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23123119 Sumaiya Tabassum Toma
23123135 Sadia Jahan Rima
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23123101 Tahmina Akter Sorna
23123128 Md. Mahabub Alam
23123140 Narjia Akter
Mary Parker Follett 23123120 Fariha Nurin

(3 September 1868 –
18 December 1933)
Presentation Topics Name

1Introduction to Mary Parker Follett (Brief Biography: Birth, Education)

2.What are the contributions of mary parker follet to public administration.
3: Contributions to Management
4:Follett's influence on leadership styles and organizational behavior.
5:her Key Concepts in Governance:*Emphasize her advocacy for democratic
governance and participatory decision-making
6: Lasting Influence: How her ideas continue to impact today's workplaces.
7: conclusion - Recap of her key ideas and their importance.
Introduction to Mary Parker Follett (Brief
Biography: Birth, Education
 Mary parker Follett, a trailblazing figure in management theory during the
early 20th Century, revolutionized the understanding of organisational
dynamics. He was born on September 3,1868 in Quincy, USA. Raised in a
well educated and progressive family, she displayed intellectual curiosity
from an early age. Follett pursued her education at Thayer Academy and later
attended redcliffe College, where she studied political science, philosophy,m
and history. Her academic pursuits laid the Foundation for her deep interest in
social issues and organisations dynamics. Following her education, Follett
engaged in social work and community organizing, gaining practical insights
that would later shaper her management theories
. Her experience in various rules, coupled with a keen observation of group
dynamics, fueled her conviction that effective management should be rooted in
human relations and collaborative principles. Her ideas emerged in a time
dominated by rigid hierarchical structure s. She Advocated for a shift towards a
more collaborative approach, emphasizing the significance of human relations in
the workplace. Follett believed in the power of integration and collective
intelligence, emphasizing the need for cooperation and synergy among individuals
within organization.
What are the contributions of mary parker
follet to public administration.

Merry Parker Follet was the pioneer in the field of administrative theory and Management. Her ideas
were ahead of her time and continue to be influential in modern management thinking.Follett's
administrative theory focused on the concepts of cooperation, integration and the importance of
human relations in organisations. And her contribution with the theory administration that establishes
people is the most important pieces of an organization above tasks and material goods.therefore miss
Folletts theory promotes group interactions and participatory leadership in organisations. She initiated
studies on industrial groups and evolved principles of human association and Organisation
specifically in terms of industry .And her other activities are blended theory Fact and Ideas.Peter
Drunker called her the "prophet of management ".she is also known as the mother of modern
management. Her remarkable books are 1. the speaker of the house of the representatives (1896)
from the positio2. the new state (1918)3 creative experience (1924)4.dynamic
administration (1941)5.freedom and coordination 6.lectures in business
organisation (1949)She applied political concept of interest and power, conflict
and participatory democracy in organisation theory and Management.Her
overarching thought was integration. Her areas of contribution are:1.
leadership 2. planning and coordination 3. concept of power authority and
control etcMarry Follett's ideas are very much appreciated today because
people addressed issues such as "ethics, power and leading ". She believes that
problem of conflict in an organisation it's of high importance. It leads to
enrichment of all concerned which can be neither not good or bad. She defines
authority as a vested power and the person with authority has the right to
develop and exercise power and real authority comes from the function and not
And responsibility, like authority, flows from the function and
situation. She also said, process of planning and co-ordination
is one of the interprenetration which cannot be forced from
outside. Overall she has many contributions in scientific
management of public administration.
3. Contributions to Management

