Industrial Relation

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lndusLrlal 8elaLlon

W 9
@e concepL of lndusLrlal relaLlons as a very wlde meanlng
and connoLaLlon ln Le narrow sense lL means LaL Le
employer employee relaLlonslp conflnes lLself Lo Le
relaLlonslp LaL emerges ouL of Le day Lo day assoclaLlon
of Le managemenL and Le labor ln lLs wlder sense
lndusLrlal relaLlons lnclude Le relaLlonslp beLween an
employee and an employer ln Le course of Le runnlng of
an lndusLry and may pro[ecL lL Lo speres wlc may
Lransgress Lo Le areas of quallLy conLrol markeLlng prlce
flxaLlon and dlsposlLlon of proflLs among oLers
W CollecLlve bargalnlng
W Maclnery for seLLlemenL of lndusLrlal
W SLandlng orders
W Workers parLlclpaLlon ln managemenL
W unfalr labor pracLlces
W unlnLerrupLed producLlon
W 8educLlon ln lndusLrlal ulspuLes
W Plg morale
W MenLal 8evoluLlon
W 8educed WasLage
W @o esLablls and promoLe Le growL of an lndusLrlal
W @o ellmlnaLe or mlnlmlze Le number of sLrlkes lockouLs
by provldlng reasonable wages lmproved llvlng and
worklng condlLlons sald frlnge beneflLs
W @o lmprove Le economlc condlLlons of workers
W SoclallzaLlon of lndusLrles by maklng Le sLaLe lLself a
ma[or employer
W vesLlng of a proprleLary lnLeresL of Le workers ln Le
W ln unlLarlsm Le organlzaLlon ls percelved as an
lnLegraLed and armonlous sysLem vlewed as
one appy famlly A core assumpLlon of unlLary
approac ls LaL managemenL and sLaff and all
members of Le organlzaLlon sare Le same
ob[ecLlves lnLeresLs and purposes Lus worklng
LogeLer andlnand Lowards Le sared
muLual goals lurLermore unlLarlsm as a
paLernallsLlc approac were lL demands loyalLy
of all employees @rade unlons are deemed as
unnecessary and confllcL ls percelved as
W ln plurallsm Le organlzaLlon ls percelved as belng made up
of powerful and dlvergenL subgroups managemenL and
Lrade unlons @ls approac sees confllcLs of lnLeresL and
dlsagreemenLs beLween managers and workers over Le
dlsLrlbuLlon of proflLs as normal and lnescapable
ConsequenLly Le role of managemenL would lean less
Lowards enforclng and conLrolllng and more Loward
persuaslon and coordlnaLlon @rade unlons are deemed as
leglLlmaLe represenLaLlves of employees ConfllcL ls dealL by
collecLlve bargalnlng and ls vlewed noL necessarlly as a bad
Llng and lf managed could ln facL be canneled Lowards
evoluLlon and poslLlve cange8eallsLlc managers sould
accepL confllcL Lo occur @ere ls a greaLer propenslLy for
confllcL raLer Lan armony
W @ls perspecLlve focuses on Le fundamenLal
dlvlslon of lnLeresL beLween caplLal and labor
and sees workplace relaLlons agalnsL Lls
background lL ls concerned wlL Le sLrucLure
and naLure of socleLy and assumes LaL Le
confllcL ln employmenL relaLlonslp ls
reflecLlve of Le sLrucLure of Le socleLy
ConfllcL ls Lerefore seen as lnevlLable and
Lrade unlons are a naLural response of workers
Lo Lelr explolLaLlon by caplLal
1rade Un|ons
W @rade unlons are formed Lo proLecL and
promoLe Le lnLeresLs of Lelr members @elr
prlmary funcLlon ls Lo proLecL Le lnLeresLs of
workers agalnsL dlscrlmlnaLlon and unfalr
labor pracLlces
W kepresentat|on@rade unlons represenL lndlvldual
workers wen Ley ave a problem aL work
W Negot|at|on-egoLlaLlon ls were unlon
represenLaLlves dlscuss wlL managemenL Le lssues
