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Topic 3: Absorption Refrigeration System

 Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning by Stocker (Chapter -17 except
17-11, 17-12, 17-13)
 Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning by R. C. Arora (Chapter -12)
 Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning by R. S. Khurmi (Chapter -7)

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 1

Absorption Refrigeration System

 Difference between the two systems lies in the method of converting the
refrigerant back to liquid
 Function of compressor is accomplished in a three-step process by the use of
Absorber, Pump and Generator or Desorber

High Pressure

Low Pressure

Vapor Compression Refrigeration System (VCRS) Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System (VARS)

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 2

Absorption Refrigeration System

The Absorption Cycle

 Low temperature and low pressure refrigerant with low quality enters the EVAPORATOR
and vaporizes by producing useful refrigeration Qe
 Low temperature, low pressure refrigerant vapor enters the ABSORBER where it comes in
contact with a solution that is weak in refrigerant
 Weak solution absorbs the refrigerant and becomes strong in refrigerant
 solution that is now rich in refrigerant
is pumped to high pressure using a
SOLUTION PUMP and fed to the
 In the GENERATOR heat at high
temperature Tg is supplied, as a result
refrigerant vapor is generated at high
 high pressure vapor is then
condensed in the CONDENSER
 condensed refrigerant liquid is then throttled in
the EXPANSION DEVICE and is then fed to the
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 3
Absorption Refrigeration System

The Absorption Cycle

 Continuous refrigeration is produced at EVAPORATOR, while heat at high temperature is
continuously supplied to the GENERATOR
 Heat rejection to the external heat sink takes place at ABSORBER and CONDENSER

 Small amount of mechanical energy is

required to run the SOLUTION PUMP
 work input required to pump a liquid
(solution) is much less than the work
required for compressing a vapor due
to very small specific volume of liquid

 In Vapor Compression Refrigeration

systems the vapor is compressed
mechanically using the compressor,
where as in Absorption System the
vapor is first converted into a liquid
and then the liquid is pumped to
condenser pressure using the
solution pump
 pump power is negligible hence; the system runs virtually on low- grade energy used for
heating the strong solution to Mechanical
separateEngineering Dept. CEME
refrigerant andNUST
liquid 4
Absorption Refrigeration System

The Absorption Cycle

 Energy input is in the form of mechanical energy in vapor compression refrigeration
systems, it is mainly in the form of thermal energy in case of absorption systems

 SOLUTION PUMP WORK is often negligible compared to the generator heat input

 COPs for compression and absorption

systems are

Qe at Te

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 5

Absorption Refrigeration System

Basic Principle of Vapor Absorption System

 Absorption Cycle is a process by which the refrigeration effect is produced through the
use of two fluids and some quantity of heat input, rather than Electrical Input in the
vapor compression cycle.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST Qa 6

Absorption Refrigeration System

Basic Principle of Vapor Absorption System

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 7

Absorption Refrigeration System

Maximum COP of the Ideal Absorption

 Vapor-absorption system is a heat-operated refrigeration machine → may be considered
as a combination of a HEAT ENGINE and a REFRIGERATING MACHINE

 Thermodynamic cycle comprises of a HEAT-

ENGINE E cycle, operating between the heat
source temperature Tg and the temperature of
heat rejection To, and
 a REFRIGERATOR R cycle operating between the
refrigeration temperature Te and temperature of
heat rejection To.

 work produced in the heat engine part of the cycle

is equal to the work requirement of the
refrigeration part of the cycle
𝑸𝒆 𝑾𝒆 𝑸𝒆
𝑪𝑶𝑷𝑰𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒍,𝑽𝑨𝑹𝑺 = = × = 𝜼𝒕𝒉 × 𝑪𝑶𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓
𝑸𝒈 𝑸𝒈 𝑾𝒆

