Siddhant Chaudhari IX A

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Made by Siddhant Chaudhari IX A

French Revolution
The French Revolution[a] was a period of political and societal change in
France that began with the Estates General of 1789, and ended with the
coup of 18 Brumaire in November 1799 and the formation of the
French Consulate. Many of its ideas are considered fundamental
principles of liberal democracy,[1] while•9itsNovember
values and institutions remain
central to modern French political discourse. [2]
Napoleonic era begins.

Its causes are generally agreed to be a combination of social, political and

economic factors, which the Ancien Régime proved unable to manage. A
financial crisis and widespread social distress led in May 1789 to the
convocation of the Estates General, which was converted into a
National Assembly in June. The Storming of the Bastille on 14 July led to a
series of radical measures by the Assembly, among them the
abolition of feudalism, state control over the Catholic Church in France, and a
declaration of rights.
A Turning Point Of History
•14 July 1789: Storming of Bastille. A wave of revolutionary hysteria sweeps
through Paris, leading to fears of a military coup. ...

•22 September 1792: French Republic established. ...

•June 1793: Reign of Terror begins. ...

•1795: The Directory takes power. ...

•9 November 1799: Napoleonic era begins.

Causes Of French Revolution
◦ There is significant disagreement among historians of the French Revolution as to its causes. Usually,
they acknowledge the presence of several interlinked factors, but vary in the weight they attribute to each
one. These factors include cultural changes, normally associated with the Enlightenment; social change
and financial and economic difficulties; and the political actions of the involved parties. For centuries,
the French society was divided into three estates or orders.
◦ The first estate, the highest class, consisted of clergy.
◦ The second estate consisted of the nobility .
◦ The third estate consisted of the commoners. It included businessman, merchants, court officials,
lawyers, peasants, landless labourers and servants.
◦ The main cause of the French Revolution was the despotic rule of Louis XVI, division of French society,
rising prices,inspiration of the philosophers,role of middle class.
Death Of Louis XIV 1st September 1715
After a week of agonising pain, four days before his 77th birthday, Louis
XIV died in Versailles just after 8.15 am on 1 September. He had been king
for 72 years, the longest reign in the history of France. A new reign, which
would be almost as long (1715-1774), was about to begin: that of Louis XV.
Following the king’s death family quarrels broke out. A Regency Council had
been created by the king to counteract the power of Philippe II of Orléans,
Louis XIV’s nephew, who would be Regent until 1st the future Louis XV came of

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