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Learning Competency/ies:

Evaluate truth from opinions
in different situations using
the methods of

● Define and explain the different methods of

● Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to
wisdom and truth
Guess the word!
In Research, it refers to the ways of collecting and analyzing data.
In teaching, these are the broader techniques used to help students achieve learning
In Science, it is a procedure that has characterized natural science since
the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement,
and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of
Methods of
Philosophizing (Part 1.3)

Methods of
Methods of Philosophizing

Methods of Philosophizing are different

processes of determining the truth or drawing
conclusions from statements using various
philosophical methods.
Socratic Questioning

● A type of interrogative statement that

clarifies points through understanding
the deeper meaning of a claim.
1. The Socratic
● Method
This method of philosophizing was formulated by
the Greek philosopher Socrates, one of the great
philosophers of the ancient world.
● It is a dialogue of questioning that is expressed in

the critical examination and cross-examination of

the positions of every participant in the dialogue.
● - Maieutic or Intellectual Midwifery

- The participants DO NOT force-fit their own

beliefs on others.
SOCRATIC METHOD: 3 Steps in arriving at the truth
Give an initial definition of a “A table is a four-legged furniture.”
thing or a concept.
Look for characteristics not “Is the table a cow?”
captured in the initial
STEP 3: “ A table is a four-legged furniture
Give a new definition. made up of wood, and has a flat
Another example:
Example Scenario:

- A psychologist is trying to dig deeper into the

story of his patient who only mentions vague and
general ideas.

- A lawyer is asking further questions about the

suspect’s whereabouts during the crime because
she is not entirely convinced by his alibi.
How does Socratic Method leads to wisdom and

It is a systematic process whereby random

and ambiguous ideas are eliminated to
reach a sound conclusion. Reaching an
endpoint, therefore, would only mean the
truth has been realized, and new
knowledge has been acquired.
In your science class, you already know that
when salt and sugar are dissolved in water, they
form a homogenous solution. On the other
hand, sand combined with water forms a
heterogeneous mixture.
2. Scientific Method

In your science class, you already know that

when salt and sugar are dissolved in water, they
form a homogenous solution. On the other
hand, sand combined with water forms a
heterogeneous mixture.
2. Scientific Method

The term “science” is derived from the

Latin word scientia means “to produce
2. Scientific Method

The scientific method could trace its history from the

Classical period with Aristotle giving the earliest
structured theory on the scientific approach.

The process begins with an idea about any given topic.

Hypothesis testing is done to prove the validity of this
2. Scientific Method

In philosophical view, the means of hypothesis testing

and its result are considered the most important
feature of the method.

The scientific method also values observation as an

important aspect because it contributes further
understanding the result of the hypothesis testing.
3. Historical Method

The word History came from the Greek word

iotopia which means “to investigate or to find
3. Historical Method

The Historical Method is the process of

gathering evidence, examining them, and
formulating ideas about the past to come up
with present truths.
3. Historical Method

In this approach, it is believed that history has a

“divine order” or a large “cyclical or progressive”
pattern that enables events to repeat
themselves and record information through
historical accounts or archeological findings.
How does Historical Method leads to wisdom and

Because history is repetitive, it is believed that the things

that are occurring at present already happened in the
past. Following this logic, the historical method serves the
purpose of digging into historical data and analyzing
together the findings to come up with a conclusion. The
use of the method, therefore leads to knowledge that is
true evidenced-based.
4. The Primary and Secondary
● reflections
According to Gabriel Marcel, reflection arise when
there is a disruption from your normal routine and
when something valuable is at stake.

● Marcel identified two levels of reflection: primary

reflection and secondary reflection. Marcel applied
these two levels of reflection to the most fundamental
question: “Who am I?”
• Primary reflection: dissolves the unity of
experience, event, thing, etc. and analyzes
the parts.

• Secondary reflection: puts together what

has been broken apart; locates it in the
bigger scheme of things.


So who is the total

I am the identifiable, “speakable”
Primary reflection

I am the I that emerges in my many
relations with others. Communion
Secondary reflection
Example of Primary

When we try to fill out a form given by our
school for example. The form asked us to
write our name, age, gender, address,
name of parents, etc. To answer this, of
course we have to think to distinguish who
we are (the self) against other things (the
non-self or objects). This is the primary
Example of Secondary

We view that our self is bigger and more expansive
than what is there on the form. Thus, we are not
merely thinking but we are thinking about thinking
and about the process we perform in answering the
form. This is the secondary reflection.
● The result of secondary reflection is a more
expansive view of the self until it embraces the
world. Thus, the separation of the self and the world
brought about by primary reflection were united by
the secondary reflection.
Asynchronous Activity # 3

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