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• Carpentry – referring to technology and science of
cutting, fitting, and assembling WOOD
• thumb – used as guide
• working with piece of materials as in sawing, boring,
filing and planing, always use – Clamps
• marking the thickness – marking gauge
• squareness – Try square
• Angles – Sliding T bevel
• along the grain – Rip saw
• Across the grain – Crosscut saw
• retracts automatically by a spring – Push steel rule
• Soft wood – needle like leaves
• Hard wood – decidous trees
• Plywood – sheets of woods
• highest level of bending strength – Diagonal the fiber
• hardwood – 6-12 % , decidous trees, narra, maple tree
• Softwood – 20 %, woods came from coniferous trees, pine tree
• angle used in sawing soft and thin wood
• – 30-45 degrees
• Seasoning - process of drying the lumber
• Sawing – preparation of wood for commercial
• common plywood is 6 x 8 feet
• provides greater holding power than nails – screw
process of smoothening using sand paper – Sanding
CHB – bound together by a material called mortar
artificial stone – Concrete
most widely used masonry materials – Concrete Hollow
manufactured from clay – Bricks
1 sqm = 12.5 pieces of CHB
conglomerated mass – Aggregates
aggregate components of a total mass of concrete – 90%
(exact composition is 95%)
1: 3: 6 – class C concrete mixture
hand mixing ½ kg of water + 1 kg of cement + 2 kg of
sand + 2.5 – 3 kg of gravel
vertical – Plumb bob
classifications of masonry tools – none of the above (2 only,
Roughing Up and Surface Finishing Tools)
finishing a surface – Float
fine textured concrete plaster – Rubber foam
Economy – NOT to be considered in proportioning
concrete mixture
commonly used in small and large construction –
Portland cement
practices in mixing cement EXCEPT, Add plenty of
• purpose of footing in masonry, It prevents the
foundation from sinking
• Has long period of curing time – Pozzolan
• smallest division of the metric scale – millimeter
• one inch to centimeters – 2.54
• best to use, oven – Kiln dried
• caliper – cylindrical object
• Fastening materials – nails
• Plywood – three or more veneer slice, made of stack veneer
constructing tables and chairs; strongest form; rigid and
durable – mortise and tenon
• sanding – done before the application of finishing materials
• S3S – s2s , one edge is ripped straight
• S2S – surface lumber 2 sides are smooth or plane
• splicing or joining of wood using two side blocks – Fishing
• simplest – Butt joint
• major horizontal support – Header
• series of triangles – Truss
• Purlins - horizontal
• 60 degrees –tooth of a cross cut saw
• solid color instead of a wood pattern – Opaque finishes
• oldest and most commonly used building material –
• binding agent – Cement
• rough – cutting marks are visible
• put through planking machine – dressed
• been dresses and matched, ship lapped, or patterned –
• plank of wood that has been roughly cut – Lumber
• Flat-grain – parallel to the face
• Edge-grain – 90 degrees to the face
• art of building with stone, bricks, concrete – Masonry
• you hold on to – Handrail
• part do you step on – Tread (minsan READ ang
kalagay sa option)
• Door hinge – door swing when you close and open it
• standard height of the riser – 6-8 inches
• protective equipment, EXCEPT – ear muffs
• Helmet – protects the carpenter from falling objects
• protects the carpenter from falling – Belt and harness
• compress baked clay – Bricks
• closely together – Close-grain
• do not run parallel to the board – Cross-grain
• picture frame, 45 degrees angle – Miter joint
• shelves of a bookcase – Dado joint
• Mortise and tenon – tables, chair and benches
Lap joint – one side over the other
Butt joint – one end over the other
45 degrees angle – Miter joint
protects the room occupants – Rabbet joint
middle of a bench – Bridle joint
English system – inch
Form- porma na inalagyan ng mortar