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 8

Absorption Refrigeration System

Maximum COP of the Ideal Absorption

𝑸𝒆 𝑾𝒆 𝑸𝒆
Cycle= =
𝑪𝑶𝑷𝑰𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒍,𝑽𝑨𝑹𝑺 × = 𝜼𝒕𝒉 × 𝑪𝑶𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓
𝑸𝒈 𝑸𝒈 𝑾𝒆
 COP of vapor absorption system expressed by Qe/Qg
should not be compared with COP of the vapor
compression system which is Qe/WE
 COP of a heat-operated refrigerating machine is
maximum when each of the two terms has a maximum
value which would be so when both are equal to their
respective Carnot values.
𝑻𝒈 − 𝑻𝒐 𝑻𝒆
𝑪𝑶𝑷𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝜼𝒕𝒉,𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒐𝒕 × 𝑪𝑶𝑷𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒐𝒕 = ቆ ቇ൬ ൰
𝑻𝒈 𝑻𝒐 − 𝑻𝒆

𝑻𝒐 𝟏
= ቆ𝟏 − ቇ ቌ 𝑻𝒐 ቍ
𝑻𝒈 −𝟏
Temperature Tg of the heat source as high as possible
Temperature To of the heat sink as low as possible
Temperature Te of the refrigeration as high as possible
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 9
Absorption Refrigeration System

Properties of Refrigerant-Absorbent
 Depending upon the boiling point difference between refrigerant and absorbent and the
operating temperatures, one may encounter a pure refrigerant vapor or a mixture of
refrigerant and absorbent vapor in generator of the absorption system
 One more parameter in addition to
temperature and pressure is required
to completely fix the thermodynamic

 Mass Fraction of components 1 and 2 in

a binary mixture are
𝒎𝟏 𝒎𝟐
𝝃𝟏 = ;𝝃 =
𝒎𝟏 + 𝒎𝟐 𝟐 𝒎𝟏 + 𝒎𝟐

 Refrigerant-absorbent Mixtures used in

absorption refrigeration systems must be
completely Miscible under all conditions
both in liquid and vapor phases

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 10

Absorption Refrigeration System

Properties of refrigerant-absorbent

Ideal, Homogeneous Binary Mixtures

Condition 1:
 Volume of the mixture is equal to the sum of the volumes of its constituents, i.e., upon
mixing there is neither contraction nor expansion
v = ξ1.v1 + ξ2.v2
For a binary mixture, ξ1 and ξ2 are related by: ξ1 + ξ2 =1 => ξ2 =1- ξ1
Condition 2:
 Neither heat is generated nor absorbed upon mixing, i.e., the heat of solution is zero
h = ξ1 h1+ ξ2 h2= ξ1 h1+(1- ξ1 )h2
Condition 3:
 Mixture obeys Raoult’s law in liquid phase, i.e., the vapor pressure exerted by components
1 and 2 (Pv,1 and Pv,2) at a temperature T are given by

Pv,1 = x1.P1,sat Pv,2 = x2.P2,sat x1 + x2 = 1=> x2 = 1-x1

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 11
Absorption Refrigeration System

Properties of refrigerant-absorbent

Ideal, Homogeneous Binary Mixtures—contd--

Condition 4:
 Acc. to Dalton’s law, vapor pressure exerted by components 1 and 2 (P v,1 and Pv,2) in vapor
phase at a temperature T are
Pv,1 = y1.Ptotal
Pv,2 = y2.Ptotal y1 and y2 are the vapor phase mole fractions
y1 + y2 = 1=> y2 = 1-y1 of components 1 and 2

Ptotal = Pv,1 + Pv,2

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 12

Absorption Refrigeration System

Properties of refrigerant-absorbent

Real Mixtures

 Real solution either contracts or expands upon mixing

v ≠ ξ1.v1 + ξ2.v2
 Either heat is evolved (Exothermic) or heat is absorbed upon mixing (Endothermic)
h = ξ1 h1+(1- ξ1 )h2 + Δhmix

