Acids, Bases and Buffers

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Acids, Bases and Buffers

Lecture 14&15
Noor Ullah
PhD Scholar (Biochemistry)
Lecturer MLT, KMU IPMS
Acids and Bases

• The concentration of the hydrogen ion, one of the most important ions in
biological systems, affects most cellular and organismal processes

• For example, the structure and function of proteins and the rates of most
biochemical reactions are strongly affected by hydrogen ion concentration

• Additionally, hydrogen ions play a major role in processes such as energy

generation and endocytosis

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Acids and Bases

• Many biomolecules have acidic and/or basic properties

• Large polymers and macromolecular complexes usually have amphoteric

surfaces; that is, they possess both acidic and basic groups

• A side group of a molecule is said to be an acid if it is a proton donor and a

base if it is a proton acceptor

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Acids and Bases

• Strong acids (e.g., HCl) and bases (e.g., NaOH) ionize almost completely in


• Organic acids (compounds with carboxyl groups) are referred to as weak acids
because of their partial dissociation in water

• Organic bases have a small but measurable capacity to combine with hydrogen

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Acids and Bases

• Many common weak bases contain amino groups

• The dissociation of an organic acid is described by the following reaction

• HA (weak acid) (A- conjugate base of HA)

• The deprotonated product of the dissociation reaction is referred to as a

conjugate base

• For example, acetic acid (CH3COOH) dissociates to form the conjugate base
acetate (CH3COO−)

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Strength of acids

• The strength of a weak acid (its capacity to release hydrogen ions) may be
determined using the following expression:

• The larger the value of Ka, the stronger the acid is

• Because Ka values vary over a wide range, they are expressed using a logarithmic

• The lower the pKa, the stronger the acid

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The pH scale

The pH scale can be used to

determine hydrogen ion
concentration [H+]

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• pH= Power of hydrogen (amount of hydrogen)

• It could also be the amount of hydronium or just free hydrogen ion inside the

• pH 7 means that the concentration of hydrogen ions is very small in pure water
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Production of acids by the body- sources of H + ions

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Regulation of body pH (H+)

• Concentration of hydrogen ions(changes in blood pH) is regulated sequentially by:

1. Chemical buffer systems – act within seconds

2. Physiological buffer systems

• The respiratory mechanisms – hyperventilation or hypoventilation- acts
within 1-3 minutes

• Renal mechanisms – secretion of H+ and reabsorption of HCO3- - require

hours to days to affect pH changes

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Regulation of body pH (H+) and Buffers

• The regulation of pH is a universal and essential activity of living organisms

Hydrogen ion concentration must typically be kept within narrow limits

• For example, normal human blood has a pH of 7.4. It may vary between 7.35 and
7.45, depending on the concentrations of acidic and basic waste products and

• Certain disease processes cause pH changes that, if not corrected, can be


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Regulation of body pH (H+) and Buffers

• Acidosis- when human blood pH falls below 7.35, results from excessive production of acid
in the tissues, loss of base from body fluids, or failure of the kidneys to excrete acidic

• Acidosis occurs in certain diseases (e.g., diabetes mellitus) and during starvation If blood
pH drops below 7, the central nervous system becomes depressed, resulting in coma and
eventually death

• Alkalosis-When blood pH rises above 7.45

• This condition, brought on by prolonged vomiting or by ingestion of excessive amounts of

alkaline drugs, overexcites the central nervous system

• If this situation is uncorrected, convulsions and respiratory arrest develop.

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• A buffer is a solution of a weak acid (HA) and its salt (BA) with a strong base.

• A buffer cannot remove H+ ions from the body

• It temporarily acts as a shock absorbent to reduce the free H+ ions and later to be
removed by the renal mechanism

• Buffers help maintain a relatively constant H+ ions concentration

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• Consider a solution containing acetate buffer- acetic acid and sodium acetate

• If hydrogen ions are added, the equilibrium shifts toward the formation of acetic
acid with the [H+] changing little

• If hydroxide ions are added, they react with the free hydrogen ions to form water,
the equilibrium shifts to the acetate ion, and the pH changes little

• ++OH= H20

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Buffering capacity

• The capacity of a buffer to maintain a specific pH depends on two factors

1. The molar concentration of the acid–conjugate base pair

2. The ratio of their concentrations

• Buffering capacity is directly proportional to the concentration of the buffer

components- the more molecules of buffer present, the more H+ and OH− ions
can be absorbed without significantly changing the pH

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Buffer concentration
• The concentration of the buffer is defined as the sum of the concentration of
the weak acid and its conjugate base

• For example, a 0.2 M acetate buffer may contain 0.1 mol of acetic acid and 0.1
mol of sodium acetate in 1 L of H2O

• Such a buffer may also consist of 0.05 mol of acetic acid and 0.15 mol of sodium
acetate in 1 L of H2O.

