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In human society, the most basic job is education, and the person who carries out
this mission is a teacher. The work of a teacher refers to any efforts that are made to
guide, develop, and educate a person. It is according to this definition that prophets
are called human teachers. Parents and other family members also have a teacher
role compared to the younger ones. But in naming the different classes that have
taken on the task of education, only one group is called a teacher; that is, those who
undertake the mission of educating our children from childhood and primary
education to youth and higher education.
Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aimed to determine the job satisfaction and teaching practices of
Islamic Studies and Arabic Language (ISAL) teachers in public elementary schools in Datu Piang, Maguindanao Del
Specifically, this research study was designed to answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of job satisfaction of the respondents, in terms of:

1. Management;

2. Supervision;

3. Co-workers;

4. Communication; and,

5. Salary?
2. What is the level of job satisfaction of the respondents, in terms of:

1. Management;

2. Supervision;

3. Co-workers;

4. Communication; and,

5. Salary?

3. What are the teaching practices of ISAL teachers in terms of:

6. Instruction;

7. Lesson Planning;

8. Classroom management;

9. Resource Management;

10.Assessment and evaluation; and,

11.Technology Integration?

4. What are the challenges encountered by the respondents as ISAL teachers?

5. What are the suggestions and recommendations to improve the performance of ISAL teachers?

Independent Variable Dependent Variable


•Management •Instruction
•Supervision •Lesson Planning
•Co-worker •Classroom Management
•Communication •Resource Management
•Salary •Assessment and Evaluation
•Technology Integration

•Civil Status
•Highest Educational Attainment

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework Showing the Relationship of Variables of the Study
Research Design

This study used a descriptive method design. Part of the study such as the level of satisfaction
and the teaching practices of Islamic and Arabic Language (ISAL) are presented descriptively.

Locale of the Study

This research was conducted in public elementary schools of Datu Piang, Maguindanao Del Sur
Respondents of the Study

The respondents were the ISAL teachers in public elementary schools of Datu
Piang, Maguindanao Del Sur.

Number of Respondents

Datu Gumbay Piang Central Elementary School


Masigay Elementary School 2

Dado Elementary School 6

Duaminanga Elementary School 4

Montay Elementary School 1

Balanaken Primary School 2

Kalipapa Primary School 1

Ambadao Primary School 2

Kanguan E. Uy Central Elemtary School 7

Reigna Regente Elementary School 3

Lintukan Elementary School 3

Damabalas Elementary School 3

Total 38
Data Gathering Instrument

This study utilized a research-made questionnaire as a means of collecting data for the research. It has V parts. Part l contains the

socio-demographic profile of the respondents, in terms of age, sex. The main questionnaire checklist, pedagogical skills,

communication, and classroom management. The second part II job Satisfaction, Part III Teaching practices. Part IV Challenges

Encountered of ISAL teacher Part V involves suggestions and recommendation how to improve the performance of ISAL education

in Maguindanao Del Sur.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the survey is conducted, consent from the Dean of Graduate Studies, Gani L. Abpi Colleges, Incorporated is

obtained. Permission is likewise secured from the Maguindanao Del Sur School Division Superintendent, District Supervisor, and

School Heads/Principal to allow the Islamic Studies and Arabic Language teachers to participate in this study.

The purpose of the study and the mechanics of the survey are properly explained to the respondents as well as to their

school heads.

 SOP 1:What is the demographic profile of the

ISAL teachers as respondents of this study, in
terms of:
 age;
 sex;
 civilstatus; and,
 highest educational attainment;
SOP 1 (1.1)



58% 11%



19& Up 20-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41& up

Figure 1. Pie Chart of the Age Profile of the Respondents

SOP 1 (1.2)




Male Female

Figure 2. Pie Chart of the Sex Profile of the Respondents

SOP 1 (1.3)
Civil Status
Separated Single
8% 3%


Single Married Separated

Figure 3. Pie chart of the Civil Status of the Respondents

SOP 1 (1.4)

24% Shariah

Arabic Shariah Tarbiyah Dawah

Figure 4. Pie Chart of the Educational Attainment of Islamic and Arabic Language Teachers

2. What is the level of job satisfaction of the respondents, in

terms of:
2.1 Management;
2.3 Supervision;
2.4 Co-workers;
2.5 Communication; and,
2.6 Salary?
SOP 2 (2.1)
Table 8. Level of Job Satisfaction of ISAL Teachers in terms of Management

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. There is effective communication 3.74 Satisfied

between the management and
ISAL teachers.