Pressure-concentration behavior of ideal and real mixtures at

a constant temperature
Self Study
From Notes
Enthalpy-concentration behavior of an ideal mixture and a
real mixture with negative deviation from Raoult’s law

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 13

Absorption Refrigeration System

Refrigerant-absorbent combinations for VARS

Desirable Properties of Refrigerant-absorbent Mixtures

 Refrigerant should exhibit high solubility with solution in the absorber

 There should be large difference in the boiling points of refrigerant and absorbent (greater
than 200 oC), so that only refrigerant is boiled-off in the generator

 It should exhibit small heat of mixing so that a high COP can be achieved
 Refrigerant-absorbent mixture should have High Thermal Conductivity and Low Viscosity
for high performance

 It should not undergo Crystallization or Solidification inside the system

 Mixture should be Safe, Chemically Stable, Non-corrosive, Inexpensive

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 14

Absorption Refrigeration System

Refrigerant-absorbent combinations for VARS

Commonly used Refrigerant-Absorbent pairs

 Water-Lithium Bromide (H O-LiBr) system


o Refrigerant: Water
Absorbent: lithium bromide
oFor above 0 o
C applications such as Air-Conditioning

 Ammonia-Water (NH -H O) system

3 2

o Refrigerant: Ammonia
Absorbent: Water
o for cooling and low-temperature freezing applications

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 15

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Basic Principle of Vapor Absorption System

 Refrigerant: Water Absorbent : Solution of lithium Bromide in Water

 Since water is used as refrigerant, it is not possible to provide refrigeration at

sub-zero temperatures

 it is used only in applications requiring refrigeration at temperatures above 0 o C.

i.e for air conditioning applications

Properties of water-lithium bromide solutions


 Mass Fraction ξ is the ratio of mass of anhydrous lithium bromide to the total
mass of solution
𝒎𝑳 mL and mw are the mass of anhydrous lithium
𝝃= bromide and water in solution
𝒎𝑳 + 𝒎𝒘

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 16

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Properties of water-lithium bromide solutions


 mole fraction of lithium bromide

𝒏𝑳 nL and nw are the number of moles of anhydrous
𝒏𝑳 + 𝒏𝒘 lithium bromide and water in solution
𝒎𝑳 𝒎𝒘
𝒏𝑳 = ; 𝒏𝒘 =
Vapor pressure of water-lithium bromide solutions

 Acc. to Roult’s Law Partial pressure of water-lithium bromide solution “P”(if

vapor pressure exerted by lithium bromide being negligibly small) is
P =(1- x)Pw Pw = saturation pressure of pure water at the same temperature as that
of the solution and x = mole fraction of lithium bromide in solution
Raoult’s law is only approximately correct for very dilute solutions (i.e., as x → 0).
Strong aqueous solutions of water-lithium bromide are found to deviate strongly
from Raoult’s law in a negative manner
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 17
Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Properties of water-lithium bromide solutions

Vapor pressure of water-lithium bromide solutions –contd--

 The vapor pressure data of water-
lithium bromide solutions can be
very conveniently represented in a
Dühring plot

Vapor Pressure, P (mbar)

 Dühring plot can be used for

Tsat, oC (Pure Water)

finding the vapor pressure data
and also for plotting the
operating cycle.

 Plot shows the pressure-

temperature values for various
constant concentration lines

Saturation Temp. of Solution oC

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 18

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Properties of water-lithium bromide solutions

Vapor pressure of water-lithium bromide solutions –contd--
 Another chart wherein the mass fraction of lithium bromide is plotted on
abscissa, while saturation temperature of pure water and vapor pressure are
plotted as ordinates
Solution temp. of pure Water

Vapor Pressure. kPa

LiBr in Solution, % by mass

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 19

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Properties of water-lithium bromide solutions

Enthalpy of water-lithium bromide solutions
 Specific enthalpy of the solution is:
h = ξ hL+(1- ξ )hw + Δhmix