Batter board – temporary framework for layout
Metric system – meter
measure long distances – Pull-push rule
mark very rough objects – Chalk line
vertical line – Plum bob
fasten and remove nails – Claw hammer
smoothen wood surfaces – Plane
smooth finish of concrete after floating – Concrete trowel
cut brick, block, or stone – Mason's hammer
repair mortar joints, finishing – Pointing trowel
and move mortar – Brick trowel
mix concrete – Shovel
lays bricks – Hawk
flat with handle at the back usually made of wood
– Float
shaping and forming concrete edges – Edger
Steps in making cabinet
• 1. measure the area or space
• 2. draft or layout
• 3. list the materials and tools needed
• 4. canvass the materials
• 5. transfer the materials
• 6. cut fit and assemble
• 7. finishing touch
mix concrete for column and slab – 1 : 1 1/2 : 3
class B mixture – 1 : 2 1/2 : 5
mix concrete for a slab in the ground – 1 : 2 : 4
mix concrete for hollow block filler – 1 : 3 : 6
can be molded without segregation – Plasticity
degree of wetness or slump – Consistency
results from mixing cement, sand, and water –
Cement all=1, sand = gravel divide by 2,
gravel starts from 3 to 6
class cement Sand Gravel
AA 1 1.5 3
A 1 2 4
B 1 2.5 5
C 1 3 6
results from mixing cement and water – Grout
process of finishing using mortar – Plastering
Start laying ceramic tiles – Center
Start laying concrete hollow blocks – Left
mix mortar for plastering – cement and sand
toilet and bathroom flooring – Non-skid granite tiles
Bricks longer side is exposed to view – Stretcher
regulate the strength of concrete, EXCEPT , Dropping
concrete mixture from high elevation
Aggregates – inert material form conglomerated mass
set-up the lateral level of a concrete fence – Spirit level
coarse aggregates – Gravel
Fine aggregates – SAND
• process of hardening of concrete – Curing
• widely used in small and large construction including roads
and highways – Portland cement
• added to the batch immediately before or during its mixing ,
durability to accelerate strength– Admixture
• the structural reinforcing member – Stirrups
• structure that holds the poured concrete – Forms
• days shall concrete be maintained above 10 °C temperature –
7 days
• 4" x 8" x 16" concrete hollow blocks – 55 to 60 pcs
• Person who installs pipes – Plumber
• Showers, lavatories, bath tubs and sink –
Plumbing Fixtures
• Required by the National Plumbing Code
EXCEPT, There should be no ventilation pipe
to avoid exposure of bad odor
• Faulty plumbing may cause, Serious health
Pipe that conveys waste other than from the water closet,
Waste pipe
Prevent siphonage or backflow of the water – Vent pipe
Ideal size of the pipe – Not less than 3” or 75 mm diameter
Commonly used plastic pipe, Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Septic tank collect organic waste discharge
PIPE CUTTER – Consist of 2 rollers and a cutting wheel
commonly used for smaller pipes, easy toawkward
Septic tank is ideal in a family with 6 members – 1.3 cu.m.
Septic tank is ideal in a family with 9 members – 1.95 cu.m.
Decomposition in the upper portion of the septic tank,
Sludge accumulated at the bottom
Minimum distance of the tank to the nearest source of
water, 100 meters
Threader making teeth on pipes
Teflon tape used to seal
G.I. pipe – hacksaw
Pipe Wrench tighten or loosen
P-Trap prevent the back passage of air/sewer gasses
Connect smaller pipe from a larger pipe, Reducer
Connect fixed pipe and fixtures, Union fitting
Plumbum –Latin word for Lead
Adjustable wrench – tighten or loosen bolts and nuts
Pipe wrench – tighten or loosen pipe
Pump – move fluid
Pipe made of concrete and usually use for sewer – Soil
System of pipes and drains installed for the purpose of
distribution – Plumbing System
Avoid the sewer gases to build up pressure – Venting
Drainpipes connections are lead away from all fixtures at a
certain calculated slope of, ¼ per ft.
