RP-RH Bill (Salient Features) As of November 2011

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The Responsible

Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development Bill

House Bill No. 4244 Senate Bill No. 2865


What is Responsible Parenthood?

The ability and will of parents to plan and provide for the needs and welfare of all the members of the family

What is Reproductive Health?

RH is the state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system at all stages of life.

Reproductive Health implies

that people have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so; that people are able to have a satisfying, safe, and responsible sex life; that men and women can exercise the right to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, affordable, and legal methods of family planning of their choice, and the right to appropriate health-care services that enable women to safely go through pregnancy and childbirth.

Why do we need a national Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Policy?

To prevent mothers from dying during pregnancy and child birth

11 mothers are dying everyday (162 mothers dying annually per 100,000 live births)

74% of childbirths among poorest women delivered without skilled birth attendants (NDHS,

To prevent unintended pregnancies and to have a universal access to RH info and services

TH E R EALITY Filipino women have one child more than they wanted (3.3 actual children vs 2.4 wanted number of children) NDHS, 2008 22% of women have unmet need for FP with highest proportion among the poor women (28%) NDHS,

To prevent unintended pregnancies and to have a universal access to RH info and services

Only 22% of all women and 34% of married women are using modern contraceptives (NDHS,


To prevent abortion

An estimated of 473,000 abortions occur annually

(Guttmacher Study, 2009)

One-third of women experiencing unintended pregnancy ends in abortion (Guttmacher

Study, 2009)

To prevent early pregnancies

TH E R EALITY 23% of young adults (15-24) experienced pre-marital sexual activity (YAFS3) By age 20, one-fourth of teenager have begun childbearing
(NDHS, 2008)

To avoid the negative impact of too many children on poor families

TH E R EALITY The population will reach the 100M mark by 2012 due to slow decline in population growth rate (2.04%2000-2007) (NSO)


The population remains young due to high fertility (TFR of 3.3 children) especially among the poorest group (5.2 children)
NDHS 2008

Families with too many children are less able to provide for the
education, health, and basic needs of the children and couples
(PIDS, 2006)

To have a stable

1972-1986 (Marcos): FP and population control as development strategy 1986-1992(Aquino): FP as part of social welfare and of health;
1992-1998 (Ramos): Population Management programs under the Population-ResourcesEnvironment; adoption of ICPD principles, introduction of RH concept

population policy

To have a stable

1998-2000 (Estrada): FP to help the poor; FP in national budget; Series of Administrative Orders for RH
2001- 2010 (Arroyo): NFP-only policy at the national level, comprehensive RH delegated to LGUs, MNCHN, Safe Motherhood Projects 2010 present (Aquino): Aquino Health Agenda, Responsible Parenthood and Informed Choice; Presidential Directive to continue the conduct of RP seminars, in

population policy

To have a stable

population policy

Without a national policy on reproductive health (RH), addressing the RH needs of women and men are subjected to:
Fragmented and unsustainable programs; Unfavorable political environment (e.g. the case of the City of Manila and the Bgy. Ayala, Alabang Ordinance, among others)

The Five-Point Position of PNoy on Responsible Parenthood

I am against abortion. I am in favor of giving couples the right to choose how best to manage their families so that in the end, their welfare and that of their children are best served. The State must respect each individuals right to follow his or her conscience and religious convictions on matters and issues pertaining to the unity of the family and the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death. In a situation where couples, especially the poor and disadvantaged ones, are in no position to make an informed judgment, the State has the responsibility to so provide. In the range of options and information provided to couples, natural family planning and modern methods

Reproductive Health (RH) bill in Congress through the years

2001-2004: HB 4110 The Reproductive Health Care Agenda Act of 2001 2004-2007: HB 3773 The Responsible Parenthood And Population Management Act of 2005 2007-2010: HB 5043 The Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008 2010-2013: HB 4244 The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development Act of 2011

The RP/RH/

(HB 4244 & SB 2865)

Declared Policy
Guarantee the exercise of human rights including reproductive rights

Guarantee gender equity, equality, and women empowerment

Guarantee universal access to medically-safe, legal, affordable, effective, and quality RH information and services

Eradicate discriminatory practices, laws, and policies that infringe on a persons exercise of RH rights

The Act shall be guided by the following principles

Freedom of choice

Respect and promotion of reproductive rights especially of the poor

Ensuring maternal health, birth of healthy children, full human development and responsible parenting through RH care Enabling couples and individuals to decide and achieve their desired number and spacing of their children based on their capacities

The Act shall be guided by the following principles

Equitable allocation and utilization of resources Provision of RH care as joint responsibility of national and local government

Active participation of NGOs and civil society

Upholding the existing law on abortion and provision of humane, non-judgmental, and compassionate treatment of women needing care for post-abortion complications

What are the proposed measures:

1. Establishment of comprehensive RH Care Program (to include all RH elements)
FP information and services Maternal, infant, and child health and nutrition Prevention of abortion and management of its complication Adolescent and youth reproductive health Prevention and management of STIs, HIV/AIDS Elimination of VAWC Education and counseling on sexuality and RH Treatment of breast cancers and other

What are the proposed measures:

2. Employment of Midwives to ensure Skilled Birth Attendance (1 full time Skilled Birth Attendant for every 150 deliveries) 3. Provision of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care in provinces and cities (1 CEMONC and 4 BEMONC for every 500,000 population) 4. Provision of access to full range of FP methods (natural and artificial) in all accredited facilities

Proposed Measures:
5. Provisions of Maternal and Newborn Health Care in crisis situations

