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Mang0loids and Negroids, Impact of technology On

Human Settlement

Nithin .C.H. M.Sc.Geography

Human Geographical Variability is manifest on a Continental basis with usual
division of our Species into races or ethnic Group For instance we on the Simple
visual appraisal to determine the distinction between various groups;
Espically difference existing in the Colour of the Skin people range in Pigmentation
from a very pale Colour as in the North Europe to extremely dark brown as in the
African Congo or New Guinea human Stature also range Widely from the four and a
half fact Nilotic People of east Africa.
Hair form, another trail that attract a Great deal of attention, varies from straight and
long as in the Japanese to short and spiral Shaped as in the Africa.
Further the Size and form of the human face differ Considerably throughout the
World, and the Proportions of the laws limb and the trunk vary over a broad range.
Early Racial Classifications.
Initially the Scientists were Primarily Concerned with during,naming,and Classifying
and diversity of life found on the earth classifications Simplify and being order to the
Complexity in the Natural World making it easier to understand and Study variation
As the European began Exploring the World, naturalists and other Writes Published
descriptions of the people, who looked and acted differently The first Published
classification of humans into distinct races Sums to be by Francois Burner 1864 who
divided people into various types namely, the Europeans African negro, Black, Asian
and Lapps
Western Scholar Viewed humans as ‘Natural beings' Carl Linnaea, the Great
Classification Placed human beings at the top of the along of Nature in a Classification
along with the Primates He not only. Classified all living things But also attempted to
classify the varieties or Subspecies of humans.
Concept of race
There exists a wide difference in Both Physical and cultural Characteristics among
the people of the world Physically human Groups difference from each other in Skin
Colour, Stature feature of hair, noise heard, Eye brows, lips and so on and culturally
they differ in aspects of language food habits dress Pattern, behaviour and so on.
The interest of studying human Physical Variation can be traced in the Writings of
early historians and Philosopher like Herodotus (484-425-BC) Hippo Creates (460-
377) BC and Aristotle (384-332BC) the reason behind the Egyptian thicker skull
Compared to that of the Persians Herodotus started that the Egyptian Show the head
if their children and let then Go Hatless in the sun while the Parisians Covered Hand
of Children.
The Burmese in Person have the mongloid
Characteristics common to the Indo-Chinese race, the
Tibetans and tribes of the Eastern Himalaya.
The Alpine race is Commonly Supposed to be
Mangoloids in Origin and to have Come from Asia the
home of round-Skilled races.
He distinguish for Principal types of mankind the
Australoid Negroid Mongoloids and Xanthocroic
adding a fifth Variety, the Melancholic.
The Four Sub divisions of humanity based on the hair
the Americans are Straight-haired or Mongoloids.
On the other hand they are Considerably like the
Mongoloids People of North and East Asia (less so to
the Polynesians) So that the General tendency among
Anthropologists has been to admit a common origin
however remote between the tribes of Tartary and of
Broadly Speaking, the Himalaya are Peopled by Mangoloid tribes the
Great river Plains of Hindustan are Still the home of the Aryan race the
triangular table-land has fond an arena for a long struggle between that
Gifted race.
Mongoloids Sub race
It was introduced by Early Racial Science used to the Yellow race One of the Proposed three major
Races of human kind. Since the Concept of race has been largely Abonded as a useful way to describe
human biological Variation the terms have become mostly Absolete All through especially Fotrensic
Anthropologists Continue to use them In Some Contacts Outside of forensic anthropology the term
Mongoloid is Now Often Considered Derogatory and Raciest.
It is also Asian Subraces Northern Mongolian and Southern Mongolian. Archaeologist Petre Bell
Wood Claims that the “Vast Majority” of People in South East Asia. The region he Calls the “Clinical
Mongoloid-Australoid Zone” are “Southern Mpongoloid” But have a “high degree” of Australoid
They “Neo- Mangoloids” and “Paleo-Mongoloids” Akazauea Said Neo- Mangoloids have” extreme
Mangoloids, Cold-adapted features and They include The Chinese, Buryats, Skimo and Chukchi in
Contrast, Akazaua Said Polero-Mongloids are “less Mongoloid.” and less “Cold-adapted” He Said
Burmese, Filipions,Polynesians,Jaman and the Indigenous peoples of the Amreicians,were Paleo
A Slight qualification of the last Statement is
necessary, is so far as among the Western Sudan,
and the Ba-Hina of the Victoria Nyanza, Libyan and
Hamitic elements are respectively Stronger than the
Negroids of the tract excepted, Abyssinia in
inhabited Mainly by Sumit to-Hamite.
The Negroid People, which inhabit the vast tract of
forest and Savanna Between the areas held by
Bushmen to the South and the Hamite Samite, and
like to the North, fall into two Groups divided by a
line rumming from the Cameroon Crossing the
Ubangi river below the Bend and passing between