Use for making flanged, cast iron
Venting system facilitate the flow of sewer gases and, solid
and water disposal
Copper – reliability and durability
Used in conjunctions, Sealants
plumbing local code – Building inspector’s
• Galvanized– 1960
• Type of joints is generally used on large-diameter pipes –
• Compressions fittings – Jointing polyethylene
• Most corrosion- resistant,hot and cold, Stainless steel
• Shape and position of a trap retains water that serves as
an, Effective seal
Increasing standardization of Plumbing codes,
equipment and materials
improvements of the plastic materials in plumbing,
uniform regulations can be expected
Sewer underground tunnel
Prevent backflow of water – Check valve
Ball valve – can be closed or opened
schedule 40 pipe, Thicker than schedule 20
Cleanout, purposes of troubleshooting in
case of stoppage of flow
Plastic pipes are commonly used – PVC
Connected for each faucet, toilet, and fixtures, Fixture
Plumber's snake, Metal with semi-rigid auger
Toilet has trouble – plunger
gripping large pipes and irregular objects, chain wrench
Holding tool when cutting pipes, Yoke vise
Hold pipe by hand, Vise grip
Good plumbing practices, EXCEPT – excessive water
Back flow, being forced back
examples of plumbing fixtures, EXCEPT, drainage
NOT true about plumbing standards, Plumbing shall be
designed and adjusted to use the maximum quantity of
water consistent with proper performance and cleaning.
Toxic substance, Hazardous to human health
best describes a toilet bowl, The Box Type
compartment holding water for flushing the
Plumbing ventilation means, carry sewer gas out
and relieve pressure of the drainage system
Down spout, Rainwater from the roof down to the
Inside building the diameter of pipes – 0.5 inch
Portable water travel – Galvanized pipes
Cast iron pipe - pipes for potable water travel
System has leak – Gate valve
Shut off the flow of water just 90 degrees turn, Globe valve
Fitted with a male adopter, Cap
Fitted with a female adopter, Plug
PVC pipes can be installed in a 7.50 meter – 2.5 pcs
Coupling, connect two length of pipes
Leaking in the water supply of lavatory, sink, and water
close – Angle valve
Source of potable water, minimum safe distance from
the septic tank – 15 meters
Supply water for public use, minimum meter radius
from a well to the residences – 100 meters
Standard length of a PVC pipe 10 ft.
• Standard length of a G.I. pipe – 6 ft.
• Standard length of a PVC pipe – 3.0 m
• Plumbing fixtures must have P-trap, EXCEPT, water
• Size of house drain – surge flow rate from shower
• House sewer, conveys discharge to public sewer
• Water Reservoir – supply (dam)
• Water distribution – distributor (Maynilad, Manila water,
Water district)
• Main water pipe – system of pipes
• Water service pipe – water from service to plumbing
• Below atmospheric pressure – Gate valve
• Water heaters – Anti vacuum
• Radiator valve, self regulating – Calorifer
• Protect tank from pressure - Vacuum
Needle – nose pliers – cutting, holding
Combination pliers – grip, cut, twist
Side – cutting pliers – cutting edges
Tongue – and – groove plier – loosen and tighten faucets
Sin clogs up – P-Trap
Water closet – J bend
First step in laundry tub, Level the stand
Bend copper without kinking, expose to heat
First step in lavatory, water closet
National Plumbing Code, EXCEPT – to enhance siphoning of water
• Cabinet oblique -Reduce by one half
• General oblique - Reduce by 3 forth or 1 forth
Isometric – 3 dimensional, 30 degrees, 30 x 60 degrees
Orthographic – 3 view, exact shape, actual observation,
planes of projection
Geometric Construction – accurate shape / angles / lines