2. I am satisfied with the level of 3.74 Satisfied

support and guidance provided
by the management.

3. The management provides a 3.61 Satisfied

conducive and respectful work
environment for ISAL teachers.

4. I am satisfied with the 3.63 Satisfied

management decision-making
process regarding curriculum
and teaching materials.

5. I am satisfied with the 3.39 Neither

management's recognition and Satisfied nor
appreciation of the efforts and Dissatisfied
contributions of ISAL teachers.
Mean 3.62 Satisfied
SOP 2 (2.2)
Table 9. Level of Job Satisfaction of ISAL Teachers in terms of Supervision

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. I am satisfied with the frequency 3.71 Satisfied

and quality of supervision
provided by the immediate

2. I am satisfied with the level of 3.50 Neither

support and guidance provided by Satisfied nor
the immediate supervisor.

3. There is an observe effective 3.42 Neither

feedback and constructive Satisfied nor
criticism provided by the
immediate supervisor.

4. I am satisfied with the level of 3.71 Satisfied

trust and professionalism
displayed by my co-workers.

5. There is an observed availability 3.47 Neither

and accessibility of immediate Satisfied nor
supervisor for addressing concern
and queries.
Mean 3.56 Satisfied
SOP 2 (2.3)
Table 10. Level of Job Satisfaction of ISAL Teachers in terms of Co-Workers

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. There is cooperation and teamwork 3.79 Satisfied

among my co-workers.

2. I am satisfied with the level of support 3.63 Satisfied

and collaboration I receive from my co-

3. There is an effective form of 3.58 Satisfied

communication and information
shared with my co-workers.

4. I am satisfied with the level of respect 3.68 Satisfied

and professionalism displayed by my

5. There is collaboration and support in 3.63 Satisfied

addressing challenges and solving
problems with my co-workers.
Mean 3.66 Satisfied
SOP 2 (2.4)
Table 11. Level of Job Satisfaction of ISAL Teachers in terms of Communication

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. There is an observed effective 3.68 Satisfied

communication between the
management and ISAL teachers.

2. I am satisfied with the clarity and 3.74 Satisfied

frequency of communication from
the management regarding policies,
procedures, and expectations.

3. There is effective communication 3.68 Satisfied

between ISAL teachers and students.

4. I am satisfied with the level of 3.68 Satisfied

support and guidance provided by
the management in improving my
communication skills as an ISAL

5. There is effective communication 3.63 Satisfied

among ISAL teachers within the
school or institution.
Mean 3.68 Satisfied
SOP 2 (2.5)
Table 12. Level of Job Satisfaction of ISAL Teachers in terms of Salary

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. I am satisfied with my current salary as 3.39 Neither Satisfied

an ISAL Teacher. nor Dissatisfied

2. There is transparency and fairness in the 3.50 Neither Satisfied

salary structure within my institution. nor Dissatisfied

3. I am satisfied with the salary increment 3.53 Satisfied

and promotion opportunities provided by
my institution.

4. My salary is competitive enough 3.50 Neither

compared to similar positions in other Satisfied nor
institutions. Dissatisfied

5. I am satisfied with the benefits and 3.49 Neither Satisfied

allowance provided in addition to your nor Dissatisfied
salary as an ISAL teacher.

Mean 3.39 Neither Satisfied nor


3. What are the teaching practices of ISAL teachers in terms of:

3.1 Instruction;
3.2 Lesson Planning;
3.3 Classroom management;
3.4 Resource Management;
3.5 Assessment and evaluation; and,
3.6Technology Integration?
SOP 3 (3.1)
Table 13. The Level of Teaching Practices of ISAL Teachers in Terms of Instruction

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. High level of integration of Islamic 3.61 Observed

values in the instructional practices of
your Islamic teacher.
2. Teachers incorporate Islamic values 3.21 Sometimes
and principles into the instructional observed
3. Teachers use the Qur’an as a source 3.26 Sometimes
of guidance and reference in classroom observed
4. Teachers encourage collaboration and 3.26 Sometimes
group work among students from Observed
diverse backgrounds.
5. immediate superiors are satisfied with 3.32 Sometimes
the instructional practices of ISAL Observed
Mean 3.33 Sometimes
SOP 3 (3.2)
Table 14. The Level of Teaching Practices of ISAL Teachers in Terms of Lesson