Mary Parker Follett was a management theorist and social worker who made significant
contributions to management theory, particularly in the early 20th century. Her key ideas
emphasized the importance of human relations and collaboration in management. Follett
advocated for the integration of workers into the decision-making process, promoting a
more democratic and participative approach to management.One of her notable concepts
was the idea of "integration," which focused on finding ways to harmonize individual and
organizational goals. Follett also emphasized the importance of resolving conflicts
through a process of integration rather than domination, suggesting that conflicts could
be opportunities for creative problem-solving and innovation.Overall, Mary Parker
Follett's contributions laid the groundwork for modern management principles,
emphasizing the human aspect of organizations and the importance of collaboration and
shared decision-making.
4.Follett's influence on leadership styles
and organizational behavior.
Mary parker follett's influence on leadership style and behaviour : Mary parker
follett was aleadership theorist in ahead of her time. Follett explin her believe about
leadership in an essay"power". Follett believed that the role of the leader was to transform
group experience into power.Follett distinguishes between three different type of leadership:
Leadership of pisition, Leadership of personality and Leadership of function. In this essay
"power"Follett coined the term "power-over" and "power-with" to differentiate coercive
power from participative decision- making, showing how "power with" can be greater than
"power- over". Besides this Follett's management theory was the origin of participative
leadership which is the search for the engagement of the members of an organization through
democratic decision-making and problem- solving action. Mary parker Follett has also
contribute in the field of organizational behaviour.Organizational behaviour is the study of
human behaviour in organizational settings. In her "theory of behavioural management"
Follett made the case that leader should value group power over personal power.Her theory
suggests that true leader create power for the group rather than keeping it for
themselves.After all organizations do not exist for one persons benefit but rather for the entire
company of workers and customers.
Mary parker Follett also cintribute in
organizational behaviour with her "theory of
administration" that establishes people as the most
important pieces of an organization above tasks
ormaterial goods. Therefore miss Follett's theory
promotes group interactions and participatory
leadership in organization.

Mary Parker Follett introduced several key concepts in governance:

For instance…..
Integrative Unity
She advocated for resolving conflicts and differences by seeking solutions that
harmonize different perspectives, rather than through domination
Group Dynamics:
according to follett's opinion Understanding group behavior was very essential. She
highlighted the significance of group dynamics in decision-making processes,
collaboration, cooperation, and various perspectives for effective governance.
Conflict Resolution:
Follett advocated for conflict resolution by understanding different viewpoints,
and finding solutions that satisfy the interests of all involved parties.
Finally we can say that these concepts underscore Follett's commitment to
democratic governance, participatory decision-making, and the value of cooperation
6. Lasting Influence: How her ideas continue
to impact today's workplaces.

Mary Parker Follett was a pioneering management consultant and social worker in the early 20th
century. Her ideas on management and leadership continue to influence today's workplace in several
ways. Follett advocated for a more collaborative and inclusive approach to management, emphasizing
the importance of understanding human behavior and group dynamics.1.Her concept of "power with"
instead of "power over" is reflected in modern leadership models that prioritize teamwork, shared
decision-making, and employee empowerment. The emphasis on resolving conflicts through integration
rather than domination is also relevant in contemporary workplace strategies for conflict resolution and
mediation.2.Follett's ideas on the importance of employee participation in decision-making align with
current trends in employee engagement and organizational democracy. Many organizations recognize
the value of involving employees in decision-making processes to enhance creativity, innovation, and
job satisfaction. In summary, Mary Parker Follett's ideas have had a lasting impact on the workplace by
promoting collaborative leadership, conflict resolution through integration, and employee involvement
in decision-making, all of which remain relevant in today's dynamic and diverse work environments.
7. conclusion - Recap of her key ideas and
their importance.

Conclusion:marry parker follett's key ideas centered on the integration of human psychology and
organization dynamics,emphasising "power with" rather than "power over" conflict resolution through
integration, and the significance of group coorperation in decision making.Her contribution, remain pivotal
in advocating for collaborative and inclusive management approaches fostering healthier work environments
and enhancing overall organizational effectiveness. By embracing follett's principle, contemporary leaders
can navigate complexities with a focus on synergy and cooperation, ultimately contributing to the success
and sustainablity of their organizations. - marry parkar follett had a set of crucial intuitions on
ethics in management and other related matters. -without taking explicitly about ethics,follett uses
can implicitly ethical approach in presenting her vision of business. -Her concept of ethics is
related to her dynamic vision of the individual and society, overcomes subjectivism and the narrow view of
an individual ethics.

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