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 Noorpreet kaur (2303210)

Life of Kiran Bedi 

Lakhwinder Kaur (2227927)
Sneha Samnani (2237709)
group presentation  Harpreet Kaur (2204384)

Kiran Bedi was born on

June 9, 1949, in
Amritsar, Punjab first The Lieutenant
Mother of one child
woman to join the Governor of Puducherry
Indian Police Service
(IPS) in 1972

BJP's Chief Minister

A successful tennis A Social Activist-----
candidate for the Delhi
player Prison Reforms

TV show- Aap Ki
Anti-Drug Campaign India Vision Foundation
Kachehri,". (Bedi, 2009)

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Her education

Early life and education:School: Kiran

went to Sacred Heart Convent School in

High School: She studied science at

Cambridge College and was ahead of her

College: She got a degree in English from

the Government College for Women in
Amritsar in 1968.

Further Studies: Master's degree in Political

Science from Panjab University in 1970.Law
degree from Delhi University in 1988.

Ph.D. from IIT Delhi in 1993. (CNA, 2012)

Criminology theories which she used in
her life
 Routine Activity Theory:
 Explanation: This theory says crime happens when a motivated offender meets a suitable target without a
capable guardian.
 Kiran Bedi’s Work: Kiran Bedi’s emphasis on community policing and increasing police presence acted as a
"capable guardian," reducing opportunities for crime in neighborhoods.
 Social Disorganization Theory:
 Explanation: This theory suggests that crime is more likely in communities with weak social ties and little
community control.
 Kiran Bedi’s Work: Through her initiatives like the community policing project, she strengthened community
ties and local control, making neighborhoods less prone to crime.
 Rational Choice Theory:
 Explanation: This theory assumes that people commit crimes after weighing the risks and rewards.
 Kiran Bedi’s Work: By implementing strict traffic rules and transparent policing, Bedi increased the
perceived risk of committing crimes, thus deterring people from unlawful activitives (Hassan & Lett, 2023)
Ø In 1988. Bedi started the Navjyoti Foundation
in collaboration with other 17 coworkers.​
Ø The foundation was originally intended to
offer holistic rehabilitation services to prisoners
and drug addicts.​
Ø Bedi started Vision Foundation in 1994 whose
main aim was to reform the Indian incarceration
KIRAN Ø Bedi specifically aimed at addressing the level

BEDI CAREER of crime in Indian jails which mostly entailed

individuals deviating from the country’s outlined

CONT.… criminal law Sheeren, 2023, chapter 1,

paragraph, 2).

Spiritual practice: she emphasized on encouraging criminals and

spiritual well-being (Bharti, 2018, p. 473).

Self-governance: She formed various committees that dealt with

various issues in the jail including food management,
educational activities, sports activities, and medical services.

Educational process: she introduced literacy programme that

started at 9 a.m. and ended at 11 a.m.

Vocational training: She established Jamia Milia university,

Shramik Vidyapith, and State Resource Centre
REFORMS AT Disciplined life: Bedi
De-addition drive: She
ensured that prisoners lived
TIHAR JAIL a disciplined life by
introduced a comprehensive
plan to control demand and
introducing morning literacy
supply of drugs within the
CONT.… activities and evening sports
(Bharti, 2018, p. 474).

Awareness on disease
Medical services: She prevention: she introduced
introduced mobile compulsory things like
dispensary and ensured that cutting nails, wearing clean
doctors took rounds. clothes, and daily bathing
(Bharti, 2018, p. 476).
community policing

 • Concept:
 Community policing is the approach that promotes
 cooperation with the community and involves active
 cooperation in solving certain issues.
 • Kiran Bedi’s Role:
 The relationships built and maintained included
 neighborhood meetings, policing and public collaboration as
 well as community advisory boards.
 She was consequently able to reign in the crime levels and
 increase the confidence of the public in the police forces.
 • Impact:
 The crime opportunities were decreased significantly and
 communities were made safe by strategies designed by Bedi
 who worked as a “capable guardian”.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

and Awards
 Achievements and Awards:
 • Professional Milestones:
 First female recruit in Indian Police Service (IPS) batch of 1972.
 Served as the Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry from May 5,
 2006 - February 11, 2007.
 • Awards:
 2.
 Ramon Magsaysay Award (1994): Accomplishments best known for her administrative abilities as well as for prison reform.
 United Nations Medal 120041: For her service as a civilian police adviser To speak about the work on the level of a specific organization
one has to mention:
 President's Gallantry Award: To Police officials. personnel for their Excellent performance in Indian
 Police
 • Social Activism:
 India Vision Foundation: Addresses issues such as prisoner reform and development and women.
 Host of "Aap Ki Kachehri": A human interest docu-series focused on hosting a mediation for people with conflicts (Hassan & Lett, 2023).
Her contribution towards criminology

She used restorative justice; she believed in the rehabilitation of


Helped them by establishing different programs, therapy sessions

She also found out what the actual cause of crime or, in particular,
criminal behaviour is.

Influence of thoughts and feelings on a person

Her contribution towards
criminology, Cont’d

She was the first woman

She also applied the law
She gave a parking ticket in the Indian police
enforcement act as a
to the late Prime Minister service, and her efforts
result of punishment or
Indira Gandhi, despite towards women's
reward to see a decrease
her status. empowerment plays an
in the number of crimes.
important role.
 Bedi, K. (2009). I Dare: Revised and Enlarged Edition. New Delhi, India:
Sterling Publishers Private Limited.

 Bharti, R. (2018). Transforming A Hell Into Ashram: Kiran Bedi’s

Contribution In Reforming Tihar Jail. Journal of Emerging Technologies
and Innovative Research, Volume 5, Issue 11.

 CNA. (2012, October 28). Interview - Kiran Bedi [Video]. YouTube.

Ø Hassan, S., & Lett, D. (2023). Introduction to Criminology.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

 Sheeren, H. (2023). Introduction To Criminology. Pressbooks.

 The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. Kiran Bedi: Indian activist.

 Who Towed Indira Gandhi's Car? What Kiran Bedi Said to NDTV. (n.d.).
Thank you

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