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Lucky Textile Mills Ltd.

By: Aisha Abu Bakar.

We are exhibiting!
Join us at A+A in Düsseldorf,
Germany on October 24th,2023 as
we disclose our exciting brand
promise, embodying our
dedication to sustainability,
innovation, and excellence. It's
not just a cosmetic makeover; it
signifies a groundbreaking
chapter in workwear solutions.
• Click here to explore more:

About Us
• Come to A+A connect with
our experts and be part of the
forefront in experiencing the
future. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquet eu mi quis
lacinia. Ut fermentum a magna ut.

• The picture is not attractive or eye-catchy. • Since we should know that the illustration or the picture should
• Low quality picture is illustrated. always be made engaging for the audience which quickly catches
their attention also the caption should always be enough pinpointed
• It looks overfull or overstuffed at the same time. or precise that the audience shouldn’t feel tired to bored while
• Low to no audience engagement. Which means a lot of people reading it while thinking it will cost their time.
haven’t viewed the post since it hasn’t reached to them.
• Moreover, there should always be a tagline/slogan since they are a
• Lastly, since the post was mainly for the people living in Germany key part to managing a successful brand strategy. Help your business
it was to gain their attention more than our locals. But it hasn’t grow by creating your own tagline and use it in highly visible areas
reached much attention. online and in print.
• The post or the activity engagement was less there is a need to
manage and increase the audience assurance towards any activity
that’s been taking place.

• Linked for the post mentioned

• Bombarded info in the picture attached with the po • Picture loaded with a lot of information can result in
boredom we know that visually appealing content that is
• Caption or the given knowledge is lengthy should go more People engage better with visual content because it's
according to the current trend. easier to understand, can tell a story and evoke emotions
more easily than written posts.
• And Few to low audience engagement.
• In todays advanced and fast-paced world people tends to
look for fast and quick things whether they are scrolling
through social media or is any other thing. Since the social
medias algorithm has changed to “IEEP” (Inspiration,
Entertainment, Education and Promotion)
• Audience need more engaging videos/reels that make them
stop and see instead of just seeing a post/picture and just
scroll down.

We know that it is the time of social media where everyone is on their phone learning new things exploring etc. It would be a great
honor for me to work on this PowerPoint presentation and I would also like to give a thanks to Ma’am Zakia for finding me enough
competent and giving me a chance for the correction since I know that
“We human learn from our mistakes and practice makes a man perfect”
I would like to give my suggestions as per what I’ve viewed and noticed thoroughly is that the post that have been posted on the
social media platform such as Facebook the desired information that they are trying to convey is good but certain things or elements
which viewers or the audience would find it attractive is missing therefore which shows or is likely to have fewer audience
engagement their likes/comments on some of the posts. The post should be made more impressive that inspire our audience which is
noticeable to larger group of people. In short audience engagement is top and foremost target. Secondly, the captions should be
brief and less time consuming while reading but should be imposing. It can be further enhanced if we work on it more accurately.



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