Curriculum #3

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Dialogical Method
 Dialogue is necessary for education to create
interaction between teachers and students and
between students and other students. Freire (2016)
asserted, “Only dialogue, which requires critical
thinking, is also capable of generating critical
thinking. Without dialogue, there is no
communication, and without communication, there
can be no true education”
Connecting Learning with Real Life
 Freire's banking concept of education shows how learning is
far from a real-life situation. Students only memorize what is
transferred by the teacher. This memorization does not bring
any tangible learning outcome in the life of a student. There is
no connection between a child's learning and his real-life
situation. This kind of learning has a minimal effect on
improving students' critical thinking. There is no self
realization and no critical awareness in education which
cannot connect the real-life situation.
Engaging Students with Out-of-Book
 The critical awareness improvement of the students
depends on the teacher. The teacher can design lessons
based on student capacity. The classroom teacher
knows students well and can set up classroom strategy
which can enhance students’ critical awareness. A free
and fair classroom environment and communication are
essential for learning, creating a space where the
students are not afraid to ask any question.
Hands-on-Study Activities
 Paul (1994) engaged his third graders in hands-on
activities to improve their critical awareness. The
author and his students made “Sweet Cake Town”
inside the classroom. They opened the Fidelity bank,
toy store, Value Plus Clothing Store, Art gallery, and
Sweet Cake Zoo and showed their performance in
doing the job correctly. The students could apply for
any job explaining their fitness for the job.
Problem-Solving Strategy
 The problem-posing strategy helps students to be
engaged in orderly thinking, looking for a better
solution for any problem. Students first decide on a
problem, then do the brainstorming and come to an
initial solution. After that, students analyze the first
answer and come to a final solution.
Attention to traditional and indigenous
context of society
 Freire (1984) indicates that it is necessary to
concentrate rural reality in order adapt education with
realities of country. Indeed, he has attempted to focus
educational planning on this fact that any curriculum
planning should be based on existing realities of the
low classes of society. It is observed in many cases that
educational plan is regulated based on the needs and
wants of higher classes of society.
Coaches and students’ mutual participation in
educational plan development
 Based on Freire curriculum planning, elites and senior
managers are not the singular officers of educational plan
development, but curriculum planning is a participative
process in which all educational officers and managers are
involved in it. Since Freire curriculum plan derived from
leaners’ experiences and their life realities, educational plans
should be developed based on the help of professors, experts,
parents, teachers, local groups, and needs and realities of
social life
Attention to the political position of education
in curriculum planning
 He believes that education is a political activity that its
mission is to analyze the social relations. Such analysis
results in political selection. In other words, actual
education develops people’s political consciousness.
According to Freire’s perspective, such questions “what”,
“why”, “how”, “for whom”, and “for what purpose” have
critical role in any educational effort.
 In a politically charged sense, becoming "politically
conscious" is often meant to connote that people have
awakened to their true political role, their actual identity.
The role of cultural segments in curriculum
 As Gyro (2005) indicates, in critical pedagogy
perspective, literacy is considered as the main
principle for a set of cultural efforts that its purpose
is to achieve freedom. Indeed, cultural segments
play an important role in teaching-learning process.
In cultural segments, students change educational
method and curriculum contents radically.
Direct relationship between curriculum planning
and economic production process
 Based on Freire curriculum planning, process of knowledge
expansion and development is done with practical
participation in work and economic effort simultaneously. In
other words, when educational quantitative and qualitative
development based on the critical consciousness can be
effective in comprehensive development and expansion of
individual and collective life that educational planners
correlate school and educational plans to job and economic
production process.
The importance of adults education
 Freire indicates that if the poor people cannot be
emancipated from silence culture, there will not any
path to emancipate them from social and political
slavery. In this regard, he focused on adults education
seriously and introduced many comprehensive literacy
plans for informing this class which has a considerable
effect on development of adults public consciousness in
developing countries
Attention to oppressed people education

 Essentially, Freire education is focused on this

purpose that it is necessary to attempt to educate
oppressed people. He believes that oppressed
people have not any critical thinking power
because of different reasons. This is why that he
attempted to encourage them toward critical
thinking through different methods.

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