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. Lesson objectives align with Islamic 2.76 Sometimes

teaching. observed

2. Objectives are clearly stated and 2.97 Sometimes

understood by the students. observed

3. The lesson plan integrates Islamic 3.24 Sometimes

values and principles. observed

4. Ethical considerations are emphasized 3.39 Sometimes

throughout the lesson. observed

5. The lesson plan includes an 3.21 Sometimes

introduction, main activities, and observed
Mean 3.11 Sometimes
SOP 3 (3.3)
Table 15. The Level of Teaching Practices of ISAL Teachers in Terms of
Classroom Management

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. The teacher effectively maintains a 3.29 Sometimes

positive and respectful classroom observed
2. Islamic values are integrated 3.27 Sometimes
seamlessly into classroom management observed

3. The teacher handles disciplinary 3.18 Sometimes

issues consistently and fairly. observed

4. The classroom rules are 2.92 Sometimes

communicated and understood by observed

5. The teacher encourages active student 2.82 Sometimes

participation and engagement. observed

Mean 3.09 Sometimes
SOP 4 (3.4)
Table 16. The Level of Teaching Practices of ISAL Teachers in Terms of Resource

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. The teacher effectively utilizes 2.87 Sometimes
instructional material to enhance observed

2. Islamic resources, such as Qur’anic 3.26 Sometimes

materials and Islamic literature, are observed
integrated into the lesson.

3. The teacher efficiently organizes and 3.24 Sometimes

manages classroom resources. observed

4. Resources are distributed equitably 2.87 Sometimes

among students. observed

5. The teacher creatively adapts 3.24 Sometimes

resources to meet diverse learning observed

Mean 3.09 Sometimes
SOP 5 (3.5)
Table 17. The Level of Teaching Practices of ISAL Teachers in Terms of
Assessment and Evaluation

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. The teacher provides clear 3.29 Sometimes

assessment criteria for assignments and observed
2. Islamic values are integrated into the 3.03 Sometimes
assessment method used by the teacher. observed

3. Assessments effectively measure 3.16 Sometimes

students’ understanding of Islamic observed
4. Feedback on assessments is 2.97 Sometimes
constructive and helps students observed
5. The teacher uses a variety of 2.89 Sometimes
assessment methods to cater to different observed
learning styles.
Mean 3.06 Sometimes
SOP 3 (3.5)
Table 18. The Level of Teaching Practices of ISAL Teachers in Terms Of
Technology Integration

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. The teacher effectively integrates 2.47 Not

technology tools to enhance Islamic Observed
2. Islamic educational software and apps 2.50 Not
are used appropriately in the classroom. Observed

3. The teacher encourages students to 2.68 Sometimes

use technology for research related to observed
Islamic studies.
4. Technology is employed to facilitate 2.61 Sometimes
collaborative learning among students. observed

5. The teacher effectively navigates 2.53 Sometimes

online resources to enrich Islamic observed
Mean 2.55 Sometimes

4. What are the challenges encountered by the respondents as ISAL teachers?

Table 19. Challenges Encountered by ISAL Teachers

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. Difficulties in integrating technology 3.63 Challenged

into your Islamic lessons.
2. Difficulties in managing classroom 3.53 Challenged
behavior consistent with Islamic
3. Difficulties encountered challenges in 3.79 Challenged
finding and using appropriate Islamic
teaching resources.
4. Difficulties in effectively assessing and 3.71 Challenged
evaluating students of Islamic concepts.

5. Difficulties aligning your instructional 3.68 Challenged

methods with diverse learning styles.
6. Difficulties in managing and 3.45 Moderately
organizing classroom resources Challenged
7. Difficulties in maintaining a positive 3.76 Challenged
and inclusive learning environment in
line with Islamic values.
8. Difficulties in balancing workload and 3.50 Moderately
maintaining job satisfaction. Challenged
Mean 3.63 Challenged

5. What are the suggestions and recommendations to improve the performance of ISAL
Table 19 below shows the Suggestions and recommendations to improve the teaching

performance of ISAL teachers in public elementary schools in Datu Piang, Maguindanao Del

Suggestion Rank
1. More trainings and seminars 1

2. Salary Increase 2

3. Reward and Incentives 3

4. Improvement of Instruction and

Supervision 4

5. Conducive Workplace 5
Summary and Findings

1. On this age profile of the teachers as respondent of this study:

1.1 Fifty-eight percent (58%) or more than one-half (½) of the respondents have

ages ranging from 41 years old and above while eighteen percent (18%) or more

than one-fourth (¼) of them were 19 years old or below. In addition, eleven

percent (11) or less than one-fourth (¼) of them were 26 to 30 years old. On the

other hand, five percent (5%) or less than (1/8) of them were the same 20 to 25

years old and 31 to 35 years old, while three percent (3%) the smallest

percentage were 36 to 40 years old.