wlc affecL people worklng ln an organlzaLlon
W Vo|ce |n dec|s|ons affect|ng workers@e economlc
securlLy of employees ls deLermlned noL only by Le
level of wages and duraLlon of Lelr employmenL buL
also by Le managemenL's personal pollcles wlc
lnclude selecLlon of employees for lay offs
reLrencmenL promoLlon and Lransfer
W Member serv|cesuurlng Le lasL few years Lrade unlons ave lncreased
Le range of servlces Ley offer Lelr members @ese lnclude
ducat|on and tra|n|ng MosL unlons run Lralnlng courses for Lelr
members on employmenL rlgLs ealL and safeLy and oLer lssues
W Lega| ass|stance As well as offerlng legal advlce on employmenL lssues
some unlons glve elp wlL personal maLLers llke ouslng wllls and debL
W I|nanc|a| d|scounts 9eople can geL dlscounLs on morLgages lnsurance
and loans from unlons
W We|fare benef|ts ne of Le earllesL funcLlons of Lrade unlons was Lo
look afLer members wo lL ard Llmes Some of Le older unlons offer
flnanclal elp Lo Lelr members wen Ley are slck or unemployed
Iunct|ons f 1rade Un|ons
W @rade unlons perform a number of funcLlons
ln order Lo acleve Le ob[ecLlves @ese
funcLlons can be broadly classlfled lnLo Lree
(l) MlllLanL funcLlons
(ll) lraLernal funcLlons
M|||tant Iunct|ons
W Wen Le unlons fall Lo accomplls Lese alms by Le meLod of
collecLlve bargalnlng and negoLlaLlons Ley adopL an approac and
puL up a flgL wlL Le managemenL ln Le form of goslow LacLlcs
sLrlke boycoLL gerao eLc Pence Lese funcLlons of Le Lrade
unlons are known as mlllLanL or flgLlng funcLlons
W @us Le mlllLanL funcLlons of Lrade unlons can be summed up as
W @o acleve lger wages and beLLer worklng condlLlons
@o ralse Le sLaLus of workers as a parL of lndusLry
@o proLecL labors agalnsL vlcLlmlzaLlon and ln[usLlce
Iraterna| Iunct|ons
W @rade unlons Lry Lo fosLer a splrlL of cooperaLlon and promoLe frlendly lndusLrlal relaLlon and
dlffuse educaLlon and culLure among Lelr members @ey Lake up welfare measures for lmprovlng
Le morale of workers and generaLe self confldence among Lem
W @us Le fraLernal funcLlons of Lrade unlons can be summed up as
@o Lake up welfare measures for lmprovlng Le morale of workers
@o generaLe self confldence among workers
@o encourage slncerlLy and dlsclpllne among workers
@o provlde opporLunlLles for promoLlon and growL
@o proLecL women workers agalnsL dlscrlmlnaLlon
W Accordlng ln all lndusLrlallzed developlng and
underdeveloped economles sLeps ave been
Laken by Le SLaLe Lo promoLe a ealLy
growL of Lrade unlon and seL up a well
organlzed lndlvldual relaLlons maclnery Lo
acleve lndusLrlal peace
ko|e of state |n Industr|a| ke|at|on
va|uat|on of |ndustr|a| re|at|ons
W lndusLrlal relaLlons ad lLs beglnnlng wen Le 8rlLls CovernmenL
ln lndla was consLralned Lo proLecL lLs commerclal lnLeresL ln Lls
counLry An lL observes lor proLecLlng Le lnLeresL of Labour
employees and workmen AcL of 1860
W Accordlng Lo ur 88 Ambedkar (1942)
W @e pollcy of brlnglng LogeLer Le Lree parLles namely Le
governmenL managemenL consulLaLlve LrlparLlLe forum for all
maLLers of labour pollcy and lndusLrlal relaLlons was accepLed"
W Ler lmporLanL AcL
W 19208ombay CommlLLee
W 19318oyal Commlsslon on labour
W 1933CovernmenL of lndla
W 19388ombay lndusLrlal ulspuLes AcL
va|uat|on of |ndustr|a| re|at|ons
W In 9ostIndependence Ind|a
