Strategic Audit (Presentation)

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A Presentation on

The Strategic Management

Topic: Strategic audit

The Department of MBA

CMR institute of technology (Autonomous),

Submitted by :
M.Saikanth Reddy
Roll No : 22R01E0022
Strategy ,Strategic management, Audit, Strategic audit
 Strategy is a design plan to achieve long term objectives of an organisation.
 Strategic management is a set of management decisions and actions that
determines the long-run performance of a corporation. It includes
environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation and
evaluation and control to achieve the objectives of an organization.
 Audit: An official inspection of an organization's accounts, typically by an
independent body.
 A Strategic audit is an examination and evaluation of areas affected by the
operation of a strategic management process within an organization. 2
Why Strategic Audit:
• A strategic audit assesses your current business strategy, how suitable it is for your
business and whether your company is in position to execute the strategy.
• Performing a strategic audit on a regular basis is crucial to the success of the business,
as the strategy needs to constantly be taking into account market conditions and
How does a strategic audit work’s?

1. It Asks The Right Questions.

For example, “what business am I in?”, what the objectives of your company?
2. It Evaluates Your Current Strategy.
3. It Highlights Strategic Risks.
4. It Assesses The Need For Resource Changes.
5. Findings of the strategic audit will need to be implemented.
When should a strategic audit be used?

A successful strategic audit is beneficial to any company. It assesses various

aspects of a business and evaluates and determines the most appropriate
direction for the company to move toward in achieving its goals. Complete
a strategic audit utilizing six phases.
 Resource Audit
 Value Chain Analysis
 Core Competence Analysis
 Performance Analysis
 Portfolio Analysis
 SWOT Analysis 4
Dimensions for Conducting a Strategic Audit:

There are typically eight dimensions in formulating a unified, comprehensive, and

integrated set of decisions from a top-management perspective that attains organization
 Step 1: Situation Assessment
 Step 2: Strategic Managers
 Step 3: Environmental Scanning
 Step 4: Strategy Evaluation
 Step 5: Administrative Considerations
 Step 6: Action Planning
 Step 7: Implementation
 Step 8: Performance Evaluation and Control 5
Which companies are performing strategic audit in world:

Which companies are performing strategic audit in India:

Conclusion: :
 A strategic audit is an in-depth review to determine whether a company
is meeting its organizational objectives in the most efficient way.
 Additionally, it examines whether the company is utilizing its resources
fully. A successful strategic audit is beneficial to any company.
 Perform a strategic audit such as a Fresh Eyes Assessment at least
every two years. It is crucial to the success of your
business. Otherwise, you are leaving money on the table. External
factors such as market conditions change. Nowadays, external
conditions change faster than ever. 8

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