Pictorial – can be seen by naked eye
Perspective – most realistic, visual observation, 3D
Location dimension- type of dimension shows shape
measurementand other aspect of object drawn
Glass box technique – extract
Architectural delineation – detailed dimension
Drafting – systematic representation
Oblique – one side is parallel to another, 45 degrees
Cavalier – actual or same measurement
Cabinet reduce to ½
General – reduce to ¼
• medium of communication between designers and clients, language – Drafting
• orthographic projection can be seen in an object including its unnecessary views, 6 views
• horizontal lines – T-Square
• 6h
• HB- (H) hardness and (B)softness – appropriate for good lettering
• Vertical lines – triangles
• angle or an arc – Protractor
• Sketches – ruler
• Meter stick - height
• Subtitle – 3/16 inch
• Good height of lettering 1/8
• Dimension line – ¼ (dimensioning)
• Extension line – 1/16 to 1/8 (dimensioning)
• Drafting – systematic representation
• Drawing – international language
• Mechanical – with instruments, measuring tools
• Freehand – paper and pencil, sketch
Arc and circle – Compass
Divider – dividing lines
French curve – curves except circles and arcs
Scale – reproduce, reduce or enlarge
Protect rest of drawing, erasing shield
Make pencil point sharp, pencil sharpener
Indicate measurement – dimension line
Center line – circle dimension, diameter
Dark solid line, show visible edges – visible
Composed of dashes, show invisible edges –
hidden line
Has been cut away – long break line
Cutting plane cut through – section line
Gradual darkening – shading
Never letter without Guidelines
Most important part – Lettering
Ascender, limit capital letters – Cap line
All letter stands and rest – base line
Waist line – limit height of lower case letter
Drop line – descender, limit lower case
Commonly used in college – Gothic
Commonly used in college diploma – Old English
Compressed letters – space is limited
Shifting of height (get the half of given height, ex: from
6 mm to 3 mm)
• Bird’s eye view – becomes smaller
• Man’s eye view – plain horizontal
• Worm’s eye view – becomes bigger
• Radius – r
• I – narrowest
• W – widest
• S – normal
• Two equal sides – Isosceles
• Roman – thick and thin
• Uniform width – Gothic
• Slanting – Italic
• Cursive – Script
• Fancy – Text letters
• Alphabet of lines – specific meaning
• Drawing of lines – emphasize or de-
• Smallest division – millimeter
• Metric - meter
• English – inch
• Grade for lettering – HB
• I inch = 2.54 centimeters
• 1 ft = 12 inches
• 1 yard = 36 inches
• 1 yard = 3 ft
• 1 meter = 36 inches
• Caliper – cylindrical objects
• Like sketching – freehand
• Emphasis – pleasing to the eye
• Proportion – relation to one another
• CAD – Computer Aided Designing
• NOT accepted type of dimension, None
of the options
• Create depth, add light and shadow
• If all letters spaced equally, used up too
much space
• drawing pencil is better than an ordinary
writing pencil except, There are different
kinds of drawing pencils for specific work
• good to follow when making lettering except,
When using lower case letter only two
horizontal guidelines are used
• center of holes – Center lines
• increases in the enrollment of first year high
school students this school year, bar graph
• horizontal lines – It is drawn from left to
• one-point perspective, All horizontal line
point towards the one vanishing point
• orthographic projection it contains – 3 views
• zero point of a line graph – origin
• percentage comparison – Pie graph
• descriptions of tangent lines except, The point
of intersection is the radius.