W ln free lndla Le lndusLrlal dlspuLes acL ln
1947 Le maln alms Lo malnLaln armonlous
relaLlonslp beLween workers and workers
employees Lo worker employees Lo workers
W ln 1930 Le bllls were passed by Le
W A Labour 8elaLlons 8lll and a @rade unlons 8lll
D|rect|ves pr|nc|p|es
W 1he D|rect|ves pr|nc|p|es of tate 9o||cy
W ArLlcle 39
W Lqual work for boL men womenPealL and sLrengLen workers
W ArLlcle 41
W Lconomlc CapaclLy8lgL Lo work Lo educaLlon
W ArLlcle 42
W Puman condlLlons of work and maLernlLy rellef
W ArLlcle 43
W Llvlng wagesSoclal and culLural opporLunlLles
W ArLlcle 43A
W uevelopmenLWorkers parLlclpaLlon managemenL
W lL's lnLeresL ln clld labour young persons and
Lelr problems ls well known lL as adopLed a
number of ConvenLlons and 8ecommendaLlons ln
Lls regard ln lndla wlLln a framework of Le
Clld Labour (9rolblLlon and 8egulaLlons) AcL
1986 and Lroug Le -aLlonal 9ollcy on Clld
Labour lL as funded Le preparaLlon of cerLaln
local and lndusLry speclflc pro[ecLs ln Lwo kanor
pro[ecLs vlz Clld Labour AcLlon and SupporL
9rogrammes (CLAS9) and lnLernaLlonal
9rogramme on LllmlnaLlon of Clld Labour (l9LC)
Le lL ls playlng a vlLal role
W @e lmplemenLaLlon of l9LC programmes ln
lndla as cerLalnly creaLed a very poslLlve
lmpacL Lowards undersLandlng Le problem of
clld labour and ln lgllgLlng Le need Lo
ellmlnaLlon clld labour as expedlLlously as
posslble A ma[or conLrlbuLlon of Le l9LC
programme ln lndla ls LaL lL as generaLed a
crlLlcal consclousness among all Le 3 soclal
parLners for Laklng correcLlve measures Lo
ellmlnaLe clld labour
DN1 Wkk
W @e concepL of uecenL Work ls belng propagaLed by Le lL lL
encompasses four sLraLeglc ob[ecLlves
W I 9romot|on of k|ghts at Work lL calls for renewed aLLenLlon
Lo lL's sLandards as well as a fres look aL compllmenLary means
and lnsLrumenLs for aclevlng Lls goal
W II mp|oyment CreaLlon of greaLer employmenL and lncome
opporLunlLles for women and men as a means Lo reduce poverLy
and lnequallLy
W III oc|a| 9rotect|on @ls secLlon empaslses expanslon of
soclal securlLy scemes
W IV oc|a| D|a|ogue @ls empaslses examlnlng ways of
sLrengLenlng Le lnsLlLuLlonal capaclLy of lL consLlLuenLs as well
as Lelr conLrlbuLlon Lo Le process of dlalogue
DN1 Wkk
W AlLoug lndla agrees LaL Le four sLraLeglc ob[ecLlves are
necessary for decenL work Lls as no meanlng unless we
can provlde an opporLunlLy Lo work @erefore
employmenL generaLlon sould be Le focus of Le all lL
programmes and acLlvlLles @e baslc requlremenL of
uecenL Work sould be Lo flrsL ensure work Lo any poLenLlal
worker and Len all oLer elemenLs of Le decenL work
concepL wlll auLomaLlcally follow @ls sLand of lndla was
appreclaLed by oLer naLlons as well lndla also made lL
clear ln Le meeLlngs of Le lL LaL Le concepL of decenL
work as Lo be flxed keeplng ln mlnd Le condlLlons of work
ln Le soclal economlc and culLural conLexL of eac
counLry lL cannoL be made appllcable unlformly Lo every
lnLernaLlonal labour organlzaLlon
W lndla ls a founder member of Le lnLernaLlonal
Labour rganlzaLlon wlc came lnLo exlsLence
ln 1919 AL presenL Le lL as 173 Members A
unlque feaLure of Le lL ls lLs LrlparLlLe
caracLer @e memberslp of Le lL ensures
Le growL of LrlparLlLe sysLem ln Le Member
counLrles AL every level ln Le rganlzaLlon
CovernmenLs are assoclaLed wlL Le Lwo oLer
