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Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian
surat dan dapat membuat sebuah surat
lamaran kerja
A letter of application, also known as a
cover letter, 
is a document sent with your resume to
provide additional information on your
skills and experience.

An application letter typically provides

detailed information on why are you are
qualified for the job you are applying for
Jl Museum Raya No. 3
Jakarta 10002

January 15, 2018

Mrs. Claudis Dresden

Mills Real estate ltd
14 jln. Cassava Raya
Jakarta 12001

Dear Madame,

I would like to apply for the post of secretary that Mills Real Estate advertised in today’s Jakarta Times.

As you can see in my curriculum vitae, my education and work experience as personal secretary have given me
excellent secretarial skills.

I enclose my curriculum vitae and would be glad to meet you for an interview any day after 4 February.

I look forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully

Linda R. Smith

Enc: Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth : May 5, 1980
Age : 37
Nationality : Indonesia
Home address : 3 Jl. Museum Raya Jakarta 10002
Marital status : Married
Education : Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior
High School, International Secretarial College
Indonesia secretarial Institute
Activities : College of Arts and Sciences Service Center
Work experience : 2000-2005 Personal Secretary to Sales Manager
of International Computer inc 2006-2008 Secretary to
Marketing Manager of Jakarta Television manufacturer
Skills : Typing, Word processor, Secretarial Procedures,
Shorthand, Commercial Correspondence
Reference : Forwarded upon request
Interest : Photography, Coordinating social events for
non-profit Modern dance
Language : Fluency in English and French
Part of Letter
• Inside address of sender
• Date line
• Inside address receiver
• Salutation
• Opening paragraph
• Content paragraph (body of letter)
• Closing paragraph
• Complementary close/signature ending
• Signature
• Name of sender
• Enclosure(optional)
Kind of Salutation
• Dear,
• Dear Sir/Madam
• Dear Sir,
• Dear Madam
Kinds of signature ending
• For formal letter • For informal letter;
– Yours sincerely – with love (with my
(sincerely yours) love)
– Yours truly (Truly – love
yours) – best love
– Yours faithfully – best regard
(faithfully yours) – Yours
– Best regard – All my love
– Best wishes
Opening Paragraph
I would like to apply for the post of…… in your company
I have seen your advertisement for a…… and would like to
apply for the post
In response to your advertisement in The Jakarta Times, I
would like to apply for the post of…….in your company.
With reference to your advertisement in Jakarta Post of….
I would like to be considered for the post of…….you
Having read your advertisement in The Jakarta Times
of……. I offer herewith my service for the post of.......
Having heard from a friend of mine who works for your
company that you need a……. I herewith take the liberty
of tendering my application.
Closing Paragraph
 I look forward to your reply
 I look forward to hearing from you
 I look forward to having your reply
 I would be glad to meet you for an interview and look
forward to having your response
 I look forward to an opportunity of an interview in your
 I would be very grateful if you would give me an
opportunity of an interview
 I would be grateful if you give me the opportunity to work
with you. I look forward to hearing from you.
 I would be willing to take a series of tests at any time. I am
sure you will take my qualifications into consideration. I
look forward to hearing from you soon.
The Jakarta Post, a leading English language daily newspaper, requires a qualified reporter.
The following qualifications are required:
Indonesia citizen
University degree
Good understanding of English, TOEFL score of at least 550
Able to operate a computer
Not more than 26 years old
Pleasing personality, highly motivated and dynamic
Willing to take a series tests

Please sent an application letter in English, a copy of current Curriculum Vitae, photocopy of
identification card, photocopy of diploma, photocopy of TOEFL score, sample of writing in
English, and a recent passport-sized photography, to

Human Resources Manager

The Jakarta Post
P.O. BOX 85 Palmerah, Jakarta, 11001

Application should reach us before March 12, 2017

Jln Syech Mudawali No. 25
Kel Hulu, Tapaktuan
Aceh Selatan

January 1, 2018
Human Resources Manager
The Jakarta Post
P.O. BOX 85 Palmerah
Jakarta 11001

Dear Sir,
I would like to apply for the post of a reporter as mentioned in your advertisement in
The Jakarta Post on January 30, 2018. I am female and 29 years of age. I am still single. I
have two years experience as a freelance reporter. I am very eager to improve my career
since I realize that being a reporter is something attractive. Many people say that my
English is good. I spent 2 years on finishing my advanced diploma in Australia and I have
been operating a computer since I was in secondary school. I feel that I’m an easy going,
dynamic person you are requiring, and looking for challenges.
I enclose all the documents you asked for and I would be willing to take a series of tests
any time. I would be grateful if you give me the opportunity to work with you. I look forward
to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Putri Aura Uzhiya

Jln Pang Daud No. 20
Ujung Tanah, MAnggeng
ABDYa, 23762

February 20, 2017

Human Resources Manager
The Jakarta Post
P.O. BOX 85, Palmerah
Jakarta, 11001

Dear Sir,
This is the reply to your advertisement in The Jakarta Post January 30, 2017.
I am a Indonesian citizen, male, married and age 26. I do not have a university degree
but I often travel abroad as an international guide. I am now working for tourist agency
and I am sure I have a good command of English. Using a computer is one of my daily
activities and I can work with excel, Microsoft Work and Access. As a guide, of course I
have a pleasant personality, energetic and can get along with a people well.
I would be willing to take a series of tests at any time. I am sure you will take my
qualifications into consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Deni Nasrullah
Jl Nyak Adam Kamil
Rt 2/20
Aceh Selatan 23110

February 1, 2018

Human Resources Manager

The Jakarta Post
P.O. BOX 85, Palmerah
Jakarta, 11001

Dear Sir,
I wish apply for the position that you advertised in The Jakarta Post, January 30, 2009. I am 26 years old, male and still single. I graduated
from Unsyiah, Banda Aceh, 4 years ago.

I have been teaching English in a private institution for 3 year and at the moment I begin to lose my interest in my job. I believe that being
a reporter is something more challenging and gives more chance to meet different people. I have always been told that I have a pleasant

Being energetic and dynamic, I can get on very well with other people. Operating a computer is not something new for me since I always
use one to produce my teaching materials.

If you wish to know more about me, you may contact Mr. Kent Smith (address and phone number are enclosed) who has given me
permission to use his name as my personal reference. With this letter, I also enclose all the requirement you asked and I would new
available for an interview at any time. I feel confident that you will not be disappointed if you decide to employ me.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing from you soon

Yours sincerely

Ghausil Madadi

Enc: All documents are required

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