• Boxing method – isometric (for clarification,
ito po yung tama, hindi po oblique )
• After 2-dimensional drawing are done, next
step is – Dimensioning
• Imaginary cut – Sectioning
• Manual drafting – lettering by hand
• Dimensiouns – Tolerancing
• Single-stroke letters – free and natural
• Lines at end of every letter except O in Roman
letters – Serifs
• Lettering box – tools made of plastic or
aluminum for lettering
• 3rd angle projection, Right side view, Left side
view, and bottom side view
• Additional plane of projection – Frontal plane
• Superfluous dimensioning – repetition
• Section to be detailed – assembly of parts
• Approach – Dual dimensioning system
• Size of reinforcement bars – Top view,
Front view, Side view, and Isometric
• Parallel line – Lines of sight
• Commonly used in TLE drafting –
• Milk – source of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine or
good appetite)
• CHON (Carbon – Hydrogen – Oxygen –
Nitrogen) chemical formula for amino acid
which is a component of Protein
• Al dente – firm yet tender to bite
• Pastry products– tender and flaky
• Bread flour – strongest and sweetest flour
(12-14 % gluten)
• Measuring – sift flour before
• Creaming – sugar, butter, egg
• Beating – the purpose of beating is to
incorporate air
• Kneading – process involving
pressing, pushing, folding, and
stretching of the dough
• Nutrient that responsible in the formation of
tissues in the body, Protein
• Application of dry, heat on cakes, breads and
pastries is called Baking
• The right “kind” means, Buy those which fits
the intended purpose
• viands which is rich in protein, vitamins,
minerals, and other macronutrients and can be
prepared at a limited budget Pinakbet with
broiled bangus
• Deglazing - added some white wine and
scarped the bottom of the pan
• Flambé – added wine to cook food
• More than twice the calorie per gram, Fats
• Fats – 9 kcal/g
• Carbohydrates – 4 kcal/g
• Protein – 4 kcal/g
• Main structural component of the body,
• Fat, sugar, salt and alcohol – Eat least food
• Cutting vegetable into thin match stick,
• Poor night vision, Retinol (vitamin A)
• Appealing to the eye – Garnish
• Most accurate (vitamins), Regulate
physiological processes
• Carbonara – bechamel sauce
• Lactose – milk
• Sucrose – sugar
• Glucose – plants
• Fructose – fruits
• Loss of riboflavin can be prevented, kept cold
& protected from light
• Soften skin – scalding
• Slaughtering, killing of domestic livestock
• Removing of feathers, defeathering
• Evisceration, entrails or abdominal parts
• 100 guest – Buffet service
• Main course – Entrée
• Dessert – Entremets
• Soup – Consomme
• Sauce – Espagnole
• To slice thinly – Emincer
• Meat, biggest expense
• Cutting apples, oxidative enzymatic changes
• Baked mussels, low cost dish
• Docking, using fork to make holes
• Pastry, tender and flaky
• Salmonella – egg
• E.coli – contaminated food / raw meat
• Cooking, breakdown cellulose
• Baking – cakes, breads and pastries
• Braising – menudo, asado and adobo
• Blanch – the vegetable in boiling water
• Blanching – plunge
• melting of sugar – Caramelizing
• simmering – just below boiling point
• retain the most antioxidant, Steam lightly
• LEAST healthy – Frying
• Steaming, preserve vegetable color and
nutritional value
• Vitamin C, healthy immune and strong
connective tissue
• space is limited and there’s limited work force,
Buffet service
• raw foods – Behind cooked and ready to eat
• The term salad when used alone – Green
leaves that are eaten raw
• breading procedure, Flour, egg wash, bread
• Pork Hardinera – Steaming
• Chicken Galantina - Roasting
• lacks protein – Kwashiorkor
• Beriberi – vitamin B-1 deficiency
• Blanching, until crisp and then dropped it into
cold water
• least gluten – Cake flour
• not used right away, They are stored in the
body as fat
• Gueridon – French
• Cooking egg in hot water – Poaching
• Macaroni salad – Flake
• Roux, flour and fat (butter)
• Roe, ripe egg of fish, shrimp, scallops
• Highest water percentage, Tomatoes
• Absorption of Iron, Vitamin C
• Veloute sauce, chicken or fish stock
• Egg to bind food – thickening agent
• All drinks serve at the right side
• Most important meal, breakfast
• Main goal – keep meal nutritionally
• Fermentation in bread – Salt
• used primarily in the preparation of flat
icings, confectioner sugar
• Collagen, converts to gelatin when it is
• anti-oxidant – Vitamin E
• most vitamin C, 1 cup of chopped green
chili peppers
• Saturated fats, Movie theater popcorn
• alcohol and carbon dioxide, Yeast
• NOT belong to the group – Pie
• pastry shell is baked before it can be filled,
Blind baking
• Buttercream icing – shortening, sugar syrup
and eggs
• safety risks in baking EXCEPT, sufficient
• blunt knife for cake designing – palette
• conventional method of mixing is FALSE,
one-bowl method
• NOT a function of salt, increase volume
• quick breads – Cut in the shortening
• gives structure, Gluten
• steamer is not available, Place the fish
wrap in banana leaf and cook in a tightly
covered frying pan containing water.