 Chart giving the specific enthalpy-

Enthalpy, kJ/kg
temperature-mass fraction data for
water-lithium bromide solutions

 Chart is drawn by taking reference

enthalpy of 0 kJ/kg for liquid water at
0 oC and solid anhydrous lithium
bromide salt at 25 oC

Percent LiBr, % by mass

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 20

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Properties of water-lithium bromide solutions

Enthalpy values for pure water (liquid and superheated vapor)

 Liquid water enthalpy, hw,liquid at any temperature T can be obtained from:

hw,liquid = 4.19( T - Tref ) kJ/kg

 Enthalpy of superheated water vapor, hw,sup at low pressures and temperature

T can be obtained approximately:
hw,sup = 2501 + 1.88 ( T – Tref )

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 21

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Properties of water-lithium bromide solutions

 Region to the right and below the Crystallization Lines
indicates solidification of LiBr salt
 Water-lithium bromide system should operate away from
the Crystallization Region as the formation of solid crystals
can block the pipes and valves.
Solution temp. of pure Water

Enthalpy, kJ/kg
Vapor Pressure. kPa Percent LiBr, % by mass
LiBr in Solution, % by mass

 Crystallization can occur when the hot solution rich in LiBr salt is cooled in the
solution heat exchanger toMechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST
low temperatures 22
Absorption Refrigeration System

Basic Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System

 SOLUTION HEAT EXCHANGER is used in practical systems to improve the COP by

reducing the heat input in the generator
 Less heat input is required in the generator and less heat is rejected in the absorber, thus
improving the system performance significantly
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 23
Absorption Refrigeration System

Basic Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System

 SOLUTION HEAT EXCHANGER is used in practical systems to improve the COP by

reducing the heat input in the generator
 Less heat input is required in the generator and less heat is rejected in the absorber, thus
improving the system performance significantly
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 24
Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Steady flow analysis of Water-Lithium Bromide Systems

Assumptions ṁ1

i. Steady state and steady flow

ii. Changes in potential and kinetic energies
across each component are negligible
iii. No pressure drops due to friction
iv. Only pure refrigerant boils in the generator

ṁ = mass flow rate of refrigerant, kg/s ṁ3 ṁss ṁ10
ṁss = mass flow rate of strong solution (rich in

LiBr), kg/s
ṁws = mass flow rate of weak solution (weak
in LiBr), kg/s

𝒎ሶ𝒔𝒔 ṁ5
 Circulation Ratio (λ): 𝝀=
𝒎ሶ ṁws

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 25

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Steady flow analysis of Water-Lithium Bromide Systems

Condenser: ṁ1

ṁ1= ṁ2= ṁ
Qc = ṁ (h2 – h1)
Pc = Psat (Tc)
Expansion Valve (Refrigerant): ER
ṁ2= ṁ3= ṁ ṁ4 ṁss
h2 = h 3 ṁ10

ṁ3= ṁ4= ṁ
Qe = ṁ (h4 – h3) ṁ5

Pe = Psat (Te) ṁws

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 26

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Steady flow analysis of Water-Lithium Bromide Systems

Absorber: ṁ1
From total mass balance:
ṁ+ ṁss= ṁws 𝝀=
ṁss = λṁ => ṁws = (1+λ) ṁ
From mass balance for pure water:
=>𝛌 = ṁ4 ṁss
𝝃𝐬𝐬 −𝝃𝐰𝐬
From Energy balance: ṁ10

Qa = ṁh4 + λṁh10 – (1 + λ) ṁh5
Qa = ṁ[(h4 – h5) + λ(h10 – h5)]
ṁ(h4 – h5): Enthalpy change of water as changes its state from vapor at ṁ5
state 4 to liquid at state 5
ṁλ(h10 – h5): Sensible heat transferred as solution at state 10 is cooled to
solution at state 5

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 27

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Steady flow analysis of Water-Lithium Bromide Systems