1.2 The distribution suggests that most of the teachers had ages ranging from 41

years old and above.

2. On the sex profile of the respondents:

2.1 Sixty-one percent (61%) of the respondents were males while thirty-nine (39%)

were females.

2.2 This means that the majority of the teachers were males.

3. On the civil status of the respondents:

3.1 Eighty-nine percent (89%) or more than three-fourths (¾) of respondents were

married eight percent (8%) or less than (¼) were separated and three percent (3%) or

less than (1/8) were single.

3.2 This means that the majority of the teachers who were respondents to this study were

4. On the highest educational attainment of the respondents

4.1 Sixty-one percent (61%) or more than (2/3) of the respondents have the highest

educational attainment of Tarbiyah while twenty-four percent (24%) or more than (¼)

were taken of Dawah. On the other hand, eleven percent (11%), or (¼) of them hold

Arabic while five percent (5%), or less than (1/8) of them hold Shariah.

4.2 This means that the majority of the teachers were Tarbiyah

5. On the Level of job satisfaction

5.1 Job satisfaction in terms of management has a mean of

3.62 which can be interpreted as “satisfied”

5.2 Job satisfaction in terms of supervision has a mean of 3.62

Which can be interpreted as “satisfied”

5.3 Job satisfaction in terms of co-workers has a mean of 3.66

Which can be interpreted as “satisfied”

5.4 Job satisfaction in terms of communication has a mean of

3.68 which can be interpreted as “satisfied”

5.5 Job satisfaction in terms of salary has a mean of 3.49

Which can be interpreted as “neither satisfied nor satisfied
6. On the teaching practices

6.1 Teaching practices in terms of instruction have a mean of

3.33 which can be interpreted as “sometimes observed”

6.2 Teaching practices in terms of lesson planning of 3.11

Which can be interpreted as “sometimes observed”

6.3 Teaching practices in terms of classroom management has a mean of 3.09

which can be interpreted as “sometimes

6.4 Teaching practices in terms of resource management has

A mean of 3.09 which can be interpreted as “sometimes


6.5 Teaching practices in terms of assessment and evaluation

Has a mean of 3.06 which can be interpreted as “sometimes


6.6 Teaching practices in terms of technology integration

Has a mean of 2.55 which can be interpreted as “sometimes

7. On the Challenges Encountered by the ISAL Teachers

7.1 On the Challenges Encountered by the ISAL Teachers Has

mean 3.63 which can be interpreted as “challenged”

8. Suggestions and Recommendations to Improve the Teaching Performance of ISAL


8.1 Suggestion and Recommendation to Improve the Teaching Performance of ISAL

Teacher More Training and Seminar,Salary Increase, Reaward Incentives, Imoprovement of

Instruction and Supervision, Conducive Workplace.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions are hereby formulated :

 Most of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language teachers in public

elementary school who were respondents of the study were above 41 years
old, the majority were males. However, result showed that the male and
female teaching practices were the same level.
 That different school administration may have their own unique
approaches to motivate teachers based on their specific needs.
 The ISAL teacher are little satisfied in their preset job, salary, and

Based on the conclusion drawn the following recommendation are hereby proposed:

 The school Administration must encourage their teachers to grow professionally through
Training and Seminar.
 The school Administration will boast the interest of ISAL teacher to perform duties and
responsibilities in school.
 School Administration and teachers should work together or listen to one another inputs
so there is a smooth implementation of the set objectives.
 It is very important to be motivated in any activities for teachers and the benefits the
whole administration in school.
 The sense of quality and standards of education are strongly associated with the quality and

effectiveness of its ISAL teachers.The MBHTE-BARMM must look on its implementation especially

on teachers. The basis of its standard should be creatively developed, not only conferring marginal

scholarship but also offering just inducement to everyone. There should also be an upgrading of

the quality of teaching profession by increasing teacher incentives, more frequent trainings

especially during deployment of a new curriculum, and establishing better facilities on education

in public elementary schools in Datu Piang, Maguindanao Del Sur.

 Further studies shall be conducted to validate the findings of the study.

Thank You..

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