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Buffer concentration

• The most effective buffers are usually those that contain equal concentrations
of both components or the pH is equal to the pKa.

• Biological systems generate acids during metabolism, and buffer capacity for
acid neutralization must be maximized

• Consequently, biological buffers often contain a higher concentration of the

conjugate base

• Bicarbonate buffer is an example of such a buffering system

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Henderson–Hasselbalch equation

• In choosing or making a buffer, the pH and pKa concepts are useful

• The relationship between the pH and pKa values is expressed in the Henderson–
Hasselbalch equation

• A-/HA

• pH= acidity of the buffer solution

• pKa= Negative log of Ka

• Ka= Acid dissociation constant

• HA= concentration of acid

• A= concentration of conjugate base

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Blood/ Physiological buffers

• The 3 most important buffers in the blood

1. Bicarbonate buffer

2. Phosphate buffer

3. Protein buffer

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Bicarbonate buffer

• One of the most important buffers in blood, has three components

• The first of these, carbon dioxide, reacts with water to form carbonic acid:

• Carbonic acid then rapidly dissociates to form H+ and HCO3− ions

• Because the concentration of H2CO3 is very low in blood, the preceding

equations may be simplified to

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Bicarbonate buffer

• Recall that buffering capacity is greatest at or near the pKa of the acid–conjugate
base pair

• Carbonic acid is a diprotic acid (it can donate two hydrogen ions) with a pK1 of

• In blood, there is a critical need to maintain the pH at the high end of the
buffering range of this acid and to maximize buffering capacity for acid

• Therefore, it is optimal for the concentration of the conjugate base,

bicarbonate, to be high compared to H2CO3 (or CO2), typically 20 to 1.

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Bicarbonate buffer

• This ratio, which differs from the ideal weak acid:conjugate base ratio of 1:1,
indicates that the bicarbonate buffer is operating in blood at the limit of its
buffering capacity

• Nevertheless, the bicarbonate buffer is effective for two reasons: there is a

high bicarbonate concentration in blood, and the components are under
physiological control

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Bicarbonate buffer

• The uncatalyzed conversion of CO2 to HCO3− and H+ is a slow process:

• In blood, this reaction is catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase

• With rates as high as 106 molecules of CO2 converted to bicarbonate per second
per enzyme molecule, carbonic anhydrase is one of the most efficient enzymes

• The CO2 level is kept low and is regulated through changes in the respiratory rate

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Bicarbonate buffer

• The bicarbonate level stays high because the kidneys excrete H+

• When excessive amounts of HCO3− are produced, the kidney excretes bicarbonate

• As acid, a metabolic waste product, is added to the body’s bicarbonate system,

the concentration of HCO3− decreases and CO2 is formed

• Because the excess CO2 is exhaled, the ratio of HCO3− to CO2 remains essentially

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Phosphate buffer system

• (NaH2PO4 – Na2HPO4)

• It is mostly an intracellular buffer and is of less importance in plasma due to its

low concentration

• With pKa 7.2, it would appear that phosphate buffer is an excellent choice for
buffering the blood

• Although the blood pH of 7.4 is well within this buffer system’s capability, the
concentrations of H2PO4− and HPO4 − in blood are too low to have a major effect

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Phosphate buffer system

• Instead, the phosphate system is an important buffer in intracellular fluids

where its concentration is approximately 75 milliequivalents (mEq) per liter

• Phosphate concentration in extracellular fluids such as blood is about 4 mEq/L

• Because the normal pH of cell fluids is approximately 7.2 (the range is from 6.9 to
7.4), an equimolar mixture of H2PO4− and HPO4 − is typically present

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Protein buffers

• The plasma proteins and hemoglobin together constitute the protein buffer
system of the blood

• Composed of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds, proteins contain

several types of ionizable groups in side chains that can donate or accept

• Protein molecules are powerful buffers because they are present in significant
concentration in living organisms

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Protein buffers
• For example, hemoglobin is the most abundant biomolecule in red blood cells

• Hemoglobin plays a major role in maintaining blood pH because of its structure

and high cellular concentration

• It mainly buffers the fixed acids, besides being involved in the transport of gases
(O2 and CO2)

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