Solution pump: ṁ1
ṁ5 = ṁ6 = ṁws
WP = ṁws (h6 – h5) = (1 + λ) ṁ (h6 – h5)

WP = (1 + λ) ṁ vsol(P6 – P5) =(1 + λ) ṁ vsol(Pc – Pe) ṁ2

vsol is the specific volume of the solution
ṁ4 ṁss
Solution heat exchanger: ṁ3

ṁ6 = ṁ7 = ṁws
ṁ8 = ṁ9 = ṁss 𝒎ሶ

QHX = (1+λ) ṁ(h7 - h6)= λṁ(h8 - h9) ṁ5


Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 28

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Steady flow analysis of Water-Lithium Bromide Systems

From total mass balance:
ṁ7 = ṁ8 + ṁ1

From Energy balance:

Heat input to the generator is given by:
Qg = ṁh1 + λṁh8 – (1+λ) ṁh7 𝒎ሶ𝒔𝒔
𝝀= ṁ4 ṁss
Qg = ṁ[(h1 – h7)+ λ(h8 - h7)] 𝒎ሶ ṁ3

ṁ(h1–h7): Energy required to generate water
vapor at state 1 from solution at state 7

ṁλ(h8 - h7): Sensible heat required to heat the

solution from state 7 to state 8

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 29

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Steady flow analysis of Water-Lithium Bromide Systems

Solution Expansion Valve :
ṁ9 = ṁ10 = ṁss
h9 = h10

System COP:
𝑸𝒆 𝑸𝒆
𝑪𝑶𝑷 = ≈ ṁ4 ṁss
𝑸𝒈 + 𝑾𝑷 𝑸𝒈 ṁ3

Effectiveness of Solution Heat

ሺ𝑻𝟖 − 𝑻𝟗 ሻ ṁ5
𝜺𝑯𝑿 =
ሺ𝑻𝟖 − 𝑻𝟔 ሻ ṁws

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 30

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Steady flow analysis of Water-Lithium Bromide Systems

A single stage vapor absorption refrigeration system based on H 2O-LiBr
has a refrigeration capacity of 300 kW. The system operates at an
evaporator temperature of 5oC (Psat =8.72 mbar) and a condensing
temperature of 50 oC (Psat =123.3 mbar). The exit temperatures of absorber
and generator are 40 oC and 110 oC respectively. The concentration of
solution at the exit of absorber and generator are 0.578 and 0.66,
respectively. Assume 100 percent effectiveness for the solution heat
exchanger, exit condition of refrigerant at evaporator and condenser to be
Find: a) The mass flow rates of refrigerant, weak and strong solutions
b) Heat transfer rates at the absorber, evaporator, condenser,
generator and solution heat exchanger
c) System COP, and
d) Solution pump work (density of solution = 1200 kg/m3)
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 31
Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair
Steady flow analysis of Water-Lithium Bromide Systems
State 1 = T=110, P=123.3, superheated
State 2 = T=50, P=123.3, Sat liquid
State 3 = T=5, P=8.72, mixed state
State 4 = T=5, P=8.72, sat vapor
State 5 = T=40, P=8.72, e=0.578
State 6 = T=40, P=123.3, e=0.578
State 7 = T=?, P=123.3, e=0.578
State 8 = T=110, P=123.3, e=0.66
State 9 = T=40, P= 123.3, e=0.66
State 10 = T=40, P=8.72, e=0.66

hw,sup = 2501 + 1.88 ( T – Tref ) = 2501 + 1

hw,liquid = 4.19( T - Tref ) = 4.19*50 = 209.5
=>𝛌 =
𝝃𝐬𝐬 −𝝃𝐰𝐬
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 32
Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on H2O-LiBr Pair

Self study:
17.2, 17.3,
Book: R &
AC by
Stoecker &
Enthalpy, kJ/kg

Section 15.4
to 15.7
Book: R-AC-

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEMELiBr,

Percent NUST% by mass 33
Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on NH3-H2O Pair