soclal parLners namely Le workers and
employers All Le Lree groups are represenLed
on almosL all Le dellberaLlve organs of Le lL
and sare responslblllLy ln conducLlng lLs work
rgans of Le lL
W @e Lree organs of Le lL are
W lnLernaLlonal Labour Conferences Ceneral
Assembly of Le lL MeeLs every year ln Le
monL of !une
W Covernlng 8ody LxecuLlve Councll of Le
lL MeeLs Lree Llmes ln a year ln Le
monLs of Marc !une and -ovember
W lnLernaLlonal Labour fflce A permanenL
ore onvent|ons of the IL
W ore onvent|ons of the IL @e elgL ore onvent|ons of Le
lL (also called fundamenLal/uman rlgLs convenLlons) are
W lorced Labour ConvenLlon (-o 29)
W AbollLlon of lorced Labour ConvenLlon (-o103)
W Lqual 8emuneraLlon ConvenLlon (-o100)
W ulscrlmlnaLlon (LmploymenL ccupaLlon) ConvenLlon (-o111)
W %1he above four have been rat|f|ed by Ind|a)
W lreedom of AssoclaLlon and 9roLecLlon of 8lgL Lo rganlsed
ConvenLlon (-o87)
W 8lgL Lo rganlse and CollecLlve 8argalnlng ConvenLlon (-o98)
W Mlnlmum Age ConvenLlon (-o138)
W WorsL forms of Clld Labour ConvenLlon (-o182)
(1hese four are yet to be rat|f|ed by Ind|a
9aradlgm SlfL
8efore L|bera||zat|on
W % SLaLe sponsored and sLaLemedlaLed developmenL
W % 9roLecLed domesLlc markeL
W % 8udgeLary and dlrecLed
W lnsLlLuLlonal resource allocaLlon
W % Subsldles and admlnlsLered prlce
W reglme
W % Welfare sLaLe acLlve ln labour
W markeL
W % SysLemaLlc decasuallzaLlon of
W [obs
W % Largely governmenLfunded soclal
W securlLy and welfare programmes
W for a few
W %
W % SLable governlng sLrucLure and
W pollcy reglme
W % SLable Loug obsoleLe labour
W lnLenslve Lecnologles
W % uomlnanL sLaLus of manufacLurlng
After L|bera||zat|on
W % MarkeL led and prlvaLe enLerprlse
W domlnaLed
W % CompeLlLlve markeL
W % CompeLlLlve caplLal markeLled
W resource allocaLlon
W % 8aLlonal prlclng lncludlng user
W canges
W % LabourneuLral and lnvesLmenL frlendly sLaLe pollcles
W % lasL recasuallzaLlon and
W conLracLuallzaLlon of [obs
W % Crlsls of susLalnablllLy of soclal
W securlLy welfare programmes and
W pressure for securlLy measures for
W all
W % Crlsls of governance and fear of
W pollLlcal and economlc lnsLablllLy
W % MlcroelecLronlcsled new generaLlon caplLal and sklll
W lnLenslve Lecnologles
W % @reaL of lndusLrlallzaLlon and
W rapld growL of servlce secLor
8efore LlberallzaLlon
W @rade unlon movemenL was dlvlded accordlng Lo ldeologles
afLer lndependence and reglonal parLles came Lo power ln
dlfferenL sLaLes wlL eac pollLlcal parLy avlng lLs Lrade
unlon wlng 9ower of unlons grew along wlL Le number
9ollLlcal parLles found Le unlons a sLrong medlum lor fear
of loslng power rullng parLles eeded Lo Le demands of
Le @rade unlon @e slLuaLlon conLlnued Llll Le
declaraLlon of emergency by Le laLe 9rlme MlnlsLer
Mrslndra Candl As a resulL Le managemenL especlally
ln Le publlc secLor became weak parLner ln l8 SLrlkes and
lndlsclpllne lncreased wlL loss of worklng days especlally
ln Le essenLlal servlce secLors llke osplLals alrways
rallways and LelecommunlcaLlons and posLal servlces
AfLer LlberallzaLlon
W lnLroducLlon of neollberal pollcles ad creaLed fear ln Le
mlnds of people LaL Lecnologlcal canges would reduce
Le number of labourlnLenslfled [obs unlons ln publlc
secLor re[ecLed Le offer of dlscusslon and also LreaLened