6. Conduct of Annual Maternal Death Review

7. Making safe, effective, and legal family planning products and supplies part of the National Drug Formulary 8. Integrating responsible parenthood and FP concerns in Anti-Poverty Programs, with corresponding fund support

Proposed Measures:
9. Provision of maximum benefits under the PhilHealth program for all serious and life threatening reproductive health conditions such as HIV and AIDS, breast and reproductive tract cancers, and obstetric complications 10.Provision of Mobile Health Care Services in every district to be procured from national fund 11.Pre-marriage counseling for would-becouples

Proposed Measures:
11.Age-appropriate sexuality and RH education from Grade 6 to 4th Year High School
The Bill does not provide for sex education but education on sexuality and reproductive health Age-appropriate means only information relevant to the age of the students

12.Capacity-building of barangay health workers including strengthening of local population offices 13.Conduct of multi-media campaign on RP, RH and POPDEV

Prohibited Acts (1)

1. By Health Care Service Providers who:
withhold information or restrict dissemination and intentionally provide incorrect on RH programs and services refuse to perform legal and medicallysafe RH care and services.

refuse to extend quality care and services and information on account of marital status, gender, sexual orientation , age, religion, etc. (patient should be

Prohibited Acts (2)

2. By Public Officials
restrict legal and medically-safe RH care and services, including family planning.

3. By Employers
Require an employee or applicant to submit to sterilization as a condition for continued employment

Imprisonment of one (1) to six (6) months or a fine from P10,000 P50,000 or both (imprisonment of fine) subject to the discretion of the court

Amounts appropriated in the current annual GAA for RH and FP under the DOH and POPCOM will be used for the initial implementation of the law. Additional funds be included in subsequent GAA.

Latest Amendments by the Authors

Section Section 15 Original Provision Mobile Health Care Service (MHCS) the purchase of shall be funded from the PDAF of each congressional district Amendment Said phrase is changed to the procurement of which shall be funded by the National Government

Section 16

Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education

Ideal Family Size

Additional provision: Parents may opt their children out of the reproductive health and sexuality education.
The entire section is deleted to avoid source of misinformation on two-child policy The paragraph on mandating employers who have 200 employees to provide RH services as per Article 134 of the LCP is deleted a because this is just a reiteration of an existing law

Section 20

Section 21

Employers Responsibilities

Latest Amendments by the Authors

Section Section 28 Original Provision Prohibited Acts Refuse to perform legal and medically-safe reproductive health procedures on any person of legal age on the ground of lack of third party consent or authorization. Amendment Apply principle of conscientious objection in Section 28(a)(2). Insert Provided, that, the conscientious objection of a healthcare service provider based on his/her ethical or religious beliefs shall be respected; however, the conscientious objector shall immediately refer the person seeking such care and services to another healthcare service provider within the same facility or one which is conveniently accessible who is willing to provide the requisite information and services.

Latest Amendments by the Authors

Section Original Provision Amendment

Section 28

Prohibited Acts This paragraph is deleted Any person who maliciously engages in disinformation about the intent or provisions this Act.
Penalties Delete last sentence An offender who is an alien shall, after service of sentence, be reported immediately without further proceedings by the Bureau of Immigration.

Section 29

Some contentious issues

The Bill is antilife (promotes the culture of death)

The actual intent & content of the Bill

The Bill is pro-quality life. It aims to enable couples and families to have the number and timing of children they want and can provide for their welfare.

The Bill promotes abortion

The Bill actually aims to prevent abortion by empowering women and couples to avoid unintended and unwanted pregnancy which is a major cause of abortion. Family planning methods do not abort life as they actually prevent fertilization and conception (no life is conceived, thus, no abortion).

Some contentious issues

Misinformation The actual intent & content of the Bill The Bill The Bill seeks to enable the couples dictates upon and individuals to exercise their right to the fertility decide on the number and timing of decisions of their children by providing all range of couples (e.g. information and services number of children) The Bill espouses informed choice and respects the decision of the couples

Some contentious issues

Misinformation The actual intent & content of the Bill The Bill promotes The Bill aims to enable adolescents to be sexual promiscuity more responsible in their sexuality and among reproductive decisions by providing them adolescents adequate and age-appropriate, relevant, and values-laden information on ASRH

The Bill also aims to capacitate parents to enable them to guide their children in issues and matters of sexuality and reproductive health

Some contentious issues

Misinformation The Bill is a population control measure The actual intent & content of the Bill The Bill prohibits demographic targeting. It is all about enabling couples to achieve a fertility decision that is based on their capacity to provide for the welfare of their family. By doing so, a quality human resource (i.e. healthy, educated, skilled) that could contribute to socio-economic development is more likely to be ensured The Bill does not impose any number of children among couples (the Bill does not promote a two-child policy as it is against reproductive rights)

Some contentious issues

Misinformation The actual intent & content of the Bill
The Bill promotes The country has a very young population demographic due to high fertility. As such, the winter or the population will continue to grow because ageing of of population momentum (the future population parents are already born)

This scenario will not happen in the country in the near future because of the countrys young population

Some contentious issues

Misinformation The Bill blames over population as the direct cause of poverty The actual intent & content of the Bill The Bill implies that poverty or poor economic condition is exacerbated or aggravated by large family size (i.e. the capacity of families to provide for their welfare is affected by the number of their children).

Corruption and not The Bill does not imply that over population over population alone is the cause of poverty. Corruption is is the cause of indeed a root cause of poverty but over poverty population also greatly influence socioeconomic conditions (e.g. too many dependents diminishes savings and investments). Both population issues and corruption should be addressed squarely.

The MDGs, particularly the eradication of poverty and hunger, cannot be achieved if questions of population and reproductive health are not squarely addressed
(Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary General)

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