 Refrigerant: Ammonia Absorbent : Water

 These systems are more versatile as they can be used for both sub-zero
(refrigeration) as well above 0oC (air conditioning) applications

 These systems are more complex in design and operation due to smaller
boiling point temperature difference between the refrigerant and absorbent
(about 133oC)

 Since ammonia is not compatible with materials such as copper or brass,

normally the entire system is fabricated out of Steel

 Water-lithium Bromide systems operate under very low (high vacuum)

pressures, the Ammonia-water System is operated at pressures much higher
than atmospheric
oProblem of air leakage into the system is eliminated

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 34

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on NH3-H2O Pair


 System does not suffer from the problem of crystallization encountered in

water-lithium bromide systems

 Unlike water, ammonia is both toxic and flammable. Hence, these systems need
safety precautions

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 35

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on NH3-H2O Pair

Basic Operation
 Refrigerant (Ammonia) is first Generator
absorbed in the weak solution of Condenser
85 C
ammonia and water existing in the
Hot High 25 oC
ABSORBER which is at low
pressure and low temperature
Weak Aqua NH3
Cold High
 Low temperature of about 30 to 37 Pressure
C is kept in absorber, as water
Strong Expansion Valve
has more absorbing capacity at Throttling Valve
lesser temperatures Ammonia
High Cold Low
 Strong solution of aqua-ammonia
is then pumped into generator
35 oC -15 oC
 Strong solution of aqua ammonia Pump
is heated by some external source
in Generator Cooling Refrigerating
Jacket Effect
 heated and pressurized vapor is passed
through Condenser for condensation purpose

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 36

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on NH3-H2O Pair

Basic Operation
 Remaining weak solution in the Cooling
generator is passed back to Generator Condenser
absorber after throttling and 85 C

expansion in a Throttling Valve Hot High 25 oC

Weak Aqua NH3
 High pressure condensed
Cold High
ammonia coming out of
condenser is passed through Strong Expansion Valve
Throttling Valve
expansion valve to Evaporator for Ammonia
reducing the pressure of liquid High Cold Low
Pressure Pressure
 In Evaporator it absorbs the heat
from surrounding air or water to 35 oC -15 oC

be cooled. Pump

Cooling Refrigerating
Jacket Effect

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 37

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on NH3-H2O Pair

Modifications to Simple Vapor Absorption System or

Improved Absorption System

 Two drawbacks in the simple aqua-ammonia vapor absorption cycle

o Low temperature of rich solution entering the generator and high temperature of the
weak solution entering the absorber
o Presence of Absorbent Vapor (water) in the vapor leaving the generator, Since
generator is running at temperature nearly boiling temperature of water, water may
freeze if allowed to enter the condenser and expansion valve → Chocking the Circuit

Using Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchanger in the Solution

 First drawback is overcome by adding Liquid To Liquid Heat Exchanger in incoming

strong aqua-ammonia circuit, and outgoing weak ammonia of generator

Using Analyzer and Rectifier in the Refrigerant Circuit

 Second drawback is removed by adding two new elements in the refrigerant circuit:
1- Analyzer
2- Rectifier

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 38

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on NH3-H2O Pair
Modifications to Simple Vapor Absorption System or
Improved Absorption System

Using Analyzer and Rectifier in the Refrigerant Circuit

 Rectifier: is a direct contact heat

exchanger consisting of a series

of trays mounted above the Partially
generator dehydrated
 Both the strong solution
from the absorber and the
aqua (NH3 + H2O) is
introduced at the top and
flow downward over the
trays and into the
 Considerable liquid surface area
is exposed to the vapor rising
from the generator

 vapor is cooled and most of the water vapor condenses, so that mainly ammonia vapor
leaves the top of the analyzer Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 39
Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on NH3-H2O Pair
Modifications to Simple Vapor Absorption System or
Improved Absorption System