the Tiwari and the Seem like river, to lake Albert
and then a With a Slight Southy trend to the Coast.
Iron has been worked from time immemorial by the
Peoples and Whole tribes are foced whose chief
industry is the Smelting and forging of the metal.
Northerly expansion was Prevented by the early occupation of the Nile Valley, the only
easy route to the Mediterranean But there Seems no doubt that the Population of ancient
Egypt Contained a district Negroid Element.
Farther to the north are the Ball and other tribes of the Cameroon among Whom many
primitive Negroid Elements began to appear on the east Coast are the Malagasy who in
Physical characteristics stand halfway between the Hiva and the Sakara the last
occupying the remaining Parton of the Island and displaying almost pure Negroid
Through the Hiva belong to a race naturally addicted to a race naturally addicted to
Seafaring the Contrary in the case respecting the Negroid Population and the Presence
of the latter in the island has been explained by the supposition that they were. Imparted
by the Hiva.
Other authorities assign less antiquity to the Hiva immigration and believe that they
found the Negroid tribe already in occupation of the island.
However the Negroid tribes are more and more adopting the custom and made of life of
the Hiva, among Whom are found Pile houses the Sarong f ode to be applied to food a
non African form of bellows all Characteristic of their original home.
Negroids Subrace
Negroid is a term Sometimes used by forensic anthropologists and Physical Anthropologists to refer
to Populations that Share Certain Phenotypic traits Such as High Melanin levels and Skeletal features
associated with ancestry from Sub-Saharan Africa.
It was introduced by early Racial Science Used to refer to the Black race one of the Proposed three
Major races of Humankind Since the Concept of race. Has been,largely.abanded as a useful way to
Describle human biological Variation the term have become mostly absolute.
The base Word “Negro” and the Suffix “aid which means “resembling” All through Espically
Forensic Anthropologists Continue to use them in Some Contacts Outside of forensic Anthropology
the term Mongoloid. Is now Often. Considered Derogatory, and raciest.
The Sub types of Negroid race Shown in brown tones. In the 19 th Century and first half of the 20th
Century the tradition Subrace of the Negroid race Were regarded as being the Nilotic race, the
Sudanic race.( Also called “west Africians”. I e. All those belong. The Niger Congo Peoples who are
not Bantus)
The Bantas race, the Pygny race. And the Khaisan (always referred to as
“Hottentots and Bushmen’’ before the 1960s) (the Khaisan by the 1960
became regarded as a Separate. Race Known as the Capoid race, as noted
Impact of technology.
Human Societies and technology have Grown
intercity linked since technical Systems like mobile
Phone, Computer TV etc. are Produced by humans
and reflect the Very Basis of a Population’s need
and life Style All through technology. Improves the
life Style of human beings it is also a Major concern
for future Generations, now days, people are
excessive using technology which reduces their this
Physical activities and directly.
Technology is defined as the body of Knowledge
that deals With the innovation, and application of
technical means as Well as their interrelation
Or, in other words, technology means the use of
Scientific Knowledge to achieve Some Specific
goal or Create applications that are used in Industry
or in Everyday life.
Human settlement
Prehistoric humans used to roaming here and there in
Search of food they Went to the places Where their
Prey moved and where there we a lot of fruits and
seeds to eat Slowly humans discovered fire and
enjoyed Cooked food There after they Started
Cultivating Crops and therefore were no longer
required to move places for Greenery or prey. As
humans Slowly learned to Grow Crops They Started
Setting down near the rivers.
All Through they knew the skill of growing Crops and
Settled around the river, they still Found many
Problem like Environmental changes However
Prehistoric Humans Adopted themselves in their
habitat and developed and ented the advanced world.
Human Settlement refer to a group of homes of any
Size or shape in which humans live People May
Create houses and other Structures for this Purpose
and Command some region are territory as their
economic Support base.
Human settlement
Prehistoric humans used to roaming here and there in Search of food
they Went to the places Where their Prey moved and where there we a
lot of fruits and seeds to eat Slowly humans discovered fire and enjoyed
Cooked food There after they Started Cultivating Crops and therefore
were no longer required to move places for Greenery or prey. As
humans Slowly learned to Grow Crops They Started Setting down near
the rivers.
All Through they knew the skill of growing Crops and Settled around
the river, they still Found many Problem like Environmental changes
However Prehistoric Humans Adopted themselves in their habitat and
developed and ended the advanced world.
Human Settlement refer to a group of homes of any Size or shape in
which humans live People May Create houses and other Structures for
this Purpose and Command some region are territory as their economic
Support base.
Origin of Human Settlement.