Lo boycoLL and opposed Le lmplemenLaLlon of varlous
measures announced by Le governmenL ManagemenL
adopLed sofL pollcles Lowards workers and Lelr aLLlLude
Lowards unlons ls canged -umber of sLrlkes and Le
workers lnvolved ln sLrlkes as been reduced -aLlonal @u
cenLers seem Lo be loslng Lelr conLrol over enLerprlse
unlons unlons wo earller opposed Lo Lecnologlcal up
gradaLlon ave gradually agreed Lo Le same ln reLurn for
llnklng wages wlL producLlvlLy All Lese lndlcaLe LaL
cenLral unlons are loslng ground
8easons of decllne ln unlonlsm
W Mu|t|p||c|ty of Un|ons and po||t|ca| aff|||at|on dlvlded Le work force
W maklng Le movemenL weak and made bllaLeral negoLlaLlon and collecLlve
W seLLlemenLs exLremely dlfflculL
W Dec||ne |n Membersh|p Wlle 198990 wlLnessed a decllne ln
W memberslp Lere ls an lncrease ln number of unlons @oLal
W memberslp decllned by 23 and more unlons applled for dlsafflllaLlon
W uman kesource Management po||c|es ave become Le soplsLlcaLed way
W of aLLracLlng Le employees Lo Le slde of managemenL
W k|se of |ndependent enterpr|se un|ons wlL decenLrallzed bargalnlng are
W found favorable due Lo nonafflllaLlon Lo apex bodles or pollLlcal parLles
W glvlng rlse Lo dlvergence of lnLeresLs
W D||emma 9ollLlcal AfflllaLlon wlL Le parLles placed Le naLlonal @u
W cenLers ln a dllemma weLer Lo ablde by Le dlcLum of Le parLy or respond Lo
W Le demand of Le workers
8easons of decllne ln unlonlsm
W Unpopu|ar|ty of Un|ons Medla campalgn agalnsL mlllLanL unlonlsm
W pollLlcal afflllaLlon vesLed lnLeresLed of leaders creaLed a dlfferenL
W lmage
W o||ect|v|sm to Ind|v|dua||sm @e slfL of proflle from unskllled
W uneducaLed worker Lo skllled semlskllled lndlvldual worker made Le
W workers slfL from collecLlvlsm Lo lndlvlduallsm
W Nonun|on|sm and Ind|v|dua| 8arga|n|ng consLlLuLe open affronL boL Lo
W lndlvldual's rlgL Lo organlze and @us rlgL Lo organlze and represenL and
W bargaln collecLlvely
W Deun|on|sat|on Women and young workers ln Le labour markeL are
W lnLeresLed ln pursulng selflnLeresLs
o||ect|ve 8arga|n|ng
W CollecLlve bargalnlng ls process of [olnL declslon maklng and baslcally represenLs a democraLlc way
of llfe ln lndusLry
W @us collecLlve bargalnlng
ls a collecLlve process ln wlc represenLaLlves of boL Le managemenL and employees
ls a conLlnuous process wlc alms aL esLabllslng sLable relaLlonslps beLween Le parLles
noL only lnvolves Le bargalnlng agreemenL buL also lnvolves Le lmplemenLaLlon of suc an
aLLempLs ln aclevlng dlsclpllne ln Le lndusLry
ls a flexlble approac as Le parLles lnvolved ave Lo adopL a flexlble aLLlLude Lowards negoLlaLlons
CollecLlve bargalnlng
W A collecLlve bargalnlng process generally
conslsLs of four Lypes of acLlvlLles
W dlsLrlbuLlve bargalnlng
W lnLegraLlve bargalnlng
W aLLlLudlnal resLrucLurlng and
W lnLraorganlzaLlonal bargalnlng
D|str|but|ve barga|n|ng
W ulsLrlbuLlve bargalnlng lL lnvolves aggllng
over Le dlsLrlbuLlon of surplus under lL Le
economlc lssues llke wages salarles and
bonus are dlscussed ln dlsLrlbuLlve
bargalnlng one parLy's galn ls anoLer parLy's
Integrat|ve barga|n|ng
W @ls lnvolves negoLlaLlon of an lssue on wlc
boL Le parLles may galn or aL leasL nelLer
parLy loses lor example represenLaLlves of
employer and employee sldes may bargaln
over Le beLLer Lralnlng programme or a
