Tracy Bhoola Introduction Lesson To The The UNs Sustainable Development Goals

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Introduction to the SDGs in YUB

T. Bhoola 2021
Think, Pair,
* What are some of the biggest problems
faced by people in your community, your
* For example: poverty

* First, think on your own, then discuss

with a partner and then share with the
Here are some of the biggest
problems in our community…
Let’s make a list…
+ Too much population (over populated)
+ No access/use of electricity for some- government limits in place (use is time limited)
+ Wealth gap between East and West
+ Society, tech cannot develop
+ Not enough places (homes) for people to live
+ Government changes- politics, political parties
Possible Answers for Biggest Problems

• Poverty • Inequality between countries • Hunger • Poor health and disease • Dirty water • Lack of sanitation
• Poor education – some children can’t go to school • Low-paying and not enough jobs
• Low economic growth – countries do not earn enough money to pay for everything their people need
• Gender inequality – men and women are treated differently and not given the same opportunities
• War, fighting and instability • People don’t feel safe • Violence between people • Corruption and injustice
• No respect for human rights • Countries never work together or agree on anything
• Not enough energy for everyone to live comfortably • Weak infrastructures, poor technology and communications
• Un-safe towns and cities • Unsustainable cities that consume more than the world can produce
• There’s too much wastage of resources and not enough re-cycling • Climate change • Polluted seas and oceans
• Damaged habitats • We have limited access to technology and expensive mobile phones and computers
• People don’t feel they are protected properly • Population growth • Obesity
• Racism • Breakdown of communities
What are the SDGs?
* There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals
* Adopted by UN Member States in 2015 with a plan for peace and
prosperity for people and the planet now and into the future
* Each goal has a theme. For example, poverty, climate, water,
* This is an urgent call for action by all countries in a global
Problems + SDG Goals

* Which of the problems that you identified earlier match with

which goal?

* Take a look at the Global Goals grid and make your matches and
then write them down
Why Should We Learn About the
* We can learn about the world outside of our homes,
communities, countries
* We can be active partners in the world we live in
* We can learn empathy, compassion
* We can learn about challenges people around the world face
* We can take action and we can make changes to make a
How Have We Included the SDGs
in YUB T1?
* Listening Textbook * In the News Presentations
* Student choice topics
* Reading Textbook
* Topics such as technology, business, * Listening Group Project
human rights, health, health science * Listening Reports
* Reading Reports and Final * Topics such as education, human rights,
technology, Hyperdocs (food sustainability)
* Mental Health and Well-being and * Speaking presentations
Climate change * Socratic Seminars
Let’s Explore the SDGs
* With a partner(s), refer to 1 problem you identified earlier and the
SDG that matched
* Then, on Moodle find the corresponding page or link for that
Sustainable Goal
* Read the SDG page and make notes. Feel free to search online for
more information related to your chosen goal
* Present the main ideas with supporting details to the class
* We will have 1 Sustainable Goal per group

* This link will take students to a page for each goal. Starting with 1 End
poverty in all its forms everywhere.
* Students will see “Related Topics” and “Overview” and “Targets and
Indicators” and “Progress and Info”
* Then students can click on “next” to advance to the next goal
Other helpful links click on the goal to

“flip” the card over and read more - click to read why each goal

Present Your SDG
* 15-20 minutes per group
* Create 3-4 slides
* Give the name and number of your goal
* Main ideas
* Supporting details
* 1-3 image(s) that represent the goal
* THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2021, from
* The world's largest lesson. The World's Largest Lesson. (2021, September 22). Retrieved October
20, 2021, from

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