Using Analyzer and Rectifier in the Refrigerant Circuit


 Analyzer is mounted over Partially

the rectifier from which dehydrated
partially dehydrated vapor
baffles slowly upwards,
counteracting with flow of
heat from an external
source (may be cold

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 40

Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System Based on NH3-H2O Pair
Modifications to Simple Vapor Absorption System or
Improved Absorption System
Using Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchanger in the Refrigerant Circuit

 Cold but high pressure

ammonia liquid plus dehydrated
vapor mixture, coming out NH3-Vapor
the condenser is allowed
to get further cooled (Sub
Cooled) in this heat
exchanger by counter
flow with cold vapors
coming out of the
evaporator which enter
the heat exchanger before
coming back to absorber

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 41

Air Refrigeration and VARS

Assignment 2
Question 1
The cock pit of a jet plane flying at a speed of 1200 km/h is to be cooled by a
simple air cooling system. The cock pit is to be maintained at 25°C and the
pressure in the cock pit is 1 bar. The ambient air pressure and temperature are
0.85 bar and 30°C. The other data available is as follows: Cock-pit cooling load
= 10 TR ; Main compressor pressure ratio = 4 ; Ram efficiency = 90% ;
Temperature of air leaving the heat exchanger and entering the cooling turbine
= 60° C ; Pressure drop in the heat exchanger = 0.5 bar ; Pressure loss between
the cooler turbine and cockpit = 0.2 bar. Assuming the isentropic efficiencies of
main compressor and cooler turbine as 80%, find the quantity of air passed
through the cooling turbine and C.O.P. of the system. Take γ=1.4 and cp= 1
kJ/kg K.
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 42
Air Refrigeration and VARS

Question 2
A regenerative air-refrigeration system is designed to take 20 tonnes of
refrigeration load of an aircraft cabin. The ambient air at pressure 0.8 bar and
temperature 10 oC is rammed isentropically till the pressure rises to 1.2 bar. The
air bled off the main compressor at 4.5 bar is cooled by the rammed air in the
heat exchanger whose effectiveness is 0.60. The air from the heat exchanger is
further cooled to 60 oC in the regenerative heat exchanger with a portion of the
air bled after expansion in the cooling turbine. The cabin is to be maintained at
a temperature of 25 oC and a pressure of 1 bar. The isentropic efficiencies of the
compressor and turbine are 90 percent and 80 percent respectively. The
temperature of air leaving the regenerative HE is 100 oC. Determine the

(i) Mass of air bled from cooling turbine to be used for regenerative cooling.
(ii) Power required for maintaining the cabin at required condition.
(iii) COP of the system

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 43

Air Refrigeration and VARS

Question 3
A single stage vapor absorption refrigeration system based on H2O-LiBr has a
refrigeration capacity of 300 kW. The system operates at an evaporator
temperature of 5oC (Psat =8.72 mbar) and a condensing temperature of 50 oC
(Psat =123.3 mbar). The exit temperatures of absorber and generator are 40 oC
and 110 oC respectively. The concentration of solution at the exit of absorber
and generator are 0.578 and 0.66, respectively. Assume 100 percent
effectiveness for the solution heat exchanger, exit condition of refrigerant at
evaporator and condenser to be saturated.
Find: a) The mass flow rates of refrigerant, weak and strong solutions
b) Heat transfer rates at the absorber, evaporator, condenser, generator
and solution heat exchanger
c) System COP, and
d) Solution pump work (density of solution = 1200 kg/m 3)
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 44
Air Refrigeration and VARS

Assignment 2

1. Solve questions 1 -3 in the previous three slides

• Show all working and results. Draw schematics and characteristic diagrams before solving the
• Exact copied assignments will get 0 to both students
• Use data tables in the Appendix of the book or from an authentic site over the internet with the
correct units
• State your assumptions clearly
• Solve by hand, and slide your assignments in my office. Don’t forget to put your names, section
and registration number on the top of the front page
• Submit it by Thursday 19th May 2022 before uni closing hours.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 45

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