• statement about service rule is FALSE, Scrape
and stack dirty plates on guest table
• CORRECT menu sequence – appetizers, main
dish, cereals, beverages, desserts
• first thing that a receptionist should offer –
menu card
• required before assembling the food materials,
menu planning
• good source of fiber, bread, rice, pasta
• rolling boil – forming rapidly and cannot
be stopped when stirred
• Onions – sulfur compounds
• should be avoided primarily, vitamin C is
destroyed in the presence of alkali
• best cooking temperature is, low to
moderate heat
• proofing – Testing cakes for doneness
• pourable mixture of flour, Batter
• Copper bowl, has special property which
stabilizes the eggs
• mise enplace – pre-heating the oven
• cut is appropriate for potato in preparing
menudo, cubes
• cooked over live coals – Barbeque
• To soak - marinate
• Working the dough by stretching and
folding, Kneading
• fat soluble vitamins, EXCEPT:
Vitamin C
• physiological functions of food, EXCEPT
provide satisfaction
• iron deficiency – Anemia
• NOT a function of fat, Repair body
• good sources of carotene, EXCEPT
• NOT a group from the Food Guide Pyramid –
food additives
• Provides energy not a function of water
• ordered food from appetizer to dessert – Table
• proper doneness in vegetables, EXCEPT: cook
different kinds of vegetables together
• Callos and Goto – Tripe
• Bopiz – Variety
• general direction for Low-Cholesterol diets is
FALSE, use of margarine
• NOT a moist-heat method of cooking, Baking
• Cooking meat is FALSE, unavailability of
• food from approved sources , guarantee safe
and wholesome food
• reasons for cooking meat is FALSE,
unavailability of nutrients
• 1 pinch = ½ dash
• 16 tablespoons = 48 teaspoons
• foundation serves as make-up base – cream
• best shear to use for thinning bulky hair – thinning
• process of thinning, tapering and shortening – hair
• color to the cheeks – Rogue (also called blush)
• To correct misshaped eyebrows – eyebrow pencil
• makes eyelashes wavy – curl lash
• makes small eyes appear bigger, adding lines
on the eyelids
• emery board is used to shape – free edge
• orange wood stick is used to – remove excess
nail polish around the nails
• ability of the hair to absorb moisture – hair
• Foot cosmetics with tiny particles – foot
• best way of shaping the eyebrow with the use
of shave – Depilation
• heavy make-up – evening affair
• first cosmetic applied on nail – base coat
• dividing the hair – Sectioning
• darker shade of eye color – Lighter
• lips are broad – use lip liner at the outer
portions of the lips
• nail is composed – Keratin
• Customer A is complaining, Ask for an apology,
maintain professionalism and ask what she wants.
• first thing the pedicurist should do, Ask the customer
what she wants for her toenails like the shape,
color, etc.
• NOT desirable quality for effective client relation,
discussing personal life
• statement is NOT true, Salon owners and managers
do not consider appearance, personality and poise
to be as important as technical knowledge and
manual skills.
• guidelines for good human relations and
professional attitude, EXCEPT one, Make a
good impression by wearing obtrusive
jewelry to look at your best.
• public teacher – Business attire
• make-up of public teacher – Light make-up
• a neatly finished up style – Chignon
• Long hair – Laced-up and Elegant
• makeup in wedding – Photographic
• short nails – Round nail
• implements – cuticle pusher, nail brush,
cuticle nipper, nail file and orange
wood stick
• cosmetics – top coat, base coat, assorted
colored polish and cuticle remover
• equipment – manicure pillow, chair, and
finger bowl
• correct way to use cuticle nail file, The dull
spade side is used to push back and loosen
the cuticles.