Most anthropologists believe that humans

initially come to east Africa Great rift
Valley millions of year ago most
anthropologists believe that humans
initially come to east Africa’s Great Rift
Valley Millions Of years ago They
Migrated from there to the middle East
Asia, Europe, America, and Oceania.
Below we Will See the different Sources
and origin of Human Settlement.
Type and Patterns of Rural Settlement.
1)Clustered Settlements.
Clustered rural Settlement Is a compact or closely built up area of houses In this type
of Village the General living area is district and Separated from the surrounding farm,
barns and Pastures This closely built up And its Intervening Street present Some
remissible metric Pattern or Geometric Shape Such are rectangular, Radial Linear etc.

2) Semi Clustered Settlements.

Semi-Clustered or fragmented Settlements or Fragmented Settlements May Result
From Tendency Of Crusting In a restricted area of dispersed Settlement More often
Such a pattern may and result from Segregation Or Fragmentation of a large compact
village In this Case one or more Sections of the village in this case one as more
Sections of the village Society Choose or is forced to live a little away from the main
cluster or Village.
In Such Cases, Generally, the Land-Owing and Dominant Community Occupies the
Central part of the main village whereas People of lower Strata of Society and menial
Worker Settle on the outer flank of the village, Where as people of lows Strata of
Society and Mental Worker Settle on the outer flank of the village.
Hamulated Settlements.
Some times Settlements is fragmented into several units Physically Separated from
each other bearing a common Name. These units are locally called Panna,Para,Palli,
Nagla, Dhani etc. In Various part of the country This Segmentation of a large Village
are more frequently found in the Middle and lower ganga plain Chhattisgarh and lower
valleys of the Himalayas.
Dispersed Settlements.
Dispersed arisolated Settlement Pattern in India appears in the form in India appears in
the form of Isolated hut or hamlets of few huts in remote Jungles of Isolated Huts or
Hamlets of few Huts in Remote Jungles or Small Hills With Farms or Partner on the
Slopes. Extreme dispersion of Settlement is often Caused by Extremely nature of the
terrain and land resources base of habitat able areas Many Areas of Meghalaya
Uttaranchal Himachal Pradesh and Kerala have this type of Settlements.
Urban settlements.
Unlike rural settlements urban Settlements are Generally Compact and larger in Size
They are engaged in an Variety of man agricultural and administrative functions As
mentioned earlier, cities are functionally linked to rural areas around them Thus exchange
of good and Services is performed sometimes through a series of market towns and
There are few isolated group that are real and typical representations of their race and
ethnic Groups in the Changing Cultural Environment of the Twenty-first Century,
People are divided into Racial Ethnic, and Caste Groupings, which Can lead to Sub
nationalism, which can harmful to the Country’s interests and Show the Progress of
Aryans Were the first to arrive in India is a Point Contention Dravidian was followed
by Aryans according to Popular Beliefs.
In Conclusion, by Continuously learning Embracing technology, exploring
entrepreneurship, developing Soft Skills, and. Networking, you can Survive and thrive
in the technology driven economy and Increases Your Earning Potential With the right
Minal set and a Commitment to lifelong learning and Growth you can navigate. The
changing Job Market and achieve Successes in Your Carver.
Thank you.

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