CRM - Group 8 Presentation

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Business-to-Business CRM

Presented by Group-8
Business-to-Business CRM CHAPTER 8

1. Kyaw Kyaw Naing

2. Wai Yan Tun

3. Nandar Aung

4. Thu Thu Han

5. Zar Ni Htun

6.. Kay Thi Thwe

7. Aung Win Htut (Alex)

Topics CHAPTER 8

Group_2 Presented
8.5 Partner Relationship Management (PRM) CHAPTER 8

8.5a Value Delivery Networks and PRM

8.5b On-Demand PRM

8.5c PRM Solution Considerations

Partner Relationship Management (PRM) CHAPTER 8

PRM is like a special way for companies to make friends with other businesses they work with.

It helps them get along better and solve problems together, which is super important for keeping customers


Example: Imagine a small clothing brand called "Sunny Styles" that sells clothes both online and in stores.

They work with a fabric supplier, a shipping company, and a marketing agency to help them sell more

clothes. PRM would help Sunny Styles manage these relationships effectively, making sure they get the best

fabrics, ship their products on time, and promote their brand well to customers.
8.5a Value Delivery Networks and PRM

Think of partners as teammates of a company who help it do its job better.

PRM helps companies choose the best teammates, make more money, and keep customers


Example: Think of "Sunny Styles" again. Their fabric supplier, shipping company, and

marketing agency are like their teammates. Sunny Styles needs these partners to deliver

their clothes to customers. With PRM, they can choose the best partners, make more

money by selling more clothes, and keep their customers happy with good quality and

timely delivery.
8.5b On-Demand PRM

On-demand PRM is like a tool that companies use on their phones or computers to work

better with their teammates.

Companies like have made it easy to use these tools, especially if they're

already using other helpful software from the same company.

Example: Let's say Sunny Styles wants to track their sales and manage their relationships

with partners from anywhere, even on their phones. They can use an on-demand PRM tool

like's app. It helps them keep track of orders, communicate with their

partners, and see how their business is doing, all on the go.
8.5c PRM Solution Considerations

Companies need to decide if they want to use special tools on their own computers or if
they want to use tools that are already set up on the internet.
It's like choosing between buying a new game for your own console or playing a game
online with your friends. Both have their pros and cons.
Example: Sunny Styles needs to decide if they want to buy software and install it on their
own computers or use software that's already set up online. Buying and installing software
might give them more control, like buying a new video game for their own console. But
using online software, like playing a game with friends online, means they can access it
from anywhere without worrying about installation or updates. They need to choose what
works best for them.
8.6 Business Partner Associations CHAPTER 8

8.6a Value-Added Reseller

8.6b Original Equipment Manufacturer
8.6c Affiliate Partners
8.6 Business Partner Associations CHAPTER 8

Companies work together to solve problems and find new


These partnerships can help companies find new customers and

create more chances for success.

8.6a Value-Added Reseller

VARs buy products from other companies, enhance them,

and sell them at a profit.
Example: A tech company buys CRM software, customizes it
for specific industries, and sells it with added services.
8.6b Original Equipment Manufacturer

OEMs are the original makers of hardware or software used

in products.

They maintain their brand presence in the final product.

Example: A company directly works with Microsoft to

implement CRM software across the organization.

8.6c Affiliate Partners

Companies partner with others to fulfil customer needs.

Example: An advertising agency partners with a CRM company to
offer CRM solutions to its clients.
Case Example: An advertising agency collaborates with a CRM
provider to offer efficient CRM solutions to its clients, reducing costs
and time spent searching for solutions.
8.7 Other CRM Strategy Considerations CHAPTER 8

8.7a Employee Feedback Systems

8.7b Core Selling Teams
8.7c Customer Contact Touch Points
8.7d Partner Selection
8.7e Salespeople
8.7f Contractual Obligations versus Flexibility
8.7g Customer Service, Satisfaction, and Retention
8.7h Mobile Technology
8.7i B2B Cloud Integration
8.7 Other CRM Strategy Considerations CHAPTER 8

CRM isn't just about fancy tech; it's about making friends

with customers.