beLLer [ob evaluaLlon meLod Pere boL Le
parLles are Lrylng Lo make more of someLlng
ln general lL Lends Lo be more cooperaLlve
Lan dlsLrlbuLlve bargalnlng
Att|tud|na| restructur|ng
W @ls lnvolves saplng and resaplng some
aLLlLudes llke LrusL or dlsLrusL frlendllness or
osLlllLy beLween labor and managemenL
Wen Lere ls a backlog of blLLerness beLween
boL Le parLles aLLlLudlnal resLrucLurlng ls
requlred Lo malnLaln smooL and
armonlous lndusLrlal relaLlonslp
Intraorgan|zat|ona| barga|n|ng
W lL generally alms aL resolvlng lnLernal confllcLs
@ls ls a Lype of maneuverlng Lo acleve
consensus wlL Le workers and managemenL
Lven wlLln Le unlon Lere may be dlfferences
beLween groups lor example skllled workers
may feel LaL Ley are neglecLed or women
workers may feel LaL Lelr lnLeresLs are noL
looked afLer properly WlLln Le managemenL
also Lere may be dlfferences @rade unlons
maneuver Lo acleve consensus among Le
confllcLlng groups
W CollecLlve bargalnlng generally lncludes negoLlaLlons beLween Le
Lwo parLles (employees' represenLaLlves and employer's
represenLaLlves) @o deLermlne Le condlLlons of employmenL
fLen employees are represenLed ln Le bargalnlng by a unlon or
oLer labor organlzaLlon
W @e resulL of collecLlve bargalnlng procedure ls called Le collecLlve
bargalnlng agreemenL (C8A) CollecLlve agreemenLs may be ln Le
form of procedural agreemenLs or subsLanLlve agreemenLs
W 9rocedural agreemenLs deal wlL Le relaLlonslp beLween workers
and managemenL and Le procedures Lo be adopLed for resolvlng
lndlvldual or group dlspuLes
W A subsLanLlve agreemenL deals wlL speclflc lssues suc as baslc
pay overLlme premlums bonus arrangemenLs ollday
enLlLlemenLs ours of work eLc
o||ect|ve 8arga|n|ng 9rocess
@e collecLlve bargalnlng process
W 9repare @ls pase lnvolves composlLlon of a negoLlaLlon Leam @e
negoLlaLlon Leam sould conslsL of represenLaLlves of boL Le parLles
wlL adequaLe knowledge and skllls for negoLlaLlon A correcL
undersLandlng of Le maln lssues Lo be covered and lnLlmaLe knowledge
of operaLlons worklng condlLlons producLlon norms and oLer relevanL
condlLlons ls requlred
W D|scuss Pere Le parLles declde Le ground rules LaL wlll gulde Le
negoLlaLlons A process well begun ls alf done and Lls ls no less Lrue ln
case of collecLlve bargalnlng An envlronmenL of muLual LrusL and
undersLandlng ls also creaLed so LaL Le collecLlve bargalnlng agreemenL
would be reaced
W 9ropose @ls pase lnvolves Le lnlLlal openlng sLaLemenLs and Le
posslble opLlons LaL exlsL Lo resolve Lem ln a word Lls pase could be
descrlbed as 'bralnsLormlng' @e excange of messages Lakes place and
oplnlon of boL Le parLles ls sougL
@e collecLlve bargalnlng process
W 8arga|n negoLlaLlons are easy lf a problem solvlng
aLLlLude ls adopLed @ls sLage comprlses Le Llme
wen 'waL lfs' and 'supposals' are seL forL and Le
drafLlng of agreemenLs Lake place
W ett|ement nce Le parLles are Lroug wlL Le
bargalnlng process a consensual agreemenL ls reaced
upon wereln boL Le parLles agree Lo a common
declslon regardlng Le problem or Le lssue @ls sLage
ls descrlbed as conslsLlng of effecLlve [olnL
lmplemenLaLlon of Le agreemenL Lroug sared
vlslons sLraLeglc plannlng and negoLlaLed cange
Leve|s of o||ect|ve 8arga|n|ng
W CollecLlve bargalnlng operaLes aL Lree levels
W 1 -aLlonal level
2 SecLor or lndusLry level
