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Starter… use the images to guess the causes of WW1.

Imperialism Alliances
Give the full form of the following MAIN causes of the First World
War and define them.
Full form and definition

Militarism: It is the belief that strong armed forces are necessary
and should be used to win political or economic advantages.

Alliance: A union or association formed for mutual benefit,
especially between countries or organisations

Imperialism: It is a policy of extending a country's power and
influence through diplomacy or military force.
Nationalism: It is an ideology of people who feel superior to other
N nations based on shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, or
Hard words
Heir: a person who is entitled by law or by the
terms of a will to inherit the estate of another.
Revolt: an attempt to put an end to the authority
of a person or body by rebelling.
League: countries, or groups that combine for a
particular purpose, typically mutual protection or
Each major nation
tried to prove its
superiority; desire
for self-
• Mutual defense Triple Entente Triple Alliance
agreements 1. Britain 1. Germany
2. France 2. Austria-Hungary
• A union or 3. Russia 3. Italy (until 1915)
association formed Belgium Bulgaria
for mutual benefit, Italy (1915) Ottoman Empire
especially between USA (1917)
countries or
Critical Thinking: Why did Italy join the Triple Entente in 1915?
Note: Italy took side with Triple Entente in 1915 because there was a
greater opportunity for its territorial expansion.
REVISION: Match column A with column B
Column A Column B
July 28, 1914 Assassination of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand
June 28, 1914 Mutual agreement between
Alliance Obtaining places through
diplomacy or by force
Imperialism The First World War began.
Answer the following questions to reveal the

Who The Arab Revolt. Which

assassinated When did the countries
Archduke First World formed the
Franz War begin? Triple
Ferdinand? Entente?
REVISION: Identify the causes of WWI
based on the statements.
Competition for
greater empire Armament race

Nation tried to Mutual defense
prove its superiority Alliances
PICTOWORD: Guess the image and combined them together.

Hope Dashed
To ruin does
What someone's hopes;hope
the term to putdashed
an end tomean?
dreams or aspirations.
• What are the causes of conflict in the Middle East?
• State the ideals of Sharif Hussein bin Ali.
• Which country supported the ideals of Sharif Hussein bin Ali?
• How did the Arab and British forces cut the supply line of the
• What was the advantage of the warriors of the Arab Revolt against
the Ottomans?
• State when and where did Sharif Hussein declare himself as a king.
REVISION: Match column A with column B
Column A Column B
Revolt He wanted to see an independent
Arab state.
Hejaz They took sides with Germany.

Sharif Hussein An attempt to put an end to the

bin Ali authority of a person by rebelling.
Ottomans West of Arabia

They won in the First World War.

G the image?
What word best describes
Things didn’t go
as planned. Why did the Arabs get
dismayed after the First World
Their hopes of having an
independent Arab land have
Dismayed dashed.
How the Ottoman Empire was Carved Up?

Britain got control of

•Link: Palestine, Jordan and Iraq
while France got control of
• Syria and Lebanon because
of the secret agreement
QKIxObizXM called Sykes-Picot
What were the countries under the British and
French mandates?
British Mandate French Mandate

• Palestine
• Syria
• Jordan
• Lebanon
• Iraq
What does the term “hope dashed” mean?
2. Why did the Arab hopes dash?
3. What was the secret agreement made by France and Britain after the
defeat of the Ottomans?
4. Who drafted the secret agreement?
5. What is meant by League of Nations?
6. Explain why the league of nations was created.
7. What countries were included in the British mandate?
8. What countries were included in the French mandate?
9. What measure was done after the Arab protest against the continued
British presence in Mesopotamia?
10. Who was Faisal bin Hussein?
11. When did Iraq obtain independence?
Identify the emblem below.

League of Nations: It was created to settle

international disputes.
Check your understanding!
Having inadequate shelter and Having little chance of getting
educated because you cannot afford
insufficient food. the fees.

What are the

results of poverty?

Living with illness or disease because

you have to drink dirty water or you do Unable to take part in many parts
not have the money to pay for medical of society and have almost no
care. power to change your situation.
Identify the results of poverty based on the images below:

Inadequate housing Child labour

Malnutrition Homeless
Check your understanding!
Identify the international poverty line based on
the years given on the graph.

1.5 $1.25


2008 2015 2022
Check your understanding!
• The World Bank defines poverty in terms of whether households or
Definition of individuals do not have enough resources or abilities to meet their
immediate needs.
poverty • The state of being poor.

• Having inadequate shelter and insufficient food.

Results of • Living with illness or disease because you have to drink dirty water or
you do not have the money to pay for medical care.
poverty • Having little chance of getting educated because you cannot afford the

Ways to • Governments of richer countries can offer financial aid.

• Richer countries can cancel these debts or offer special terms of repayment.
reduce • Companies in the private sector need to invest in businesses and provide work.
• People can move to another country to work and send some of their earnings back home.
poverty • Providing education and training for the population.
Which of the following is the best solution of
poverty based on the image?
A. Companies need to provide work.
B. Richer countries can help poorer countries
develop their economies by trading and
supplying training and equipment.
C. People can move to another country to work
and send some of their earnings back home.
D. Providing education and training for the
Which of the following is the best solution of
poverty based on the image?
A. Companies need to provide work.
B. Richer countries can help poorer countries
develop their economies by trading and
supplying training and equipment.
C. People can move to another country to work
and send some of their earnings back home.
D. Providing free education for the population.

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