Example: A small shop keeps customers coming back by

remembering their favourite treats, even though they don't

use fancy computers.

8.7a Employee Feedback Systems

Happy workers mean happy customers.

Example: At a local café, staff talk to each

other to make sure everyone's doing their

best, which makes customers smile too.

8.7b Core Selling Teams CHAPTER 8

Teams that can change plans quickly to help different


Example: A sports store has special teams for different

sports gear, making sure each customer gets what they

8.7c Customer Contact Touch Points

Sometimes, we ask other people to talk to customers

for us. But we need to make sure they're doing it right!

Example: When a big store asks another company to

answer phone calls, they need to check that they're

being friendly and helpful.

8.7d Partner Selection

Picking friends who help us with our work is super


Example: A company building cars needs good friends

who make the best tires, so their cars run smoothly.

8.7e Salespeople

Making sure the people who sell stuff know what

they're doing is key!

Example: A toy company teaches its sellers to be nice

to kids and grown-ups, which helps them sell more

8.7f Contractual Obligations versus Flexibility

Sometimes, we have to be ready to change plans quickly.

Example: A farmer might need to change what crops they

grow depending on the weather, so they can still sell lots of

8.7g Customer Service, Satisfaction, and Retention

If we give good service every time, customers will want to

come back.

Example: A pizza place that always delivers on time and

makes yummy pizza gets lots of people ordering from them

8.7h Mobile Technology

Phones and computers help us stay in touch with each other.

Example: A clothing store uses a special app on their phones

to help them know when they need to order more clothes.

8.7i B2B Cloud Integration

Using computers in the sky helps businesses work together


Example: A big company uses special online tools to talk to

other companies and share information quickly and easily.

Chapter Summary CHAPTER 8

1.Partner Relationship Management (PRM) Overview:

1. Organizations are now adopting structured approaches with specialized strategies and tools to build and sustain relationships
with members in the value delivery network.
2. PRM optimizes relationships with partners as part of the overall CRM strategy.
3. Case Example: Company X implements PRM strategies to enhance relationships with distributors and retailers.
2.Importance of Multichannel Integration:
1. CRM relies heavily on multichannel integration.
2. Companies rely on channel partners as extensions of their CRM strategy, especially in the digital age.
3. Case Example: Company Y leverages its online platforms and retail partnerships to provide seamless customer experiences.
3.Managing Channel Conflicts:
1. PRM strategies help manage conflicts among partners by defining roles, behavior rules, and conflict resolution procedures.
2. Successful PRM resolves conflicts and clarifies mutual benefits for partners.
3. Case Example: Company Z implements PRM to address conflicts between its sales agents and distributors.
Chapter Summary CHAPTER 8

4.Benefits of PRM:
1. PRM systems offer efficiency gains, optimal partner selection, retention, increased revenue, and customer
2. Case Example: Company A experiences improved sales performance and customer satisfaction after implementing a
PRM system.
5.Key Functions of PRM Systems:
3. PRM systems should facilitate joint marketing campaigns, sales forecasting, order tracking, partner recruitment, and
provide real-time access to sales activity reports.
4. Case Example: Oracle Seibel's PRM solutions streamline partner management for Company B, improving sales
tracking and marketing campaign coordination.
6.On-Demand PRM:
5. On-demand PRM is increasingly essential due to mobile demand and system applications.
6. Case Example:'s on-demand PRM solution boosts lead visibility and deal capture for Company C,
leveraging its wide adoption of SFA tools.
7.PRM Solution Considerations:
7. Organizations should choose between on-premise or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) PRM solutions.
8. Case Example: Company D opts for an SaaS PRM solution for its scalability and accessibility across channel
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by Group-8

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