• nail to grow out straight – square nail
• massage applied before – base coat
• last step in manicuring/pedicuring – apply top
• imaginative and artistic process – nail art
• Expert – nail technician
• Protein in nail – Keratin
• Nail extenders – artificial nail
• Decorative / painting – nail tattoo
• statement is CORRECT, Adult fingernails
grow at an average rate of 1/8 inch a month
• technical term of nail – Onyx
• Nail diseases – Onychosis
• Study of nail – Onychology
• hand-held tools used in manicure –
• light, continuous stroking movement –
• Massage with pressure – petrissage
• Continuous stroke that create heat – friction
• not good to apply massage when a person,
high blood pressure and heart condition
• shaping the nails, what comes first, Discuss
with the client the nail shape best suited
for him/her. File the nails at the left hand
starting with the little finger and
working towards the thumb.
• exposed to the sunlight – SPF lotion
• drinks can take to hydrate – plain water
• color testing of a foundation – jawline
• aids in maintaining face – face cleansers
• moisturize the face – face cream
• first step in giving facial – apply cleansing
• NOT a concern in analyzing the client's skin
– shape of the face
• NOT beneficial for facial treatments –
weakening muscle tissue
• common skin disorder - whiteheads
• recommended for dry, scaly skin, or skin
that is inclined to wrinkles – hot oil mask
• role of the cosmetologist, Work closely with the
client's physician to carry out instructions as to
the kind and frequency of facial treatments.
• treatment for acne, EXCEPT – Apply moisturizer
• used to set the foundation – powder
• backdrop for entire make-up – foundation
• highlight is produced when, a lighter shade than
the original one is applied to a particular part of
the face
• in giving facial manipulations to induce relaxation –
• has some obvious abrasions on her scalp – Advise the
client of her scalp condition and reschedule her
• cause of gray hairs at this early age – has defects in
pigment formation occurring at birth
• arranging the hair with attractive shapes and styles –
• Who is an albino, an absence of coloring matter
in the hair shaft, which is accompanied by no
marked of pigment coloring in the skin or irises
of the eyes
• holds the shears at an angle to the hair strand other
than 90 degrees – beveled cut
• safety measures in haircutting is NOT true, Cut
past the second knuckle when cutting on the
inside of the hand
• partially wet and partially dry – Uneven
• texturizing performed most effectively, On dry hair
styled the way it will typically be worn
• myths about hair growth, EXCEPT, Normal, healthy
hair grows and sheds each follicle repeatedly cycles
through three stages
• graduated effect – taped haircutting
• art of creating curls or weaving – Hair setting
• to increase the circulation of the blood to the
scalp – Scalp manipulation
• remove tangles before hairstyling – Nape of
the neck
• strands of hair an average person shed per day
– 40-100
• Hair is distributed all over the body, EXCEPT
– Soles of the feet
• Assessing personal need of client –
• Manicure – hands and fingernails
• Ideal nail contour – Oval shaped
• Fits most fingers and toes – almond shape
• Lies underneath most of nail – nail bed
• Half moon like – lunula
• First step in manicure/pedicure – cleaning
• Loosen cuticle – push in one direction
• Use to loosen cuticle – cuticle pusher
• Functions of top coat – protect enamel from chipping
• Small nail – round shape
• Do not shake bottle – air bubbles
• Prevent multiplication of micro-organism –
• Ordinary occasions, work or going church – day
make-up / light make-up
• Facial with normal skin – about a month / once a
• Oily skin type – skin toner
• Hair structure above the skin
– hair shaft
• Hair structure beneath the skin surface – hair root
• Haircut by analyzing – face shape
• Effective client relationship – good manners and
emotional balance
• Long and casual hairstyle – rollers with large
• Cutting straight across without
thinning – layered cut
• Tweeze eyebrow – upward
• Tools and equipment be sanitized –
before use
• 2 voltage connected in Parallel and reconnected in
series gives less light
• Circuit breaker – device automatically breaks due to
