Cae Review Writing

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 A review is usually written for an English-language
magazine, newspaper or website.

 The main purpose :describe and express a personal

opinion about something which the essay writer
has experienced (e.g. a film, a holiday, a product, a
website, play, concert, magazine, service etc.)

 to give the reader a clear impression of what the item

discussed is like.
 What is the situation? (topic)
 What exactly do I have to include in my review? (main points)
 Who is going to read the review?
1. Title + Introduction
Name what you are going to be reviewing, state its genre etc.
2. Main content: Paragraphs 1-2
Can be used to describe good/bad points respectively

Paragraph 3
You can outline the negative points or compare the ones
mentioned above.

3. Conclusion and Recommendation

Contains your general impression and your verdict.
1. Title + Introduction:

 Use the introductory paragraph to name what you

are going to be reviewing, state its genre if it’s a
movie (i.e. a science fiction novel, a horror movie
and so on)
 To make your introduction more engaging, you may
briefly state your general impression of it. Make
your introduction at least 2-3 sentences long.
2.Main content

 The body paragraphs can be used to describe good and

bad points respectively

 Unlike essays your paragraphs don’t have to be of the

same length — if you liked the described thing then your
paragraph with good points will be naturally bigger than
the other one.
3.Last paragraph:
 you can outline the negative points, for example, things that
could be changed to improve the quality of the reviewed

 Recommendation:
 It will contain your general impression and your verdict
 Use this paragraph to sum up the good and bad points to
make an objective assessment of the reviewed material
 You may then recommend or dissuade your readers from
seeing/attending/ buying it.
Content: Communicative achievement
•Remember to mention what you are •Write in a consistently serious or
reviewing by name. light-hearted style, depending on
• Include both factual information and opinion. the target
• Add a recommendation unless the review is reader.
negative. • Communicate your ideas effectively.

Organization Language
•Organize your review in paragraphs •Use a range of tenses and passive
•.State some basic facts in an introduction. forms.
•Finish with a recommendation or reasons to •Include a variety of adjectives and
avoid. adverbs.
Word limit: 220 to 260 words
You see the following announcement in an international magazine


Have you bought a new product recently, or had one bought for you?
Maybe you’ve just got a new gadget or a piece of technology or equipment. It could
be something for work or leisure. We’d like to hear what you think of it for our
Readers Review page.
Describe the product for readers and give your opinions on it.
Do you recommend it?
If so, why?
If not, why not?
Send your review to the address below

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