3 Company/enLerprlse level
Leve|s of o||ect|ve 8arga|n|ng
W conomyw|de %nat|ona|) barga|n|ng ls a
blparLlLe or LrlparLlLe form of negoLlaLlon
beLween unlon confederaLlons cenLral
employer assoclaLlons and governmenL
agencles lL alms aL provldlng a floor for lower
level bargalnlng on Le Lerms of employmenL
ofLen Laklng lnLo accounL macroeconomlc
Leve|s of o||ect|ve 8arga|n|ng
W ectora| barga|n|ng wlc alms aL Le
sLandardlzaLlon of Le Lerms of employmenL
ln one lndusLry lncludes a range ofbargalnlng
paLLerns 8argalnlng may be elLer broadly or
narrowly deflned ln Lerms of Le lndusLrlal
acLlvlLles covered and may be elLer spllL up
accordlng Lo LerrlLorlal subunlLs or conducLed
Leve|s of o||ect|ve 8arga|n|ng
W @e Llrd bargalnlng level lnvolves Le
company and/or esLabllsmenL As a
supplemenLary Lype of bargalnlng lL
empaslzes Le polnL LaL bargalnlng levels
need noL be muLually excluslve
Approaches to D|sc|p||ne
W Pandllng employee mlsconducL ls a very
crlLlcal Lask Lo be performed by Le senlor
managers MlsconducL and oLer offenslve
beavlors ofLen lead Lo decreased levels of
producLlvlLy as Ley affecL Le lndlvldual
performance of Le employees @o manage
dlsclpllne among employees every company
opLs for a dlsclpllne pollcy wlc descrlbes Le
approac lL wlll follow Lo andle mlsconducL
Approaches to D|sc|p||ne
W 8roadly deflned Lere are Lwo approaces Lo
dlsclpllne employees @ey are
W 9os|t|ve D|sc|p||ne Approach
W 9rogress|ve D|sc|p||ne Approach
9os|t|ve D|sc|p||ne Approach
W @ls approac ls based on Le premlse LaL role
of a dlsclpllne approac sould noL always be Lo
punls raLer lL sould Lry Lo regulaLe Le
negaLlve beavlor of employees Lo make Lem
beLLer workers
W teps of pos|t|ve d|sc|p||ne approach
W Counsellng
W WrlLLen warnlng
W llnal warnlng
W ulscarge
9rogress|ve D|sc|p||ne Approach
W lL ls a sLep by sLep program deslgned Lo correcL
performance problems arlslng ouL of employee
mlsconducL lL suggesLs LaL acLlons Lo modlfy
beavlor become progresslvely more severe as
Le employee conLlnues Lo sow lmproper
W ral reprlmands
W WrlLLen reprlmand
W Suspenslon
W ulsmlssal
W @o malnLaln armonlous relaLlons and promoLe lndusLrlal peace a Code of ulsclpllne as
been lald down wlc applles Lo boL publlc and prlvaLe secLor enLerprlses
W @e baslc ob[ecLlves of Code of ulsclpllne are Lo
MalnLaln peace and order ln lndusLry
9romoLe consLrucLlve crlLlclsm aL all levels of managemenL and employmenL
Avold work sLoppage ln lndusLry
Secure Le seLLlemenL of dlspuLes and grlevances by a muLually agreed procedure
Avoldlng llLlgaLlons
laclllLaLe a free growL of Lrade unlons
LllmlnaLe all forms of coerclon lnLlmldaLlon and vlolaLlons of rules and regulaLlons
governlng lndusLrlal relaLlon
ode f D|sc|p||ne In Industry
ode f D|sc|p||ne In Industry
W @e Code ls based on Le followlng prlnclples
@ere sould be no sLrlke or lockouL wlLouL prlor noLlce
-o unllaLeral acLlon sould be Laken ln connecLlon wlL any lndusLrlal maLLer
Lmployees sould follow go slow LacLlcs
-o dellberaLe damage sould be caused Lo a planL or properLy
AcLs of vlolaLlons lnLlmldaLlon and coerclon sould noL be resorLed
@e exlsLlng maclnery for Le seLLlemenL of dlspuLes sould be uLlllzed
AcLlons LaL dlsLurb cordlal relaLlonslps sould be avolded

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