• Facilitate pulling of conductors – pull box
• Electrical metallic tubing – resistant coating for
protection of wires
• Junction box – protection, termination and connection
• Breaker switch – for electric shock
• Symbols – schematic diagram
• Wiring – physical appearance
• Block diagram – linear appearance
• Load – convert electrical energy into other form of energy,
• Circuit – whole HEAT –consumes most electricity
• path (CONDUCTOR)
• Source – AC or DC
• Control – on/off; switch
• Measure resistance, opposition in the flow, ohmmeter
• Measure current, flow of electron, ammeter
• Measure voltage, AC voltmeter / DC voltmeter
• Measure voltage, resistance, current – multitester or multimeter
• Electrical pliers – cutting/holding
• Soldering iron – jointing (circuit board)
• Fuse puller, for pulling cartridge
• Mini drill – boring holes
• 1 Horse power = 746 watts
• Screwdriver – driving
• Desoldering pump – removing solder iron
• Silicon diode – rectifier
• Crystal diode – detector, signal
• Light emitting diode (LED) – CONVERT ELEC ENERGY TO lighting
• Zener diode – regulator, MAINTAIN FIXED VOLTAGE
• Rectifier diode – convert AC to DC
• NPN base – positive; outward
• PNP base – negative; inward
• Fusion – joining hydrogen atoms
• Tension – stretch tightly, surface
• Fission – splitting of atom
• Friction – rubbing
• Weatherproof socket – outdoor / wet location
• Location plan, not included in electrical plans for
residential house
• Surface type – beyond wall surface
• Flush type – within the wall
• Generator – mechanical to electrical
• Battery – chemical, DC TO AC
• Transformer – magnetism, transfer electricity through
magnetic induction
• Heat to electric energy – thermocouple
• 1st and 2nd band – significant digits
• Multiplier – 3rd band
• Tolerance – 4th band
• Anode, positive
• Cathode, negative
• AM, 530 KHz – 1600 Khz
• FM, 88 Mhz – 108 Mhz
• Oscillator – produce high frequency
• Soldering flux – acid used to clean metals
• 14 AWG light fixtures and circuit
• 12 AWG convenience outlet
• 8 AWG cable for service entrance
• SI standard of 14 AWG is 2.0 mm
• Electrical metallic tubing – raising to either higher or
lower level
• Series connected drycell – increase amount of voltage
• Resistor – oppose, resist, limit
• Diode (rectifier)– one direction, convert AC to DC
• Insulator – no electron moving, wood, rubber etc
• Semi conductors – non metal, good conductor/insulator
• Capacitor – storage of charge –EWALD VOB
• Sine wave – rise and fall of AC and voltage
• Open resistor – infinite (no deflection)
• Erratic sound – defective volume control
• Worn out amplifier – audio frequency signal
• Broken antenna – main signal
• Blasted tuner – radio station
• Tuning capacitor – tuned to different station
• Resistor – non polarize
• Transistor, Diode, Capacitor (polarize, + - ) ANPLIFY
• Emitter, electrode with an arrow
• Self bias, base connected to collector
• Copper – commonly used, cheapest
• Silver – best conductor
• Aluminum – better conductivity than copper
• Busbar – for connecting high voltage
• Western union – housing installation
• Photoelectricity – emmission of light
• Source – supplier of electricity (battery, dry cell,
• Load – electrical devices
• Control – switch on/off
• Path – circuit, wires
• Electrical pressure – volts
• Solid conductor – electrons free to move
• Bigger wire less resistance
• Bend copper without kinking, expose copper to heat
• NPN silicon base bias voltage – 0.6 volt
• Stored – memory
• Encoder – phase distortion
• Voltage divider – operating point is almost stable
• Difference in potential – voltage drop
• DC – series ( End to end, if one bulb busted then all will be
busted ex christmas light)
• AC – parallel (multiple pathways ,side by side, other bulbs
does not affect) house, street lights,
• Binary processor – single integrated circuit
• Cannot be recharged – primary battery
• Wire stripper, to cut insulation
• Solder – Tin and Lead
• Forward Biased – ON Switch
• Reversed Biased – OFF Switch
• Yellow-Violet-Black-Gold, 47 ohms, 5%
• Two plates capacitor, Dielectric
• Ferric chloride, chemical used in etching copper
• Voltage in capacitor – working voltage
• Aluminum, metal used as heat sink

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