lhen you wlll be
punlshed for your negllgence
AL flrsL you wlll have Lo pracLlse Lhls buL laLer
on lL wlll happen naLurally
When a person flrsL learns Lo rlde a blcycle he
experlences greaL dlfflculLy AfLer some
pracLlce hls hands conLlnue Lo gulde Lhe
handlebars hls feeL keep on pedalllng and he
Lven carrles on a conversaLlon wlLh hls frlend
ln Lhe same way afLer a llLLle pracLlce
karmayoga wlll become naLural
1he Lhree mosL lmporLanL and lndlspensable
requlremenLs for pracLlcal sadhana are
1 nlshkamaLa 2 AnanyaLa 3 8upadhyana
Ananya means noL oLher le only krlshna
yath as; taroh of a tree; mla the
root; nisecanena by watering; tr pyanti
are satisfied; tat its; skandha
trunk; bhuja branches; upaskhh
and twigs; prn a the life air; upahrt
by feeding; ca and; yath as;
indriynm of the senses; tath eva
sarva of all powers; arhan am
worship; acyuta of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead; ijy worship (
8hag 43114)
Worshlplng Cod auLomaLlcally lncludes
worshlpplng all powers
sarva-dharmn all varieties of religion;
parityajya abandoning; mm unto
Me; ekam only; saran am for
surrender; vraja go; aham ; tvm
you; sarva all; ppebhyah from sinful
reactions; moksayis ymi will deliver;
m do not; sucah worry. ( ClLa 1866)
!usL llke when one sLudles for lAS Lhlnklng LhaL
once he becomes lAS offlcer he wlll geL
respecL money poslLlon power and Lhls
moLlvaLes hlm Lo work hard ln same way why
can you Lhlnk once you geL Cod lnnumerable
lndras varuns ?amara[ kuber wlll be sLandlng
ln your servlce Maya wlll noL come near you
Lhe Lhree affllcLlons Lhe Lhree effecLs of sln
Lhe Lhree lmperfecLlons Lhe Lhree Lypes of
8odles blndlng you eLc wlll noL plague you
any more ?ou wlll aLLaln neverendlng lvlne
8llss and ln addlLlon a lvlne body 1hls
sadhana of roopdhyan ls really easy when
acLually reflecLed upon
Make any form and lmblble dlvlne feellngs ln
lL o whaLever lL Lakes Lo keep your mlnd lL ln
full Llme for someLlme ln a day and for resL of
Lhe day keep LhaL form show all Lhe work
you do Lo Plm and feel LhaL you are servanL of
ParlCuru and whaLever you are dolng ls Lo
please Lhem WhaLever you are dolng you
should be able Lo feel LhaL you are dolng for
lf a sadhak doesnL pracLlse roopdhyan he wlll
evenLually doubL even Lhe words of Lhe
scrlpLures because he wlll Lhlnk LhaL even
afLer pracLlslng sanklrLan for a long Llme hls
slnful Lendencles have noL reduced
Sadhana bhakLl means Lo keep oneself ln
consLanL presence of ParlCuru ( 8oopdhyan )
whlle consLanLly rememberlng our
relaLlonshlp and performlng acLlons
8oLh physlcal and menLal whlch are lnllne wlLh
our relaLlonshlp and our exLernal poslLlon of
ananya-ceth without deviation of the
mind; satatam always; yah anyone
who; mm Me (Krsna); smarati
remembers; nityasah regularly; tasya
to him;
aham am; su-labhah very easy to
achieve; prtha O son of Prth; nitya
regularly; yuktasya engaged; yoginah
for the devotee.( ClLa 814)
For one who always remembers Me
without deviation am easy to obtain O
son of Prth because of his constant
engagement in devotional service.
ananyh having no other object;
cintayantah concentrating; mm on
Me; ye those who; janh persons;
paryupsate properly worship; tesm
of them; nitya always; abhiyuktnm
fixed in devotion; yoga requirements;
ksemam protection; vahmi carry;
aham . ( ClLa 922)
8uL Lhose who always worshlp Me wlLh
excluslve devoLlon medlLaLlng on My
LranscendenLal form Lo Lhem l carry whaL
Lhey lack and l preserve whaL Lhey have
ye those who; tu but; sarvni all;
karmni activities; mayi unto Me;
sannyasya giving up; mat-parh
being attached to Me; ananyena
without division; eva certainly; yogena
by practice of such bhakti-yoga; mm
upon Me; dhyyantah meditating;
upsate worship; ( ClLa 126)
mayi upon Me; eva certainly; manah
mind; dhatsva fix; mayi upon
Me; buddhim intelligence; nivesaya
apply; ( ClLa 128)
!usL flx your mlnd upon Me Lhe Supreme
ersonallLy of Codhead and engage all your
lnLelllgence ln Me
DnLll a sadhak reaches an advanced sLage of
pracLlslng roopdhyan he wlll noL be able Lo
resLraln hls mlnd and consequenLly wlll noL
experlence Lhe bllss
WlLhouL any acLual experlence Lhe devoLee
becomes exhausLed wlLh hls efforLs and sLarLs
loslng hope 1hus becomlng de[ecLed he
once agaln geLs lncllned Lowards wordly
8ead enLlre roopdhyan book from page 7
Lach page has so much condensed
lnformaLlon lLs noL feaslble Lo creaLe ppL

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